Little Nightmares Wiki

Little Nightmares walkthrough hero image.

Little Nightmares is a puzzle-platformer horror adventure game developed by Tarsier Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. Released on April 28, 2017, the game is available on various platforms, including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows. It has since garnered critical acclaim and a dedicated fan base for its unique art style, intriguing narrative, and immersive gameplay.


In Little Nightmares, players assume the role of Six, a young girl dressed in a yellow raincoat, as she navigates through the eerie and dangerous world of the Maw. The gameplay is a seamless blend of puzzle-solving, platforming, and stealth mechanics, creating an immersive and challenging experience.

As a side-scrolling 2.5D game, Little Nightmares presents players with a series of interconnected rooms and environments, each filled with obstacles and puzzles that must be overcome to progress. The game’s puzzles often require players to interact with the environment, utilizing objects and their surroundings to solve problems and advance through the levels. This may involve moving crates, activating switches, or finding hidden paths to bypass hazards.

In addition to puzzles, the platforming aspect of the game tests players’ timing and reflexes, as they must jump, climb, and navigate through treacherous areas filled with pitfalls and other dangers. The game’s dynamic camera angles and depth of field create an immersive sense of space, making platforming both engaging and visually impressive.

Little Nightmares also incorporates stealth mechanics, requiring players to avoid the Maw’s grotesque and deadly inhabitants. Six must often hide in the shadows, crawl through tight spaces, or use cover to evade these monstrous creatures. Timing and careful observation of enemy patterns are essential, as a single misstep can result in Six’s capture and a swift end to the player’s progress.

The game’s combination of puzzle-solving, platforming, and stealth mechanics creates a unique and immersive gameplay experience, ensuring that players remain captivated and challenged throughout their journey in the unsettling world of the Maw.


Little Nightmares follows the harrowing journey of Six, a young girl trapped within the confines of the Maw, a mysterious and seemingly malevolent vessel. The game’s narrative is primarily told through environmental storytelling and visual cues, which allow players to gradually uncover the dark secrets hidden within the Maw as they progress.

Throughout her adventure, Six encounters various grotesque inhabitants, each with their own unique characteristics and unsettling behaviors. These monstrous creatures serve as both obstacles and a means of unraveling the underlying narrative, as players must carefully study their actions and patterns to overcome them and delve deeper into the Maw’s enigmatic nature.

As Six explores the nightmarish environment, players discover that the Maw is home to a series of sinister and twisted experiments. The vessel itself seems to be alive, feeding on the fears and suffering of its inhabitants. The deeper Six ventures into the Maw, the more she begins to question her own origins and the true purpose of her imprisonment.

While navigating the Maw, Six also uncovers disturbing scenes that hint at the fates of other children who have been captured by the vessel’s nightmarish denizens. As players piece together the scattered fragments of the story, they come to understand the true extent of the horror that permeates the Maw and the grim reality that awaits those who fail to escape its clutches.

Ultimately, Six’s journey is one of survival, resilience, and self-discovery, as she confronts the horrors of the Maw and faces her own darkest fears. The game’s haunting narrative, combined with its striking visual style and atmospheric setting, creates an unforgettable experience that stays with players long after they have completed their journey through the Maw.

Art and Design

Little Nightmares stands out in the realm of horror gaming, thanks in large part to its unique and haunting art style. This distinct aesthetic plays a crucial role in creating the game’s unsettling atmosphere and immersing players in the eerie world of the Maw.

The game’s environments are meticulously crafted, with each area of the Maw showcasing a different facet of its dark and twisted nature. The use of dim lighting and shadowy corners serve to create a sense of unease and tension, as players are never quite certain what may be lurking just out of sight. The art team has paid great attention to detail, ensuring that every object, texture, and surface contributes to the overall atmosphere and helps to tell the story of the Maw and its inhabitants.

One of the most striking aspects of Little Nightmares’ art and design is the distorted proportions of the game’s characters and environments. Six, the protagonist, is purposefully small and vulnerable, which accentuates the sense of danger and powerlessness felt by the player. The monstrous creatures she encounters are grotesque and exaggerated in their features, making them both terrifying and strangely fascinating.

Character design in Little Nightmares is particularly noteworthy, as each inhabitant of the Maw has a unique appearance that reflects their role within the vessel’s twisted ecosystem. From the long-armed Janitor to the grotesque Twin Chefs, these unsettling figures serve as both antagonists and visual representations of the dark themes that permeate the game’s narrative.

The game’s use of color is also significant, as it employs a muted and desaturated palette that further emphasizes the oppressive and sinister atmosphere of the Maw. The protagonist’s bright yellow raincoat stands out in stark contrast to the dreary surroundings, symbolizing her role as a beacon of hope and resistance in a world consumed by darkness.

Overall, the art and design of Little Nightmares come together to create a deeply immersive and visually arresting experience that is both chilling and unforgettable. The game’s unique aesthetic has been widely praised by critics and players alike, and it is an integral part of what makes Little Nightmares a standout title in the horror gaming genre.


Upon its release, Little Nightmares garnered positive reception from both critics and players for its unique blend of horror, puzzle-solving, and platforming elements. The game’s striking art style, immersive storytelling, and engaging gameplay were frequently praised, contributing to its reputation as a standout title in the horror gaming genre.

Critics lauded the game’s ability to create a genuinely unsettling atmosphere without resorting to cheap jump scares or excessive gore. The use of environmental storytelling and visual cues to convey the game’s narrative was particularly well-received, as it allowed players to piece together the story at their own pace and encouraged exploration and careful observation.

The game’s captivating art style and character design were frequently highlighted as key strengths, with many critics noting that the game’s distinctive aesthetic contributed significantly to its eerie and immersive atmosphere. The game’s unique presentation and strong visuals were praised for their ability to evoke a sense of dread and discomfort, making Little Nightmares a memorable and unsettling experience for players.

The gameplay, which seamlessly blends puzzle-solving, platforming, and stealth mechanics, was also well-regarded. Critics appreciated the balance between these different elements, noting that the game offered enough challenge to keep players engaged without becoming overly frustrating or repetitive.

While some critics noted that the game’s relatively short playtime and lack of replayability might be drawbacks for some players, the overall consensus was that the quality and impact of the experience more than made up for any perceived shortcomings.

Sequels and Expansions

Following the success of Little Nightmares, Tarsier Studios released a series of downloadable content (DLC) expansions, collectively referred to as “Secrets of the Maw.” These expansions provided players with additional story content and introduced a new playable character known as the Runaway Kid, who has his own parallel journey within the Maw.

The “Secrets of the Maw” DLC consists of three separate chapters: “The Depths,” “The Hideaway,” and “The Residence.” Each chapter presents new areas to explore, puzzles to solve, and enemies to evade while shedding more light on the Maw’s dark secrets and expanding upon the themes established in the main game. The Runaway Kid’s story also intersects with Six’s journey, offering players a different perspective on the events of Little Nightmares and deepening their understanding of the game’s narrative.

On February 11, 2021, Tarsier Studios released a sequel to Little Nightmares, titled “Little Nightmares II.” The sequel introduces a new protagonist named Mono, a young boy who wears a paper bag on his head, and expands upon the world and themes established in the original game. In Little Nightmares II, players join Mono as he ventures through a nightmarish cityscape filled with bizarre creatures and dangerous obstacles, seeking to uncover the source of a sinister transmission that is corrupting the world around him.

Six, the protagonist from the original game, returns in Little Nightmares II as an AI-controlled companion character. Players can interact with Six to solve puzzles, navigate the environment, and overcome challenges together. The sequel maintains the same blend of puzzle-solving, platforming, and stealth mechanics as its predecessor while introducing new gameplay elements and further refining the game’s distinctive art style and atmosphere.

In addition to the DLC expansions and sequel, another entry in the series, titled “Very Little Nightmares,” was released on April 26, 2019. Developed by Alike Studio and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, this mobile spin-off serves as a prequel to Little Nightmares. In Very Little Nightmares, players control a new character called the Girl in the Yellow Raincoat, who explores the mysterious Nest, an eerie mansion filled with dangerous traps and monstrous inhabitants. The game retains the core elements of puzzle-solving, platforming, and stealth mechanics, while adapting them to a touch-screen interface, making it accessible to players on iOS and Android devices.

Both the “Secrets of the Maw” DLC, Little Nightmares II, and Very Little Nightmares have been well-received by fans and critics alike, with many praising the expanded narrative, engaging gameplay, and the continued exploration of the game’s unique world and themes. The success of the original game and its subsequent expansions, sequel, and spin-off have cemented Little Nightmares as a highly regarded and influential series within the horror gaming genre.


Little Nightmares has left an indelible mark on the horror gaming genre since its release, establishing a legacy that continues to resonate with fans and inspire developers. The game’s unique blend of puzzle-solving, platforming, and stealth mechanics, paired with its unsettling atmosphere and captivating art style, has set it apart from other horror titles and garnered a dedicated following.

One of the most significant aspects of Little Nightmares’ legacy is its influence on the visual design and storytelling of horror games. The game’s innovative use of environmental storytelling, minimal dialogue, and visual cues to convey its narrative has been praised for its effectiveness in immersing players in the world and allowing them to gradually uncover the dark secrets hidden within the Maw. This approach has inspired other developers to experiment with similar techniques, leading to a new wave of horror games that prioritize atmosphere and environmental storytelling over traditional narrative structures.

Furthermore, the game’s distinctive art style, with its exaggerated proportions, eerie character designs, and muted color palette, has made a lasting impact on the genre. The unsettling atmosphere created by these visual elements has demonstrated the power of art and design in evoking fear and discomfort in players, setting a high standard for other horror titles to follow. As a result, Little Nightmares has paved the way for more games to adopt a stylized, visually-driven approach to horror.

The game’s legacy also extends to its gameplay mechanics, which have successfully combined puzzle-solving, platforming, and stealth elements in a way that keeps players engaged and challenged throughout their journey. This seamless integration of different gameplay styles has proven that horror games can offer more than simple jump scares and gore, inspiring developers to explore new ways to challenge and immerse players in their worlds.

Lastly, the success of Little Nightmares has led to the release of additional content, a sequel, and a mobile spin-off, all of which have expanded upon the game’s universe and themes while maintaining its core mechanics and distinct visual style. This expansion of the series has only served to further solidify its standing in the horror gaming genre, and its influence can be seen in a multitude of games that have been released since.