Elliott in Stardew Valley.

Stardew Valley: Elliott Gifts, Schedule, and Heart Events

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

Elliott is an aspiring writer who lives in a cabin on the Beach. He’s one of the twelve available candidates for marriage in Stardew Valley. Befriend Elliott by knowing which gifts he likes, his schedule, and how to respond during his heart events.

Table Of Contents


    Elliott’s taste in gifts is unique. Here’s what Elliott loves, likes, dislikes, hates, and feels neutral about.


    Elliott loves all of the universal loves, as well as these items:

    Crab CakesCrab, bread crumbs, and egg formed into patties then fried to a golden brown.
    Duck FeatherIt's so colorful.
    LobsterA large ocean-dwelling crustacean with a strong tail.
    PomegranateWithin the fruit are clusters of juicy seeds.
    Squid InkSquid use this ink to confuse would-be predators.
    Tom Kha SoupThese flavors are incredible!


    Elliott likes all universal likes except Amaranth and Pizza, and all fruit except Pomegranate and Salmonberry. He also likes:

    OctopusA mysterious and intelligent creature.
    SquidA deep sea creature that can grow to enormous size.


    Elliott is neutral toward all universal neutrals except Duck Feather and Squid Ink, all Eggs except Void Egg, and all Fish except Carp, Lobster, Octopus, Sea Cucumber, Snail, and Squid.


    Elliott dislikes all milk and all universal dislikes except Fish. He also dislikes:

    Chanterelle A tasty mushroom with a fruity smell and slightly peppery flavor.
    Common MushroomSlightly nutty, with good texture.
    DaffodilA traditional spring flower that makes a nice gift.
    DandelionNot the prettiest flower, but the leaves make a good salad.
    GingerThis sharp, spicy root is said to increase vitality.
    HazelnutThat's one big hazelnut!
    HollyThe leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration.
    LeekA tasty relative of the onion.
    Magma CapA very rare mushroom that lives next to pools of lava.
    MorelSought after for its unique nutty flavor.
    PizzaIt's popular for all the right reasons.
    Purple MushroomA rare mushroom found deep in caves.
    Snow YamThis little yam was hiding beneath the snow.
    Wild HorseradishA spicy root found in the spring.
    Winter RootA starchy tuber.


    Elliott hates all universal hates, as well as these items:

    AmaranthA purple grain cultivated by an ancient civilaztion.
    QuartzA clear crystal commonly found in caves and mines.
    SalmonberryA spring-time berry with the flavor of the forest.
    Sea CucumberA slippery, slimy creature found on the ocean floor.


    Elliott’s schedule differs from season to season and is also based on certain weather conditions and your relationship with Leah. He also has a unique schedule if you are married to him.


    When raining:

    All dayStays inside his cabin on the beach.

    On Thursday and Friday if you have 6 or more hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leaves home and goes to Pierre's Store.
    5:30 p.m.Leave Pierre's Store and goes home.

    On Friday and Saturday if you have less than 6 hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    12:00 p.m.Leave's home and goes to the docks next to Willy's house and fishing shop.
    5:00 p.m.Leaves the docks and goes to The Stardrop Saloon.
    11:40 p.m.Leaves the Saloon and goes home.

    This is Elliott’s regular schedule if none of the above conditions are met:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    12:00 p.m.Leaves home and goes to the Beach.
    1:30 p.m.Leaves the Beach and goes back home.
    3:00 p.m.Leaves home and stands on the bridge between the Beach and town.
    6:00 p.m.Leaves the bridge and goes home.


    Elliott’s schedule is special on Tuesday the 9th:

    10:30 a.m.Leaves home and goes to the Clinic. He waits in the waiting room.
    1:30 p.m.Goes to the examination room inside the Clinic.
    4:00 p.m.Leaves the Clinic and goes home.

    When raining:

    All dayStays inside his cabin on the beach.

    On Thursday and Friday if you have 6 or more hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leaves home and goes to Pierre's Store.
    5:30 p.m.Leave Pierre's Store and goes home.

    On Friday and Saturday if you have less than 6 hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    12:00 p.m.Leave's home and goes to the docks next to Willy's house and fishing shop.
    5:00 p.m.Leaves the docks and goes to The Stardrop Saloon.
    11:40 p.m.Leaves the Saloon and goes home.

    This is Elliott’s regular schedule if none of the above conditions are met:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leave home and goes to Cindersap Forest, south of Leah's cottage.
    6:00 p.m.Leave the Forest and goes home.
    7:40 p.m.Arrives home.


    When raining:

    All dayStays inside his cabin on the beach.

    On Thursday and Friday if you have 6 or more hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leaves home and goes to Pierre's Store.
    5:30 p.m.Leave Pierre's Store and goes home.

    On Friday and Saturday if you have less than 6 hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    12:00 p.m.Leave's home and goes to the docks next to Willy's house and fishing shop.
    5:00 p.m.Leaves the docks and goes to The Stardrop Saloon.
    11:40 p.m.Leaves the Saloon and goes home.

    This is Elliott’s regular schedule if none of the above conditions are met:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leaves home and goes to the Library.
    5:30 p.m.Leave the Library and goes home.
    6:40 p.m.Stands next to his tree inside his house.
    9:00 p.m.Goes to his writing desk inside his house.


    When raining:

    All dayStays inside his cabin on the beach.

    Elliott’s schedule is special on Wednesday the 17th:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leaves home and goes to the Museum.
    4:50 p.m.Leaves the Museum and goes to the Night Market.
    1:00 a.m.Leaves the Night Market and goes home.

    On Thursday and Friday if you have 6 or more hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leaves home and goes to Pierre's Store.
    5:30 p.m.Leave Pierre's Store and goes home.

    On Friday and Saturday if you have less than 6 hearts with Leah:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    12:00 p.m.Leave's home and goes to the docks next to Willy's house and fishing shop.
    5:00 p.m.Leaves the docks and goes to The Stardrop Saloon.
    11:40 p.m.Leaves the Saloon and goes home.

    This is Elliott’s regular schedule if none of the above conditions are met:

    8:00 a.m.Home
    11:30 a.m.Leave home and goes to the Library.
    5:30 p.m.Leaves the Library and goes home.


    Elliott will generally be hanging out at the Farmhouse or somewhere on the farm. There are certain conditions that trigger certain events in his schedule, though.

    When raining:

    All dayStays inside the Farmhouse.

    On Mondays:

    8:30 a.m.Leaves the Farmhouse and goes to the Beach.
    5:00 p.m.Leaves the Beach and goes back to the Farmhouse.

    Heart Events

    Elliott has 6 Heart Events, not including the Ten-Heart Group Event.

    Two HeartsGo inside Elliott's Cabin when he's home.
    • Mystery (+30)
    • Romance (+30)
    • Sci-Fi (+30)
    Four HeartsGo inside the Stardrop Saloon when Gus is there, from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m..
    • To Pelican Town! (+25)
    • To our friendship! (+50)
    • To my good health! (-10)
    • To your doom! (-50)
    Six HeartsGo inside Elliott's Cabin when he's home.
    • That was wonderful! (No effect)
    • How long have you been playing? (No effect)
    • It's just as hard to be a farmer, you know (No effect)
    • Come live on the farm, I could use the extra help (No effect)
    Eight HeartsVisit the Museum between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. after you've received a letter from Elliott.Elliott reads a book based on the answer from your first Heart Event.
    Ten HeartsGo to the Beach between 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. when it's not raining.
    • I'm happy (+50)
    • You're making me very uncomfortable. Stop. (-50)

    The event ends if you refuse.
    Fourteen HeartsExit the Farmhouse between 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.. There can't be a festival scheduled for the next 8 days or the even won't trigger.-