Key Takeaway
You’ll need to activate Request #92: A Token of Gratitude to catch Shaymin. To do so, you’ll need to possess save data from either Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. Furthermore, you’ll need to complete the main quest in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
Shaymin is one of two legendary Pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus that you can’t catch without owning another Pokémon game. As such, in addition to in-game requirements, you’ll need some outside help to acquire this Grass-type.
Table Of Contents
What You Need to Get Request #92 to Appear

To start, on your Nintendo Switch, you’ll need to possess save data of either Pokémon Brilliant Diamond or Pokémon Shining Pearl. The progress of your game does not matter for the sake of catching Shaymin—you just need an active save file.
Next, you’ll have to finish the main quest in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. This means you’ll need to watch the credits roll, as that’s what signifies the end of the main questline.
Once you’ve done all of that, go to professor Laventon’s lab in Galaxy Hall. On the board, you’ll see Request #92: A Token of Gratitude. Accept the request to start your search for Shaymin.
How to Find and Catch Shaymin

Request #92 will lead you to the Obsidian Fieldlands. When you head there, go to the Fieldlands Camp (the first camp you set up at the beginning of the game). Nearby, you’ll see an NPC named Medi with a quest marker above her head. When you speak to her, she’ll give you a type of flower called a Gracidea.
The Gracidea’s importance will come into play later, but for now, just talk to Medi to learn of her past encounter with Shaymin. Following some dialogue, you’ll be given a hint as to where Shaymin will appear. However, Shaymin will only appear during the day.
Shaymin will appear in the Floaro Gardens at the northwest of the Obsidian Fieldlands. Go there and you’ll find a circular patch of dead flowers. If you’ve begun Request #92, a cutscene will play when you reach this area.
Medi will show up and talk to you again before the dead flowers are revived. This is due to Shaymin appearing and restoring life back to the colorful plants. Following this cutscene, you’ll be able to catch Shaymin as it plays among the newly reborn flowers.
Tips for Catching Shaymin

Shaymin is quite small and can be difficult to spot among the many tall flowers in Floaro Garden. However, when you do spot the Grass-type’s little green back, you’ll be able to lob a Poké Ball at it.
While it’s possible to engage them in battle, it can be much quicker to simply throw empty Poké Balls at them from behind to capture them directly. For the best chances of success, it’s recommended to use a sneaky approach.
Crouch and use a Smoke Bomb to obscure your presence. Afterward, get behind Shaymin and throw a Gigaton Ball at them. Since Gigaton Balls have the highest success rate on unaware Pokémon, it shouldn’t take you too long to catch Shaymin this way.
What You Get for Completing Request #92
Catching Shaymin will complete Request #92. When done, you’ll get a Grit Rock for your efforts. This item will increase a Pokémon’s effort value from nine to ten. Just keep in mind that it cannot be used on an effort value below nine.
With that taken care of, you’re now one step closer to completing the Pokédex in Pokémon Legends: Arceus!
How to Get Sky Forme Shaymin

Here’s where the Gracidea comes into play. After you’ve captured Shaymin, you can use the Gracidea on it much like how you would use an evolution item on another kind of Pokémon. When you use the Gracidea on Shaymin (who must be in your party), it will transform into Sky Forme Shaymin.
Sky Forme Shaymin is a fair deal stronger in battle, therefore it’s recommended to use it on your team instead of regular Shaymin.