Hacked Cookie Clicker.

Cookie Clicker: All Cheats and How to Hack (Steam, PC, and Mac)

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

You can hack Cookie Clicker, the addictive cookie-clicking game, greatly increasing your resources and improving overall efficiency. The way you hack Cookie Clicker depends on which browser you’re using. Here’s how to hack Cookie Clicker and input the cheat codes.

Table Of Contents

    How to Hack Cookie Clicker (Every Browser and OS)

    If you’re playing the browser version of Cookie Clicker, you’ll need to open the dev console in the browser. Here’s how you can open it on each browser type or operating system.

    BrowserCommand (Windows)Command (Mac)
    Google ChromeControl+Shift+JCommand+Option+J
    Microsoft EdgeF12F12

    Click the “Console” tab, input the cheat you would like to use, and then press Enter to execute the code.

    Enter code in Cookie Clicker in the browser.

    How to Hack Cookie Clicker on Steam

    You’ll need to do a little digging through your file system to hack the Steam version of Cookie Clicker, as you’ll need to edit one of the JavaScript files. The quickest way to access the file is by right-clicking Cookie Clicker in your Steam library, hovering your cursor over “Manage,” and then clicking “Browse Local Files.”

    Locate Cookie Clicker file via Steam.

    File Explorer will now open the location of Cookie Cutter on your system. Here, open the “Resources” folder.

    Click Resources.

    Next, open the “App” folder.

    Click App.

    In this folder, locate the JavaScript file called start. You’ll need to open this file in a text editor, such as Notepad. Right-click the file, hover your cursor over “Open With,” and then select the app to open the file with. If you don’t see it in the menu, you can select “Choose another app” to locate it.

    Open the Start JavaScript file.

    You’ll now need to edit the file. On line 12, you’ll see this line of code:

    let DEV=0;//display menu and js console

    Change the 0 to a 1. So the code should now be:

    let DEV=1;//display menu and js console

    Updated code in Cookie Clicker.

    Save the file and relaunch Cookie Clicker if it’s currently running. You’ll now see the display menu and JavaScript console that was previously hidden. Click the “Console” tab, input the cheat code you would like to use, and then press Enter to execute the code.

    Enter code in Cookie Clicker on Steam.

    Every Cookie Clicker Cheat Code

    Here’s a list of every cheat code you can use in Cookie Clicker, and what each code does.

    Note: Replace the braces with actual text or numbers. For example, if you want to use the code Game.cookies={number};, then you’d replace {number} with the actual number of cookies you want. So if you want 10,000 cookies, you would enter Game.cookies=10000;.

    Cheat CodeDescription
    Game.Achievements[‘{achievement name}’].won=1;Unlock any achievement
    Game.Ascend(1);Ascend to the heavens
    Game.AscendTimer={time};Change ascend timer
    Game.bakeryName=”{bakery name}”;Set bakery name
    Game.bakeryNameRefresh();Refresh bakery name
    Game.BuildAscendTree();Build Ascend Tree
    Game.buyBulk={1/10/100};Change the buy amount
    Game.CalculateGains();Calculate gains
    Game.computedMouseCps;Compute mouse cookies per second (Cps) amount
    Game.computedMouseCps={mouse Cps amount};Change mouse cookies per second (Cps) amount
    Game.cookies={number};Set total number of cookies
    Game.cookies= Game.cookies + {number};Add cookies in addition to the current number of cookies
    Game.cookiesPs={number};Set cookies per second (Cps) amount
    Game.dragonLevel={level};Set dragon level
    Game.Earn({number});Add cookies in addition to the current number of cookies
    Game.gainLumps({amount of lumps});Add lumps
    Game.Has(‘{achievement name}’);Check if you've unlocked a specific achievement
    Game.killShimmers();Remove shimmers
    Game.LoadSave();Load saved file
    Game.LoadSave(local);Load local saved file
    Game.localStorageGet(Game.SaveTo);Save game locally
    Game.MaxSpecials();Get max amount of specials
    Game.Milk = {amount};Change milk amount
    Game.milkProgress = {milk amount};Change milk progress
    Game.mousePointer=0;Change mouse pointer
    Game.particlesUpdate();Update particles
    Game.popups=0;Remove pop-up notifications
    Game.RuinTheFun(1);Unlock everything
    Game.santaLevel={level};Set Santa level
    Game.sesame=0;Turn sesame On/Off
    Game.SesameReset();Reset game
    Game.SetAllAchievs(1);Unlock all achievements
    Game.SetAllUpgrade(1);Get all upgrades
    Game.Win(‘{achievement name}’);Unlock any achievement
    Timer.track(‘milk’);Track milk timer

    There are also a few codes you can run if Cookie Clicker seems to be glitching and you need to debug it.

    Game.DebuggingPrestige=false;Debug prestige
    Game.debugTimersOn={0 or 1};Turn On/Off debug timer
    Game.DebugUpgradeCpS();Debug upgrades cookies per second (Cps)
    Game.GetAllDebugs();Get all debugs
    Game.HardReset(2);Hard reset Cookie Clicker

    Happy clicking!