Key Takeaway
You can get more health potions by brewing them with Horklump Juice and Dittany Leaves or by buying them from J. Pippin’s Potions store for 100 galleons each.
In Hogwarts Legacy, you will frequently battle enemies while completing both quests and the main story. To be prepared for these fights, you’ll need to know how you can get ahold of more health potions—also known as Wiggenweld Potions.
Table Of Contents
Where to Find Ingredients for Health Potions

Especially for boss battles, you’ll need to be ready with a stock full of Wiggenweld Potions. To make one Wiggenweld Potion, you’ll need the following ingredients:
- One batch of Horklump Juice
- One batch of Dittany Leaves
Horklump Juice is a common spawn out in the wild, specifically in front of Treasure Vaults or caves. It has the appearance of something similar to purple mushrooms, and you can collect tons of them just by walking around. Alternatively, you can buy Horklump Juice in Hogsmeade at J. Pippin’s Potions for 50 galleons each.
Dittany Leaves, on the other hand, can be grown. You’ll need to purchase some Dittany Seeds from The Magic Neep in Hogsmeade for 350 galleons, or use the ones given to you by Professor Garlick. Once you have these, you can plant them at your Potting Table in the Room of Requirement or in the Herbology classroom. Note that to gain access to the Room of Requirement, you’ll need to complete the Tomes and Tribulations quest, which you’ll eventually trigger by progressing the main story.
Alternatively, you can purchase Dittany Leaves for 150 galleons each, and skip the growing process.
How to Get Wiggenweld Potions

To craft a Wiggenweld Potion, you’ll need to have the ingredients listed above, and then take advantage of the Potion Crafting Table in the Potions classroom or the Room of Requirement. Once you’re at one of these tables, combine these ingredients, wait 15 seconds, and you will get one Wiggenweld potion per brew.
Alternatively, you can also buy Wiggenweld Potions from J. Pippin’s Potions in Hogsmeade for 100 galleons each.