Key Takeaway
Eight companions can be romanced in Baldur’s Gate 3: Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Karlach, Lae’zel, Minthara, Shadowheart, and Wyll.
To successfully begin a romantic relationship, you must gain enough approval from the character of your choice. This can be done by taking certain actions during specific encounters and by selecting specific dialogue choices.
In this action-packed romp, you can stop a terrifying evil while exploring the storied lands of the Forgotten Realms. However, if you feel lonely on this journey, you can strike up a Baldur’s Gate 3 romance with one of your companions by making specific choices and saying the right things.
Table Of Contents
All Romanceable Characters
Eight of Baldur’s Gate 3‘s ten companions can be romanced. They are:
- Asterion: A witty and sarcastic High Elf rogue who has lived as a vampire for centuries.
- Shadowheart: A High Half-Elf Cleric and Shar-worshipper who cannot remember much of her past.
- Gale: A Human Wizard aiming to become the most powerful spellcaster that Faerûn has ever known.
- Lae’zel: A ferocious Githyanki Fighter on a mission to prove herself worthy of rejoining her people.
- Wyll: A Human Warlock and Noble known by many as the heroic ‘Blade of Frontiers.’
- Karlach: A Zariel Tiefling seeking revenge on those who once sold her to a powerful Archdevil.
- Minthara: A Drow Paladin who devoutly serves Lolth and the Absolute.
- Halsin: A Wood Elf and worshipper of Silvanus who serves as First Druid of the Emerald Grove.
Unfortunately, you cannot romance Minsc and Jaheira.
As you progress through Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll often see a pop-up in the top left-hand corner of the screen when your companions either approve or disapprove of your decisions. In order to romance the companion of your choice, you’ll need to build approval with them by doing things they like and avoiding actions that they dislike.
For many romances, a major step takes place during the conclusion of Act 1. If you side with the Tieflings against the goblins, a party will take place at your camp. Be sure to chat with your romantic interest during the celebration and agree to meet them later for some steamy activities.
Below, we’ve listed how to boost your approval with each romanceable companion, as well as what actions will lose approval. We’ve also included any necessary steps needed to trigger the romance—including dialogue options.

If your approval with Astarion is high enough, you can begin your romance with him at the party held at camp in Act 1 if you side with the Tieflings. While he tends to like more dark and ruthless actions, it’s possible to successfully romance him as a good protagonist.
How to Gain Approval From Astarion
- Showing dominance or ruthlessness
- Making fun of others
- Supporting him and his whims
- Being understanding of his vampirism and not passing judgment on his past actions
- Siding with monsters (goblins, devils, etc.)
- Appreciating finery
- Being dramatic
Actions That Lose Approval With Astarion
- Being selfless or playing the hero
- Appearing weak or submissive
- Exercising restraint
- Judging his vampirism
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Astarion—Act 1
When speaking to Astarion in camp during the party following the ‘Save the Refugees’ side quest, choose the following dialogue options. Upon returning to your bedroll for the night, you’ll be treated to an R-rated cutscene:
- “Really? Saving lives is awful?”
- “True, the goblins would have thrown a wilder party.”
- “And what’s your idea of ‘a little fun’?”
- “All right, let’s do it. I’ll see you later.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Astarion—Act 2
During Act 2, take Raphael’s deal to hunt down Orthon to learn more about the mysterious scars on Astarion’s back. This will trigger a scene during your next Long Rest. Select these dialogue options to advance your romance with this handsome vampire:
- “About your undying love for me?” OR “Are you alright?”
- “So do I. More than anything.”
- “I care about you. Deeply.”
- “You are worth a great deal to me, no matter what you’re going through.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Astarion—Act 3
Prior to tracking down and defeating Cazador to complete Astation’s personal quest, you can improve your relationship with him one more time. Find and speak to the dryad Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days during Act 3 to begin the Trial of Love. Answer her questions with the following responses:
- “When he’s elbow-deep in gore.”
- “Revenge.”
- “Breaking a nail.”

As with many other companions, you can begin your romance with Shadowheart during the party held during Act 1 if you side with the Tieflings and your approval is high enough. Given the depth of her character, she’s somewhat simple to gain approval with, but be warned: she loathes the Githyanki. If both Shadowheart and Lae’zel are in your party, be sure to disagree with Lae’zel whenever possible.
How to Gain Approval From Shadowheart
- Being kind and compassionate towards children and animals
- Helping those in need
- Exposing lies and falsehoods
- Expressing Anti-Githyanki sentiments
- Choosing trickery over violence
Actions That Lose Approval With Shadowheart
- Being Pro-Githyanki
- Being unnecessarily violent and cruel
- Deceiving her
- Giving the wealthy special treatment
- Humiliating others
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Shadowheart—Act 1
Speak to Shadowheart in camp during the party following the ‘Save the Refugees’ side quest and choose the following dialogue options to share your bed with her:
- “Tieflings?”
- “Are you worried Shar won’t approve?”
- “I’d be glad to.” (If Shadowheart asks to share a bottle)
- “I’ll find you after everyone’s turned in for the night.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Shadowheart—Act 2
During Act 2, your romance with Shadowheart will be overshadowed by the main quest and her anxiety about her forgotten past. To progress your relationship, visit the Gauntlet of Shar and complete the ‘Find the Nightsong’ quest. When you find the Nightsong, either let Shadowheart kill her or convince her to save the Nightsong. Any other option will cause Shadowheart to leave your party and end your relationship for good.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Shadowheart—Act 3
During Act 3, find and speak to the dryad Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days during Act 3 to begin the Trial of Love. The following answers will net you some positive feedback from the lovely Shadowheart:
- “Good company and an even better vintage.”
- “Being discreet.”
- “She doesn’t know who she is or where she belongs.” OR “She can’t swim.”

Unlike other romantic relationships, your relationship with Gale will progress in set stages. It’s still important to gain his approval when possible, and doing so doesn’t require too much guesswork—showing your intelligence and making honorable decisions will quickly impress this enchanting Wizard.
How to Gain Approval From Gale
- Avoiding violence
- Showing interest in the arts and the arcane
- Displaying intelligence
- Being kind to both people and animals
- Giving him artifacts to consume when needed
- Making morally correct decisions
Actions That Lose Approval With Gale
- Displaying a lack of curiosity
- Judging his condition
- Engaging in unnecessary violence
- Invading his privacy
- Committing evil acts
- Doing or saying stupid things
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Gale—Act 1
Speak to Gale in camp as often as you can. After reaching medium approval with him, he’ll confess more about his painful condition, requesting your help to get it under control.
Eventually, Gale will invite you to partake in a somewhat intimate experience in the Weave. To progress your relationship with him, select the following options:
- “Magical.” OR “You’re a good teacher.”
- You hold on to the moment. It’s a good night for intimacy.
- You picture kissing him.
The next time you speak to Gale, ask him to reflect on your time together. After another night at the camp, he’ll come to thank you. During the conversation, be sure to select these responses:
- “I’m sure you’re welcome.”
- “Make merry, just the two of us. What would that entail?”
- “You’re remarkably upfront about your intentions.”
- “I think that sounds delightful.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Gale—Act 2
Three important actions must be taken in Act 2 in order to successfully continue Gale’s romance. First, as part of Gale’s companion quest, you must talk to Elminster and invite him to camp. You must also complete the Gauntlet of Shar and stabilize Gale’s Netherese Orb by offering magical artifacts to him three times.
Upon returning to camp, you’ll find a mirror image of Gale. Follow it towards the real Gale and select the following options to unlock a cutscene:
- “I’m not going anywhere, Gale.”
- Lean in for a kiss OR reply “I’m in love with you too.”
- “I think that sounds delightful, but I don’t see a bed.”
- “Show me more. Show it to me all.”
- “I want the real Gale, not illusions.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Gale—Act 3
In Act 3, be sure to read The Annals of Karsus before visiting the Tabernacle. A speech bubble will then appear over Gale’s head at camp. Chat with him and select the following:
- Close your eyes OR “This sounds dangerous.”
- “I feel the same. Whatever you need of me, consider it done.” OR “I can’t, Gale. This is best forgotten. I love you as you are.”
- Kiss him OR “You’re already everything I need you to be.”
As with previous romance options, you can also find and speak to the dryad Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days during Act 3 to begin the Trial of Love. The correct answers are:
- “A shiny red apple, wholesome as can be.”
- “While on his balcony in Waterdeep.”
- “He thinks he and the world might be better off if he were dead.”

If your approval is high enough during the party held during Act 1, you can romance the tough Lae’zel with ease. Ruthless and domineering, she’ll respect you if you follow her combative lead.
How to Gain Approval From Lae’zel
- Being Pro-Githyanki
- Showing combat expertise
- Being aggressive and direct
- Letting her take the lead
- Rejecting side quests
- Subjugating others
Actions That Lose Approval With Lae’zel
- Agreeing with Shadowheart
- Helping the weak
- Taking non-violent action (i.e. negotiating, sneaking)
- Disagreeing with her
- Making Anti-Githyanki statements
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Lae’zel—Act 1
Lae’zel is direct, so it stands to reason that her romance is as well. During the celebration at camp, speak to her and choose the following statements to trigger a very NSFW cutscene:
- “Are you…asking for sex?”
- “Yes. I will share my bed with you tonight.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Lae’zel—Act 2

In Act 2, Lae’zel will challenge you to a duel. Regardless of if you win or not, choose the following options:
- Pull her close. Press her lips against hers. OR “I am yours.”
Additionally, you can choose:
- “This is the mighty Lae’zel? What an embarrassment. You’ve gone soft.”
- Take her.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Lae’zel—Act 3
For a bit of fun, find and speak to the dryad Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days during Act 3 to begin the Trial of Love. Select the following:
- “To find the truth about Orpheus amidst her queen’s lies.”
- “Our night together.”
- “She will be known as a liberator of the Githyanki people.”
During Lae’zel’s Companion Quest, obtain the Orphic Hammer from Raphael by stealing it or accepting his deal. You must also keep Lae’zel from being kidnapped or rescue her from Orin if necessary. Upon your next encounter, select the following:
- “Stand your ground. Don’t fall for Vlaakith’s lies.”
Speak to her again after Vlaakith leaves, and select:
- “I prefer heat. Ravage me, show me no mercy.” OR “Yes. I’ve longed for a tender touch.
During the following two conversations, choose any option for the first prompt. Select the following to continue the romance:
- “Of course. I could never resist you.” OR “All right, this better be good.”
- “I’ve been waiting so long to hear those words. I will stay with you, come what may.”

You can begin your romance with Wyll during the celebration at camp during Act 1 if your approval is high enough and if you sided with the Tieflings against the goblins. As the ‘Blade of Frontiers,’ Wyll appreciates good deeds and heroic acts above all else.
How to Gain Approval From Wyll
- Being altruistic and helping those in need
- Fighting bad guys
- Performing heroic acts
- Expressing anti-monster opinions
Actions That Lose Approval With Wyll
- Acting selfish or entitled
- Being pro-devil or pro-goblin
- Committing cruel acts
- Deceiving him
- Siding with Mizora
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Wyll—Act 1
Speak to Wyll at the party and tell him that you’d like to explore things in your bunk tonight. When your kiss is interrupted, select the following responses:
- “It’s all right. I just want to spend the night at your side.”
- [Persuasion] “Come closer. I’ll help keep your mind off your devil.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Wyll—Act 2
During Act 2, the next phase of Wyll’s romance can trigger at any point after a rest if your approval is at the right level. After finding Wyll dancing, say:
- “Nice form. Where’d you learn to dance like that?” OR Stay quiet, and watch Wyll dance
- “A new partner? And who might that be?” OR “Trust me. I don’t think you could fail anyone if you tried.”
- Smile and bow
If you pass the skill check, take a bow or smile. If you fail, choose one of the following responses:
- “You’re a beautiful dancer. I’m sure you’ll teach me in no time.”
- Smile in embarrassment
When Wyll invites you for a more intimate dance, pick these options:
- Press your lips against Wyll’s OR Invite him closer with a knowing look—it’s what you both want.
- “I was hoping we could spend the night…together.” OR Move in for another kiss
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Wyll—Act 3
Deal with the Duke Ravengard situation during Act 3 to learn about the legendary Tale of Ansur. This will trigger a chat with Wyll the next time you rest, in which you can choose any option for the first prompt. For the second, smile and take Wyll’s hand. He will take you to the Wilden Oak and share more about himself. Simply remain quiet and enjoy the view.
If you’ve selected the correct options up until this point, Wyll will get down on one knee and propose. Respond with:
- “Yes, yes, yes!” OR Take the acorn and nod
- Join Wyll in the grass. Give yourself to him completely. OR “It’s about time. Let’s see what the Blade can do with his weapon.”
For a bit of extra fun, speak to the dryad Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days to begin the Trial of Love. The correct answers are:
- “Memories of our first night getting to know each other.”
- “His father, Ulder Ravengard.”
- “Leaving behind his father and the city.”

Romancing Karlach takes a little extra work—after all, she’s too hot to touch thanks to the Infernal Engine in her chest. You’ll want to side with the Tieflings against the goblins and raise your approval with her to earn her favor.
How to Gain Approval From Karlach
- Being kind to children
- Being pro-Tiefling
- Acting heroically and fighting against injustice
- Being open-minded and sincere
Actions That Lose Approval With Karlach
- Acting cowardly
- Helping goblins
- Being cruel to others
- Anti-Tiefling sentiments
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Karlach—Act 1
The solution to Karlach’s overheating problem is Infernal Iron. After finding some around the world, visit Dammon, a blacksmith in Druid’s Grove, to cool her down. Don’t worry, that’ll only decrease her temperature—not her temperament.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Karlach—Act 2
To make it possible to touch her, you’ll need to seek Dammon out again in the Last Light Inn during Act 2. Give him one more piece of Infernal Iron and your romance with Karlach can truly begin.
Speak to Karlach in camp and choose the following dialogue options:
- “I want to talk about your Infernal Engine.”
- “You got your second upgrade. How does it feel?”
- “I’ve never been more excited for anything in my life.”
- “Of course. Nothing would make me happier.”
After reaching your bedroll, cement your budding romance with these choices:
- “Go on.”
- “I’m yours, Karlach.”
- “I thought you’d never ask.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Karlach—Act 3
If you want some extra approval, speak to the dryad Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days to begin the Trial of Love. The answers are:
- “Gortash.”
- “Bashing baddies interspersed with victory sex.”
- “Settled down in a quiet village with a nice partner and a few kids.”

Recruiting Minthara into your party isn’t easy, forcing you to alienate your other companions and walk an evil path. If you’re interested in her romantically, you should be prepared for chaos in your ranks.
How to Gain Approval From Minthara
- Be obedient and follow orders
- Follow the Absolute’s commands
- Act assertively
- Side with the goblins
Actions That Lose Approval With Minthara
- Deny the Absolute
- Act weak or cowardly
- Be indecisive
- Support the druids and Tieflings
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Minthara—Act 1
After destroying the druids and Tieflings, speak to Minthara during the celebration at camp and choose the following:
- “Yes, I’m yours, Minthara.”
- Do as she says.
- “I want you.”
When confronted after your night together, tell Minthara to go pray to save your skin.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Minthara—Act 3 (There Are No Act 2 Steps)
Speak to Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days to begin the Trial of Love, which will test your knowledge of Minthara. If you’re not confident, the correct answers are:
- “Picking off her siblings one by one.”
- “Legendary drow hero Drizzt Do’Urden.” OR “Me.”
- “Let herself be captured by the cult of the Absolute.”

Halsin goes missing after accompanying Aradin’s expedition to the Goblin Camp. You need to find, free, and help him before you can begin romancing this Wood Elf Druid.
How to Gain Approval From Halsin
- Respecting nature
- Supporting his druidic beliefs
- Being kind to animals
- Acting honorably and kind
Actions That Lose Approval With Halsin
- Being cruel to animals
- Disrespecting his beliefs
- Making evil decisions
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Halsin—Act 1
After siding with the druids during the Grove quest line, you’ll be able to begin wooing Halsin once he joins your camp. You can invite him to become one of your companions during the celebration at the end of Act 1.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Halsin—Act 2
Progress through the ‘Lift the Shadow Curse’ quest during Act 2 to formally recruit Halsin. Besides this, there’s not much you can do to advance your romance with the amiable Druid. Keep increasing your approval rating with him and prepare for a steamy Act 3.
Baldur’s Gate 3 Romance Guide for Halsin—Act 3
During Act 3, you’ll be prompted to speak to him at camp. Select the following after choosing any option for the first prompt:
- “What are you saying exactly?”
- “Many lovers? Perhaps your heart stirs more easily than you think.”
- “I thought you were bound to nature.”

Halsin will then invite you to spend the night together, during which you should say:
- “Put your doubts aside. I’m here.”
- “Of course. What else do you think I’m here for?”
You can test your Halsin knowledge by chatting with Zethino in the Circus of the Last Days. Once inside the Trial of Love, the answers are:
- “Comfort doesn’t come naturally to him. He’s restless and roaming.”
- “Protecting his grove from those who threatened it.”
- “Allowing the shadow curse to blight nature for a hundred years.”
Baldur’s Gate 3 doesn’t skimp on its romance aspect, infusing your adventure with equal parts sugar and spice. Sometimes even divine love is an option—although that ends up being more torturous than amorous. Just make sure people aren’t snooping over your shoulder before heading to your bedroll after a long day of adventuring.