Key Takeaway
Completing your log of quests in Fortnite is a surefire way to gain large amounts of XP and boost your level quickly. Be sure to also check out the game’s Creative mode games for XP rewards.
Leveling up quickly in Fortnite is the best way to ensure you obtain all of the items in the game’s Battle Pass. There are different ways to pick up vital XP to help you level up your character.
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Leveling up Fast in Fortnite
Whenever a new season gets underway in Fortnite, you’ll see your level reset to one. This is so that everyone can work their way through the current Battle Pass, earning rewards as they level up. As a result, leveling up fast is a priority for many players. Especially those who want to ensure they make it all the way through the 100 tiers of the Battle Pass before the season ends.
There are different ways to level up in Fortnite but essentially, you’ll need to gain plenty of XP to do it quickly. Predominantly, playing the majority of Fortnite’s main Battle Royale modes will help you do so. However, there are many other opportunities for farming XP to help you level up fast.
Leveling up to the highest ranks of the Battle Pass will also let you unlock additional bonus styles for your character skins. So, it’s worth considering your leveling-up strategy to help you get all of those rewards.
How to Get XP Fast
First and foremost, simply playing the game will reward you with XP. Exploration, survival, getting eliminations, and scavenging are all fundamental ways of earning XP and filling up that level meter.

Additional in-game ways to pick up XP include talking to different NPCs, activating Augments, and upgrading your weapons using Gold Bars.
However, one of the fastest ways to get higher gains of XP in Fortnite is to be diligent about the game’s regularly set quests. Ensuring you complete these will help you gain large amounts of XP on a frequent basis, so don’t neglect them.
Milestone Quests
Fortnite sets regular milestone quests with each season. You can often pick these up without much effort at all, as they’re awarded for carrying out fairly simple tasks.

For example, damaging opponents, restoring health, outlasting players, and gaining shields are all milestone quests. Many of these things are done as a matter of course when playing the game, so you’ll gain XP from them often without doing anything extra.
Weekly Quests
Your weekly quests are one of the best ways to level up fast in Fortnite. They offer the largest amount of XP gains for completion and afford you a forgiving amount of time in which to do so.

Additionally, completing at least three weekly quests in the given period will award you a 30K of bonus XP. Ensuring that you complete weekly quest objectives will see you earn the biggest rewards, so don’t overlook them.
Daily Quests
Completing your daily quest quota each day is one of the faster ways to level up in Fortnite. There are usually at least three daily objectives to complete, each awarding 1K XP.

Completing three daily quests will reward you with 15K of bonus XP, so it’s definitely worth working through each challenge. They’re often fairly simple ones to achieve and shouldn’t take more than a couple of matches to box off.
Gain XP Quickly by Playing Creator-Made Games
You can also gain XP really quickly by playing some of Fortnite’s Creative modes. Simply exploring and spending some time in the various Creator-made experiences can reward you with decent amounts of XP.

For every 15 minutes you spend playing in Creator-made games, you’ll be rewarded with 12K in XP. This effect will occur five times in one play session. That means that even just by exploring or relaxing in these modes, you’ll be able to easily farm valuable XP.
As an additional weekly quest, you can also pick up a bonus of 16K in bonus XP for earning 50,000 XP in eligible Creator-made experiences. Both of these rewards will help boost your level meter massively and are fairly low-effort ways to level up.
XP Farming Tips
Don’t forget, you can always purchase additional levels from the Fortnite Item Shop if you want to. This is one of the main ways of leveling up really quickly, but it’ll cost you some real-world currency to do so.
Weekly quests refresh each Tuesday, so be sure to try and wrap up your objectives over the weekend if you’ve been busy through the week.
Make sure you check the listing screen for Creator-made games before you start playing. You’ll want to ensure the purple XP banner is listed in the mode’s description. This means that you’ll gain XP for the game you’ve selected. Not all creator-made games have this in place, so be sure to check.
In addition, if you’re able to jump into Fortnite’s PvE mode Save The World, you can also pick up XP that transfers across to your Battle Royale mode level.

This is an easy way to farm XP if you’re feeling a bit burned out with Battle Royale, or if you’ve managed to complete all your current daily, weekly, or milestone quest objectives.
Achieving a Victory Royale in a match is a surefire way to get a substantial XP reward. Aim to take the number one spot in your Battle Royale mode games to increase your level quickly!
Check out some of the most popular Creator-made experiences and jump into them for higher XP rewards. Some of the larger and more populated games award higher amounts of XP than other, smaller ones. You can even leave your character idle in some modes and you’ll gather XP while you’re away from your game.
Be sure to regularly search chests and ammo boxes, as well as survive as many storm circles as you can during matches. These small XP gains can add up to larger ones over the course of a few matches. They’ll also more than likely contribute towards your quest objectives.
Partner up with a team or a friend to ensure you complete certain trickier quests. When playing in Duos, Trios, and Squads modes, all of your team’s progress towards a certain objective is shared. This can be a good idea if you need to achieve a certain elimination count for a weekly quest, for example.