Just when you think it’s over, Doki Doki Literature Club features a total of three endings for you to discover. Will the girls have a happy ever after? With this guide, we’ll find out together.
Table Of Contents
The Normal Ending

It’s the ending you get during your first playthrough, especially when you’re playing casually. In Act 3, Monika tells you how she was able to manipulate the game. If you don’t take the hint—delete Monika—you’ll have all the time in the world with her. Indeed, there’s no end with just Monika.
But if you want to proceed to the Normal Ending, you’ll have to delete her.
How to Delete Monika
For Doki Doki Literature Club:
- In the Game Directory, open the characters folder
- Delete monika.chr
For Doki Doki Literature Club Plus:
- At the Desktop, select Files from the Start menu
- Open the character folder, delete monika.chr
In Act 4 of the Normal Ending, Sayori becomes the Literature Club President and gains awareness of all that had happened. She’ll thank you for deleting Monika before confessing how she feels about you. But before she could go on any further, Monika interrupts her and deletes everything there ever was to save you from more pain.
Remember when Monika mentioned she’s been writing a song? It’s called “Your Reality.” She’ll be singing it while playing the piano as the credits roll. When the song comes to an end and all files are deleted, you’ll receive a goodbye letter she wrote just for you.
When you’ve finished reading it, a text box will pop up containing the message: ‘Error: Script file is missing or corrupt. Please reinstall the game.’ It will always appear when the game has come to an end, no matter which ending you get. However, there’s actually no need to reinstall Doki Doki Literature Club. You can reset it instead, which let’s you play a New Game almost immediately saving you time.
How to Reset Doki Doki Literature Club
For Steam:
- Go to your Steam Library
- Right-click on Doki Doki Literature Club (DDLC)
- Select Manage, then Browse local files
- In the Game Directory, open the game folder, delete firstrun
- Launch DDLC, select ‘Yes, delete my existing data.’
For Windows or Linux:
- Locate and open the DDLC-1.1.1-pc folder
- In the Game Directory, open the game folder, delete firstrun
- Launch DDLC, select ‘Yes, delete my existing data.’
For Mac:
- Right-click on the DDLC icon
- Select Show package contents
- Open contents, then resources, and lastly autorun
- In the Game Directory, open the game folder, delete firstrun
- Launch DDLC, select ‘Yes, delete my existing data.’
For Steam, PC, and Consoles (Doki Doki Literature Club Plus)
- Select Exit DDLC from the menu
- At the Desktop, select Files from the Start menu
- Run reset.sh
The Quick Ending

Now that you’ve learned more about Monika and the fate of the other protagonists, you may be tempted to delete Monika at the start to see what happens then. Will everything be okay this time? Well, let’s just say you’re in for an unpleasant surprise if you do this.
A confused Sayori will be standing in front of you wondering what on earth is going on. Now without Monika to orchestrate the world of Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori’s anxiety soared thinking her existence has no meaning. The game closes.
But there’s more. You’ll have to relaunch the game to finish the Quick Ending. Whatever you see, know that it’s inevitable. There’s no going around it. If you dare wait for around 10 minutes, the chilling words: “Now everyone can be happy” emerges on the right side of the scene. There’s nothing else to do at this point but to reset DDLC.
How to get the Quick Ending
- Reset Doki Doki Literature Club
- Close it, then delete Monika
- Relaunch to start a New Game
The Secret Ending

In Act 4, Sayori will thank you for all the trouble you went through, and you’ll receive a special letter from Dan Salvato himself. Unfortunately, there are things you still can’t change. But there’s something you can do—make pleasant memories with each of them before they meet their demise.
To do this, you’ll have to write a poem specifically dedicated to them. And each time you do, they’ll open up to you while unlocking their CG. There are 12 CGs you can unlock in one playthrough, which means you can get 3 from each protagonist. You’ll have to unlock at least 11 CGs for the Secret Ending.
How to get the Secret Ending
- Reset Doki Doki Literature Club and start a New Game.
- Save the game before writing the First Poem in Act 1.
- Choose a protagonist you first want to focus on. It’s recommended to start with Sayori, followed by Natsuki or Yuri.
- Dedicate all 3 poems to them. You can refer to the Poem Words Guide below to find out which words each prefers.
- Always share your poem with them first during the Poem Sharing activity.
- When there’s a fight going on, always choose their side.
- After Sayori hugs you during the weekend, immediately go to Settings, select Load game to go back to the First Poem scene.
- Repeat #3 to #7 for the remaining protagonists. Except Monika.
- When you’ve unlocked 9 CGs (3 from each protagonist) in Act 1, you can proceed to Act 2. Play it however you like.
- In Act 3, make a poem for Monika before deleting her.
- Proceed to Act 4 and enjoy the Secret Ending.
Doki Doki Literature Club: Poem Words Guide

Sayori, The Bundle of Sunshine
(A) adventure, alone, amazing, awesome;
(B) bed, beauty, bliss, broken;
(C) calm, charm, cheer, childhood, clumsy, color, comfort, cry;
(D) dance, dark, daydream, dazzle, death, defeat, depression;
(E) Embrace, empty, excitement, extraordinary;
(F) family, fear, feather, fireflies, flower, flying, forgive, friends, fun;
(G) grief;
(H) happiness, holiday, hope, hopeless, hurt;
(J) joy;
(L) laugh, lazy, loud, love, lucky;
(M) marriage, memories, misery, misfortune, music;
(N) nature;
(O) ocean;
(P) passion, peaceful, pain, party, play, prayer, precious, promise;
(R) rainbow, raincloud, romance, rose;
(S) sadness, scars, shame, silly, sing, smile, sparkle, special, sunset, sweet;
(T) tears, together, tragedy, treasure;
(U) unrequited;
(V) vacation;
(W) warm, wonderful.
Natsuki, The Deceivingly Cute Girl
(A) anger, anime;
(B) blanket, boop, bouncy, bubbles, bunny;
(C) candy, cheeks, chocolate, clouds, cute;
(D) doki-doki;
(E) email, fantasy, fluffy;
(G) games, giggle;
(H) hair, hop, headphones, heartbeat;
(J) jump, jumpy;
(K) kawaii, kiss, kitty;
(L) lipstick, lollipop;
(M) marshmallow, melody, milk, mouse;
(N) nibble, nightgown;
(P) papa, parfait, peace, pink, playground, poof, pout, pure, puppy;
(R) ribbon;
(S) skirt, swimsuit, shiny, shopping, skipping, socks, spinning, sticky, strawberry, sugar, summer;
(T) twirl;
(V) valentine, vanilla;
(W) waterfall, whisper, whistle.
Yuri, The Timid and Mysterious One
(A) afterimage, agonizing, ambient, analysis, anxiety, atone, aura;
(B) breathe;
(C) cage, captive, climax, contamination, covet, crimson;
(D) desire, destiny, determination, disarray, disaster, disoriented, despise, disown, dream;
(E) effulgent, electricity, entropy, essence, eternity, existence, explode, extreme;
(F) fester, fickle, flee, frightening;
(G) graveyard;
(H) heavensent, horror;
(I) imagination, incapable, incongruent, infallible, inferno, infinite, insight, intellectual;
(J) journey, judgment;
(L) lust, landscape;
(M) massacre, meager, melancholy;
(P) philosophy, portrait;
(Q) question;
(R) raindrops;
(S) secretive, sensation, starscape, suicide;
(T) tenacious, time;
(U) uncontrollable, uncanny, unending, universe, unrestrained, unstable;
(V) variance, vertigo, vibrant, vitality, vivacious, vivid;
(W) whirlwind, wrath.