There has been much speculation regarding Square Enix’s upcoming livestream. However, a new post on Twitter from a notorious leaker suggests we could be getting some new Crisis Core or Final Fantasy 7: Remake content for all platforms.
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Final Fantasy 7 Upcoming Livestream
Recently, Square Enix announced that there will be a 10-minute livestream taking place on June 16, 2022. This livestream will celebrate the 25th anniversary of a widely beloved JRPG—Final Fantasy 7. The broadcast will take place at 6pm Eastern Time, and you can watch it via Square Enix’s YouTube or Twitch channels. Tetsuya Nomura, artist and writer of the original Final Fantasy 7 and director of Final Fantasy 7: Remake, stated, “At only around 10 minutes long, [the broadcast] will be short and sweet, but we have packed in lots of information, so I hope everyone can look forward to the unveiling.”

Contents of the Livestream
There has been a lot of speculation as to what we can expect to see during this livestream. The development of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part Two was first announced back in November 2019. Thus, many have assumed that Square Enix will finally share more details about the game during this upcoming event.
However, a new tidbit of information has surfaced, thanks to a notorious leaker on Twitter, The Snitch. Among other successful leaks, The Snitch leaked the details for Sony’s most recent State of Play before it aired earlier this month. Today on Twitter, the Snitch shared the following image:

The image above seems to show Zack and Aerith with Cloud cut out. This could potentially be a reference to Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7. However, in other locations, the image has been noted as a Final Fantasy 7 Remake shot, so the intent is unclear. You might also notice that above the image, we can see a blue, green, red, and black box. Though this isn’t explained, many are speculating that this could refer to which platforms the game in question might be coming to. The blue box would imply PlayStation, the green box for Xbox, the red box for Nintendo Switch, and the black box for PC.