All 32 Vouchers from Balatro.

Balatro—All Vouchers and What They Do

Redeem for great rewards!

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

Key Takeaway

There are two types of Vouchers in Balatro: Basic and Upgraded. Basic Vouchers are available from the start of the game whereas Upgraded ones need to be unlocked.

To unlock Upgraded Vouchers, check the Collection menu for direct instructions. Furthermore, to find the unlocked Vouchers in a run, you must first purchase their Basic variants.

In addition to enhancing cards, getting Jokers, and upgrading your Poker Hands in Balatro, you can redeem some—or all—of the 32 Vouchers you come across in the shop for useful build optimizations and passive bonuses. While these bonuses mostly focus on shop-related factors, there’s more at play…

Table Of Contents

    About Vouchers in Balatro

    The 32 Vouchers in Balatro are all classified into two categories: Basic and Upgraded. Basic Vouchers are white at the top while Upgraded Vouchers are black and also feature a streak of color.

    The sole exception in terms of the Upgraded Voucher design is Antimatter, which is silver at the top.
    The Telescope and Observatory Vouchers from Balatro.

    All Basic Vouchers in Balatro are available from the start of the game. However, the Upgraded Vouchers must be unlocked by meeting specific criteria. On top of that, even after unlocking an Upgraded Voucher, it can only be found in a run if its Basic equivalent is bought first. For example, if you want the Observatory Voucher, you must acquire the Telescope Voucher first during that run.

    We’ll tell you how to unlock all Vouchers in Balatro in order of their appearance in the Collection menu.

    Page 1 Vouchers

    The Vouchers on Page 1 of Balatro's Voucher section in the Collection menu.

    Page 1 of the Voucher section in Balatro’s Collection menu features the following:

    • Overstock (a red plus sign in a dotted white rectangle outline)
    • Overstock Plus (a red plus sign in a dotted yellow rectangle outline crackling with yellow electricity)
    • Clearance Sale (a large dollar sign flanked by two small dollar signs)
    • Liquidation (a large dollar sign covered in light blue electricity flanked by two medium dollar signs)
    • Hone (a white Joker silhouette on a gray card)
    • Glow Up (a white Joker silhouette on a red, green, and blue card)
    • Reroll Surplus (a few curved green arrows forming circles with each other)
    • Reroll Glut (two curved green arrows forming a circle with each other covered in purple electricity)


    The Overstock Voucher is a Basic Voucher that spawns one additional single-card item in the shop. It does not increase the number of Booster Packs that appear nor how many Vouchers do. Overstock solely affects the individual cards that appear near the top of the shop. Normally, there are two; however, immediately after acquiring the Overstock Voucher, three show up.

    Overstock Plus

    Before you can get the Overstock Plus Upgraded Voucher in a run, you must unlock it by spending a total of $2,500 at the shop. This can be done across multiple runs, so it’s only a matter of time before you unlock Overstock Plus—just keep playing.

    In terms of effect, Overstock Plus does the same as Overstock—it adds one more single-card item to the shop’s inventory. The effects of Overstock and Overstock Plus stack; if you have both, there will always be four single-card items at the top of the shop instead of two or three.

    Clearance Sale

    The Clearance Sale Voucher is a Basic Voucher that decreases the price of everything in the shop (except Vouchers and rerolls) by 25%. You should always get this Voucher, as it makes the rest of your run easier. Cheaper items mean you can get more of them, which (if you buy the right ones for your build) results in higher round scores or improved money gain.


    To unlock the Liquidation Upgraded Voucher, you have to buy 10 Vouchers in a single run. Since each Voucher costs $10 and you usually only find one per Ante, you’ll have to make more than $100 to afford them all. Furthermore, you can pick up the Voucher Tag by skipping a Blind to add another Voucher to the next shop you enter. If you don’t find and get the Voucher Tag at least twice, you’ll have to keep your run going until Ante 10—where the difficulty ramps up severely.

    The Liquidation Voucher, which decreases the price of cards and packs in the shop by 50%.

    The Liquidation Voucher decreases the price of everything in the shop (except Vouchers and rerolls) by 50%. This does not stack with the Clearance Sale Joker to result in a 75% discount. With that said, 50% is still a huge discount. Buy tons of items!


    Hone is a Basic Voucher that makes all individual cards that appear in the shop twice as likely to have Foil, Holographic, or Polychrome editions. Foil cards give +50 Chips, Holographic cards grant +10 Mult, and Polychrome cards bestow x1.5 Mult to your hand score. Each of these editions is great to have on both Jokers and Playing Cards, as the passive Chips and Mult gain help you clear rounds more easily.

    Glow Up

    To unlock the Glow Up Upgraded Voucher, you must have at least five Jokers at once that possess the Foil, Holographic, or Polychrome editions. Doing so can be tough, but the Hone Voucher helps a lot while attempting to gain five rare edition Jokers. With that said, you’ll still need a bit of luck. Sadly, Negative Jokers don’t contribute to this unlocking criterion.

    A great method for getting rare edition Jokers is to reroll the shop frequently after getting the Hone Voucher. Another helpful trick is to use some of Balatro’s many Spectral Cards to give a Joker a rare edition or create a copy of one that already does. After you buy Glow Up in a run, all individual cards that appear in the shop are four times as likely to have Foil, Holographic, or Polychrome editions.

    We don’t know if the x2 spawn rate and the x4 spawn rate of rare edition cards from both Hone and Glow Up stack with each other. Due to these being luck-based events, we can’t be sure without a tremendous amount of testing.

    Reroll Surplus

    The Reroll Surplus Basic Voucher makes rerolls in the shop cost $2 less. Since rerolls start at $5, after getting Reroll Surplus, the cost decreases to $3. What’s more, since rerolls increase by $1 in price every time you buy one, the second reroll in a shop will only be $4. If you’re looking for a specific item or have a build that gets better the more you reroll, grab this Voucher.

    Reroll Glut

    You’ll unlock the Reroll Glut Upgraded Voucher after you’ve done a total of 100 rerolls across all your runs. If you do so at the default reroll price, you’ll need to spend $500 (or more if you purchase additional rerolls per shop, as the price increases by $1 each time one is bought). Reroll Surplus makes it cheaper and easier to get Reroll Glut, but so does the Chaos the Clown Joker, as it gives you one free reroll per shop—which counts towards unlocking Reroll Glut.

    Like with Reroll Surplus, Reroll Glut makes rerolls in the shop cost $2 less. The effects of both these Vouchers stack, meaning rerolls will initially cost $1 whenever you visit a shop.

    Page 2 Vouchers

    Four Basic Vouchers next to their upgraded versions in Balatro's Collection menu on Page 2 of the Voucher section.

    Page 2 of the Voucher section in Balatro’s Collection menu features the following Vouchers:

    • Crystal Ball (a purple and blue sphere on a round black base)
    • Omen Globe (a purple and blue sphere emitting yellow electricity on a round golden base)
    • Telescope (a black telescope pointing upward at the night sky)
    • Observatory (an observatory with a golden telescope pointing upward at the night sky)
    • Grabber (a blue hand with its palm facing the player)
    • Nacho Tong (a blue hand picking up a nacho chip covered in cheese)
    • Wasteful (a red playing card falling into a green trash bin)
    • Recyclomancy (three playing cards falling into a blue recycling bin)

    Crystal Ball

    Crystal Ball is a Basic Voucher that gives you another consumable slot. Normally, you begin with two consumable slots. As such, when you obtain the Crystal Ball Voucher, you’ll go up to three slots. This is useful for hanging onto some of the more useful Tarot Cards in Balatro until the ideal time to use them.

    Omen Globe

    The Omen Globe Upgraded Voucher is unlocked after you use a total of 25 Tarot Cards across all runs. This can be easily done by playing the game a bit more. In particular, Mega Arcana Booster Packs will help you unlock Omen Globe quicker, as you get two Tarot Cards from them instead of one.

    After you obtain it, Omen Globe makes it so that Spectral Cards may appear in Arcana Booster Packs—which normally only contain Tarot Cards. This can be handy if you’re looking for The Soul Spectral Card, as it’s pretty rare.


    The Telescope Basic Voucher causes all Celestial Booster Packs you open to always have the Planet Card which correlates to your most-played Poker Hand type. This includes the secret Planet Cards in Balatro that are connected to the rare Poker Hand types. Telescope is a decent Voucher to grab if you’re having a hard time upgrading your preferred Poker Hand types.


    Observatory is an Upgraded Voucher that gets unlocked after you use a total of 25 Planet Cards throughout all your runs. The Astronomer Joker (makes all Planet Cards and Celestial Booster Packs in the shop free) makes unlocking Observatory much easier.

    The Observatory Voucher, which causes held Planet Cards to give x1.5 Mult.

    The Observatory Voucher causes all Planet Cards in your consumable area to grant x1.5 Mult for their respective Poker Hand types. This effect stacks nicely with that of the Crystal Ball Voucher, as the latter gives you one more consumable slot. For instance, if you have three Jupiters in your consumable area and you play a Flush, your hand score will be multiplied by 3.375—more than tripling your hand score.


    Grabber is a Basic Voucher that gives you one more hand to play every round. As such, if you usually have four hands per round, Grabber increases this to five playable hands per round. Talk about handy!

    Nacho Tong

    The Nacho Tong Upgraded Voucher is unlocked after you play a total of 2,500 cards throughout your entire Balatro journey. To put it another way: you need to play 500 five-card hands. This is another unlock that’ll occur naturally as you play the game, so don’t sweat this one too much.

    Regarding its effect, Nacho Tong is identical to Grabber—it gives you another hand per round. They also stack. Therefore, if you start a run with four hands per round and you get both Grabber and Nacho Tong, your total playable hands per round goes up to six.


    The Wasteful Basic Voucher gives you one more discard per round. Use this Voucher’s effect to line up better and better hands for bigger scores. Doing so while retaining as many hands as possible helps you get a few more dollars after each Blind.


    To unlock the Recyclomancy Upgraded Voucher, you need to discard a total of 2,500 cards across all runs. Out of all the Vouchers in Balatro, this one is the easiest to unlock through brute force. Simply begin a run, discard five cards as many times as you can during the first Small Blind, and then open the menu and select “New Run.” Rinse and repeat until you unlock Recyclomancy.

    Recyclomancy has the same effect as Wasteful: it gives you another discard per round. Since their effects stack, you can find the perfect hand more easily than ever. Time to line up a Straight Flush!

    Page 3 Vouchers

    The Vouchers on Page 3 of Balatro's Voucher section in the Collection menu.

    Page 3 of the Voucher section in Balatro’s Collection menu features the following Vouchers:

    • Tarot Merchant (a gold card with one white arrow on it pointing upwards)
    • Tarot Tycoon (a gold card with three white arrows on it pointing upwards)
    • Planet Merchant (a black card with one white arrow on it pointing upwards)
    • Planet Tycoon (a black card with three white arrows on it pointing upwards)
    • Seed Money (a sapling emerging from a seed that has a golden coin attached to it)
    • Money Tree (a tree growing out of a pile of golden coins)
    • Blank (no image; just a light blue background)
    • Antimatter (green and purple abstract swirls on a silver background)

    Tarot Merchant

    The Tarot Merchant Basic Voucher makes Tarot Cards appear twice as often in the shop. This extends only to single cards; it does not affect how often Arcana Booster Packs appear in the shop. Since Tarot Cards are some of the most useful consumables in Balatro, the Tarot Merchant Voucher is one of the best of all Vouchers for any build.

    Tarot Tycoon

    You’ll unlock the Tarot Tycoon Upgraded Voucher after you buy 50 Tarot Cards from the shop. Buying Arcana Booster Packs counts towards its unlocking progress. However, getting Tarot Cards from Mega Arcana Booster Packs given by the Charm Tag does not help you unlock Tarot Tycoon.

    The Tarot Tycoon Voucher makes Tarot Cards appear four times as often in the shop. We’re not sure whether or not the effects of Tarot Merchant and Tarot Tycoon stack. With that said, both are still great for getting more Tarot Cards.

    Planet Merchant

    Planet Merchant is a Basic Voucher that makes Planet Cards appear twice as often in the shop. As with the Tarot Merchant spawning Tarot Cards, Planet Merchant only causes individual Planet Cards to appear more frequently. It does not affect how often Celestial Booster Packs show up.

    Planet Tycoon

    The Planet Tycoon Upgraded Voucher is unlocked after you buy 50 Planet Cards from the shop. Similar to the Tarot Tycoon Voucher, Booster Packs (of the Celestial variety) contribute towards unlocking progress for Planet Tycoon.

    The Planet Tycoon Voucher which makes Planet Cards appear more often in the shop.

    Planet Tycoon makes Planet Cards appear four times as often in the shop. Use it to upgrade your Poker Hands as much as possible. If you’re after this Voucher, make sure to keep your eyes peeled for the Astronomer Joker (makes all Planet Cards and Celestial Booster Packs in the shop free), as they have great synergy.

    Seed Money

    Seed Money is a Basic Voucher that raises the cap on interest to $10. Usually, you can only get a total of $5 if you hold onto $25 between Blinds. However, Seed Money lets you net $10 if you keep $50 on hand between Blinds. More money in Balatro is always helpful, so Seed Money is one of the most versatile out of all Vouchers in the game.

    Money Tree

    Money Tree is an Upgraded Voucher that’s unlocked after you get the maximum interest return in 10 consecutive rounds. Specifically, you need to hold onto $25 to get $5 (the default maximum interest money gain) for 10 rounds in a row. Unlocking Money Tree is much easier if you don’t buy the Seed Money Voucher, as this means you’ll have to earn and keep less money on you.

    In terms of effect, Money Tree raises the cap on interest to $20. To get such a high return, you’ll need to have $100 at the end of a round. While excessive for normal gameplay, this helps unlock the Satellite Joker, which requires you to earn $400 in a single run.


    The Blank Basic Voucher does nothing. Well, mostly nothing—buying it helps unlock the Antimatter Voucher. Besides that, Blank is the most useless Voucher of all in Balatro.


    You need to buy the Blank Voucher a total of 10 times across all runs to unlock the Antimatter Upgraded Voucher. Patience is a virtue here; hang onto enough money to buy Blank whenever you see it and—eventually—Antimatter will be yours.

    Antimatter gives you another Joker slot. Jokers are powerful tools for getting a variety of buffs—particularly more Chips and Mult. As such, the more, the merrier.

    Page 4 Vouchers

    The Vouchers on Page 4 of Balatro's Voucher section in the Collection menu.

    Page 4 of the Voucher section in Balatro’s Collection menu features the following Vouchers:

    • Magic Trick (a playing card coming out of an upsidedown tophat)
    • Illusion (a playing card surrounded by golden sparkles coming out of an upsidedown top hat)
    • Hieroglyph (an Egyptian eye hieroglyph on a yellow stone wall)
    • Petroglyph (a cave painting depicting two humans hunting a bovine on a stone wall)
    • Director’s Cut (a VHS cassette)
    • Retcon (a broken VHS cassette with its tape coming out)
    • Paint Brush (a paintbrush with blue paint on its bristles)
    • Palette (a painting palette covered in multicolored paints next to a paintbrush)

    Magic Trick

    Magic Trick is a Basic Voucher that makes it possible to find individual playing cards for sale in the shop. This makes it easy to grab single playing cards that can help you, like an extra Ace or face card.


    The Illusion Upgraded Voucher gets unlocked after you buy 20 playing cards from the shop across all runs. This includes playing cards obtained from buying Standard Booster Packs in the shop.

    Illusion causes individual playing cards that spawn in the shop to possibly have enhancements, seals, or even be of a rare edition. Pick up this Voucher if you want fancier cards with great effects! This is a convenient alternative to manually upgrading your playing cards by using Tarot and Spectral Cards.


    The Hieroglyph Basic Voucher decreases the Ante number and your hands per round by one. As such, this Voucher can be useful for extending your run at the cost of making it a bit tougher to clear rounds. Due to this, it is one of the most situationally useful Vouchers of all those in Balatro.


    To unlock the Petroglyph Upgraded Voucher, you need to reach Ante 12. Since you’ll most likely need a score of over 14,000,000 to clear the Boss Blind in Ante 11, you’ll only unlock Petroglyph with a solid build.

    The Petroglyph Voucher, which decreases Ante number and discards per round by one.

    In terms of effect, Petroglyph decreases the Ante number and your discards per round by one. To be blunt: this is rarely worth doing unless you need more time to gather certain assets. For example, grabbing Petroglyph is useful for finding more Vouchers to unlock Liquidation.

    Director’s Cut

    Director’s Cut is a Basic Voucher that lets you reroll the Boss Blind once per Ante—for $10 per reroll. While useful if you’re coming up on a tough Boss Blind, Director’s Cut is inferior for doing so compared to the Boss Tag, which lets you reroll a Boss Blind by skipping a Small Blind or Big Blind.

    On top of that, being unprepared for a Boss Blind in most cases means your build isn’t optimized well. It’s always better to improve your tactics than to run from a fight. As such, Director’s Cut is one of the least useful out of all Vouchers in Balatro.


    Retcon gets unlocked after you’ve discovered 25 out of the 28 total Boss Blinds in Balatro. This can be done easily over time. Retcon is another of the Vouchers that are easy to unlock by simply playing the game. In fact, it may be the most simple to obtain out of all the Vouchers in Balatro.

    Similar to Director’s Cut, Retcon lets you reroll a Boss Blind for $10—but unlimitedly. It’s not recommended to buy or use this Voucher, as your money is better used for purchasing Tarot Cards, Planet Cards, Spectral Cards, Jokers, and pretty much anything else. Rerolling Boss Blinds instead of defeating them is not a winning strategy but one that indicates your build is not ready for a true poker battle.

    Paint Brush

    The Basic Voucher Paint Brush increases your hand size by one. Increasing hand size is one of the most convenient traits to have, as it allows you to play better hands. Due to its universal utility, Paint Brush is one of the best of all Vouchers in Balatro.


    Ironically, to unlock the Upgraded Voucher Palette, you need to decrease your hand size to five cards. This can be tricky to accomplish, but using Spectral Cards like Ouija (converts all cards in hand to a single random rank, -1 hand size) and Ectoplasm (adds the Negative edition to a random Joker, -1 hand size) can help.

    Like Paint Brush, Palette increases your hand size by one. They also stack. As such, together, your hand size will increase by two; if you start with a hand size of eight, it will increase to ten.

    All of the Vouchers in Balatro can help you—depending on your build. With that said, some are more useful than others. Regardless of which out of the 15 Decks in Balatro you choose for your next run, be on the lookout for Vouchers with the best synergy.

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