The Goose Mother from MTG sitting on a pile of golden eggs.

Doubling Season in Magic: The Gathering

Double the trouble, double the fun!

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

Key Takeaway

Doubling Season in MTG is a green Enchantment that doubles how many tokens and counters you create.

It’s originally from 2005’s Ravnica: City of Guilds expansion. However, it returned in 2023’s Wilds of Eldraine expansion. Specifically, it came back in the latter’s Enchanting Tales card set.

The average price for Doubling Season singles (as of writing this) is around $50 (USD). That includes foil and nonfoil variants.

Sometimes Magic: The Gathering brings some old favorites back into print. The classic and deadly Doubling Season from the Ravnica: City of Guilds expansion makes an MTG comeback in the Wilds of Eldraine. Be on the lookout for the Goose Mother!

Table Of Contents

    What Is Doubling Season in MTG?

    The Doubling Season Enchantment card from Magic: The Gathering, which depicts a goose with multiple heads.

    Doubling Season is an Enchantment with a mana value of one green and four of any color. It has two effects, the first of which increases how many tokens you can create:

    If an effect would create one or more tokens under your control, it creates twice that many of those tokens instead.

    The other effect boosts how many counters you can produce:

    If an effect would put one or more counters on a permanent you control, it puts twice that many of those counters on that permanent instead.

    The Best Ways to Use Doubling Season

    You can use Doubling Season in any deck focused on creating tokens and counters to great effect. As you can glean from the effect text, you can double your output of these elements. For example, if you create one token, you create two instead; if you initially create two, you’ll make four in place of that, etc.

    This has a wide range of uses, from buffing your beefy green creatures to spawning a horde of puny pests to overrun your foe. What’s more, this is even more significant in the Wilds of Eldraine expansion due to the appearance of Roles. Roles are Token Enchantments, which get doubled through Doubling Season’s first effect.

    The Monster Aura Role Token Enchantment from MTG.

    Doubling Season’s effects are easily stackable with other tactics—like with Proliferate. The way Proliferate works in MTG is that it adds a counter on each permanent for each counter already in play. If you Proliferate with Doubling Season on the battlefield, you’ll add two counters each instead of one.

    Furthermore, remember that Planeswalkers make use of Loyalty Counters for their abilities. These can also be doubled through Doubling Season’s second effect.

    Trivia and History of Doubling Season

    As mentioned before, Doubling Season is originally from 2005’s Ravnica: City of Guilds expansion. However, it returned in 2023’s Wilds of Eldraine expansion. Specifically, it came back in the latter’s Enchanting Tales card set.

    Plenty more cards from older expansions returned in the Enchanting Tales set. Most of them got new art as well! Keep in mind that none of them are legal in the Standard format—including Doubling Season. For the most part, you’ll see them in the Commander format.

    Doubling Season MTG Prices

    The average price for Doubling Season singles (as of writing this) is around $50 (USD). That’s taking the prices for foil and nonfoil versions into consideration. As such, you’ll need to fork out a bit of cash for this golden goose egg! Remember that MTG prices fluctuate, so check back later to see if the cost has dropped.

    If you’re wondering why Doubling Season is so expensive, here’s a quick breakdown:

    • Green Commander decks love this card and it sees a lot of play, which increases the demand for this limited-printed Enchantment
    • Doubling Season is very powerful, as, aside from general high utility, it lets Planeswalkers use their Loyalty Abilities earlier and more often
    • The Wilds of Eldraine mechanics that make use of Tokens and Counters increased this card’s desirability in recent times
    • Doubling Season was always good, but after Wilds of Eldraine, it’s even more viable

    If Doubling Season isn’t broken enough for you, why not stick two in your non-Commander MTG deck? Sure, it’ll cost you twice as much, but all the wins granted by this powerful Enchantment will surely make up for it. With that said, it still can’t hold a candle to the prices of the rarest Alpha set cards or the serialized 1:1 The One Ring, which was bought for over $2,000,000.

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