Knowing good recipes is a great way to boost your quality of life in the real world and also in Harvest Moon 64. The villagers know how to create many great dishes, and they’re just waiting to be discovered. Here’s how to get all Harvest Moon 64 recipes.
How to Learn Recipes
In Harvest Moon 64, you get recipes by giving ingredients to specific villagers. For example, you can learn how to make Rolled Cabbage by giving a Cabbage to Maria, or Fried Potatoes and Bacon by giving a Potato to the Mayor.

To give the villagers an ingredient, talk to them while holding it. Be sure that you aren’t off a bit and throw the ingredient by mistake—there’s no getting it back!
Recipes are collected in your Recipe Book, which you can view once you get the Kitchen extension.
Complete Recipes List
Here is the list of recipes you can get in Harvest Moon 64, the ingredients required to get the recipe, and who to give the ingredients to.
Recipe | Villager | Ingredient | Notes |
Cream of Turnip Stew | Mayor's Wife | Turnip | |
Easy Tomato Soup | Zack | Tomato | Listed as "Tomato Crem Soup" in the Recipe Book |
Tomato Rice | Sasha | Tomato | You must have a certain affection level with Sasha |
Simple Tomato Soup | Pastor Brown | Tomato | |
Corn Fritter | Doug | Corn | |
Corn Past | Basil | Corn | |
Mashed Potato | Ann | Potato | |
Fried Potatoes and Bacon | Mayor | Potato | |
Vegetable Tomato Stew | Lillia | Tomato | Listed as "Twice Cooked Tomatoes and Greens" in the Recipe Book |
Garlic Potato Beef | Harris | Potato | |
Eggplant with Miso Paste | Midwife | Eggplant | |
Rolled Cabbage | Maria | Cabbage | |
Stuffed Omelet | Gray | Egg | You must have a certain affection level with Gray |
Spa-poached Egg | Kent | Egg | |
Handmade Butter | Rick | Egg | |
Mushroom Rice | Head Carpenter | Mushroom | |
Fried Char | Greg | Large Fish | |
Grilled Trout with Cheese | Carpenter #1 | Medium+ Fish | |
Char Stuffed Mushrooms | Carpenter #2 | Mushroom | |
Steamed Clams with Wine | Gotz | Wild Grapes | You must have a certain affection level with Gotz |
Miso Soup with Sprouts | Potion Shop Dealer | Edible Herb | |
Sesame Dandelion Greens | Saibara | Medicinal Herb | |
Mushroom Salsa | Harvest Sprites | Mushroom | |
Strawberry Dog | Stu | Strawberry | |
Herb Rice Cake | Sydney | Edible Herb | This recipe is only available in the Spring |
Bread Pudding | Elli | Egg or Milk | |
Walnut Cake | Ellen | Walnut | Listed as "Herb Rice Cake" in the Recipe Book |
Potato Pancake | May | Potato | |
Strawberry Jam | Popuri | Strawberries | |
Strawberry Champagne | Karen | Strawberries | |
Veryberry Wine | Kai | Veryberry Fruit | |
Spice Tea | Cliff | Egg or Milk | This recipe is only available in the Winter |
Hot Spicy Wine | Duke | Wild Grapes | |
Cinnamon Milk Tea | Jeff | Milk | |
Turnip & Cabbage Preserves | Barley | Cabbage or Turnip |
Where to Get the Ingredients

Each ingredient that’s required for a recipe is acquired by farming, foraging, fishing, or raising livestock. Some ingredients are also seasonal, so plan ahead. Here’s when and where you can find each ingredient.
- Turnip: Grown in the Spring. Takes 4 days to grow.
- Tomato: Grown in the Summer. Takes 9 days to grow.
- Corn: Grown in the Summer. Takes 13 days to grow.
- Potato: Grown in the Spring. Takes 6 days to grow.
- Eggplant: Grown in the Fall. Takes 7 days to grow.
- Cabbage: Grown in the Spring. Takes 7 days to grow.
- Egg: All year. You must raise a Chicken for it to produce an Egg. A healthy adult Chicken produces 1 Egg per day.
- Milk: All year. You must raise a Cow for it to produce Milk. A healthy adult Cow produces 1 Milk per day.
- Mushroom: Foraged in Fall.
- Medium and Large Fish: All year. Fish in the River or Lake, or at the Beach.
- Wild Grapes: Foraged in Fall.
- Edible Herb: Foraged in Spring through Fall.
- Medicinal Herb: Foraged in Spring through Fall.
- Strawberry: Grown in the Winter. Takes 3 days to grow. Requires a Greenhouse.
- Walnut: Foraged in Summer.
- Veryberry Fruit: Foraged in Spring.
There is one villager that’s noteworthy when it comes to recipes. Without giving too much away, try not to wait too long to get that Walnut Cake.