Yet another Pokémon GO event will soon be underway. This time, players will have the opportunity to celebrate their love for Bug Pokémon. The event will include Pokémon debuts, new surprise encounters, new Pokémon featured in Raids, and more.
Table Of Contents
This event will start on August 10, 2022 at 10AM and run through August 16, 2022 at 8PM (local time). This is the perfect opportunity to work towards the Bug Catcher medal.
Pokémon Debuts
Some Pokémon will be making appearances for the first time during this event. These include:
- Grubbin
- Charjabug
- Vikavolt
- Mega Scizor
It takes 25 Grubbin Candies to evolve Grubbin into Charjabug. Charjabug can be evolved into Vikavolt with 100 Grubbin Candies while you’re near an active Magnetic Lure Module.
Mega Scizor will also be making its debut, but you can only get one through Mega Raids.
Collection Challenge
Though specifics on the collection challenge haven’t been shared, you can bet you’ll need to catch a certain number of Bug Pokémon to get rewards. The rewards include the Bug Catcher Pose and 15,000 XP.
As with most events in Pokémon GO, you can get certain bonuses while it’s running.
For Groups
According to Niantic, “if three or more Trainers join an in-person Raid Battle, even more of a certain wild Bug-type Pokémon will appear for 15 minutes in a 300-meter radius around the Gym that hosted the raid.” The Pokemon that will appear in greater numbers will depend on the day, as it will change consistently. On the following days, we will see these Pokémon appear more often:
- August 10: Wurmple
- August 11: Caterpie
- August 12: Spinarak
- August 13: Venipede
- August 14: Kricketot
- August 15: Weedle
- August 16: Ledyba
Event Bonuses
For the Bug Out! event, players will be able to earn 2x the XP for successfully catching Pokémon with Nice Throws, Great Throws, and Excellent Throws.
Wild Encounters

As usual, certain Pokémon will appear in the Wild more frequently during this event. These Pokémon include:
- Caterpie
- Weedle
- Ledyba
- Spinarak
- Yanma
- Wurmple
- Surskit
- Kricketot
- Venipede
- Karrablast
- Joltik
- Shelmet
- Grubbin
- Dewpider
Pineco, Skorupi, and Dwebble can also be encountered with a stroke of luck.
Different Pokémon will also appear in Raids during the Bug Out! event.
One-star Raids
- Paras
- Pineco
- Joltik
Three-star Raids
- Venomoth
- Pinsir
- Forretress
- Shuckle
Five-star Raids
- Genesect (Chill Drive)
Research Task Encounters
When you complete Field Research Tasks, you will have the opportunity to encounter the following Pokémon during the event:
- Caterpie
- Weedle
- Paras
- Venonat
- Ledyba
- Spinarak
- Yanma
- Silcoon
- Cascoon
- Nincada
- Volbeat
- Illumise
- Kricketot
- Plant Cloak Burmy
- Sand Cloak Burmy
- Trash Cloak Burmy
- Combee
- Sewaddle
- Venipede
- Dwebble
- Karrablast
- Shelmet
- Grubbin
- Dewpider
- Wimpod
For more details on the event, you can visit the official site here.