Sea of Eden (Another)
Bosses: Vita Unus* (Red), Vita Duo* (Green), Vita Tres* (Blue)
You are now in Another World with a giant oceanic pyramid with three islands on the points on the triangle, allowing three paths. We always take path A because of the Vigora element, but you’re free to pick which one you want.
Path A
There are three islands here, the Past, Present, and Future. Go to the Past and Future first, then the Present and examine the pyramids in each one. Two more red pyramids will show up and form a boss.

Boss: Vita Unus
Spoils: Summon Star #38, 1180G, Vigora
Just attack and stay healed. Its magic is very strong, and it will nearly kill your party members in one hit, so beware. Just keep attacking until it falls. It will cast Cure Plus, then Green Field, then Inferno/Volcano. When it casts Green Field, use this opportunity to cast Sonja and Genie with Karsh, if not both if you have time. You can steal a White Brooch from it, or if you’re lucky, a Diva Dress.
Path B
There are three islands here, the Past, Present, and Future. Go to the Past and Present first, then the Future and examine the pyramids in each one. Two more green pyramids will show up and form a boss.

Boss: Vita Duo
Spoils: Summon Star #38, 1190G, Earring of Light or Diva Dress
Just attack and stay healed. Its magic is very strong, and it will nearly kill your party members in one hit, so beware. Just keep attacking until it falls. It will cast Inferno/Volcano, then Cure Plus, then Green Field. When it casts Green Field, use this opportunity to cast Sonja and Genie with Karsh, if not both if you have time. You can steal a White Brooch from it, or if you’re lucky, a Holy Healing.
Path C
There are three islands here, the Past, Present, and Future. Go to the Present and Future first, then the Past and examine the pyramids in each one. Two more blue pyramids will show up and form a boss.

Boss: Vita Tres
Spoils: Summon Star #38, 1190G, Golden Tiara or Diva Dress
Just attack and stay healed. Its magic is very strong, and it will nearly kill your party members in one hit, so beware. Just keep attacking until it falls. It will cast Green Field, then Inferno/Volcano, then Cure Plus. When it casts Green Field, use this opportunity to cast Sonja and Genie with Karsh, if not both if you have time. You can steal a White Brooch from it, or if you’re lucky, a Holy Healing.
After that is over, the Future Ruins will come down. Enter Chronopolis and bring Grobyc with you. Putting the White Plate on someone wouldn’t be a bad idea.
Records/Fate: The port west of the elevator room
Elements: #Nostrum, Cure All, #Recharge, Hell Bound, Magnify
Techs: Strong Arm (Level 7 Tech for Grobyc)
Equipment: Yellow Brooch, White Brooch, Forget-Me-Not Pot
Materials: @Rainbow Shell
Key Items: Card Key
Enemies: Gizmotoid (Red), Aero-Guard (Blue), Gyroblade (White), Combot (Red)
Bosses: Polis Police (White), Fate (Black)
Go northeast and you’ll listen to the two ghosts’ conversation. Head northwest and as you go across the bridge, you’ll have to fight the Polis Police.

Boss: Polis Police
Spoils: Summon Star #39, 1000G, Phys Negate or #Capsule
This battle is hard! Watch out for his Megaton Fist and Bazooka attacks as they will kill one party member. Here’s what we did. We had Serge fill up his element grid to 8, then had someone else cast Photon Ray if only one section of the field was white. If two were white, or they now became white, we then cast Revive on whoever died, then we had Serge cast Saints. That nearly killed him, so we just had Serge and Grobyc attack to finish him off. He can be hard, but with careful timing, it can be quick and easy.
Go north, then west and down the stairs. Follow the path to the Yellow Brooch. Go back and up the stairs to the next area. Go east into this room and examine the cupboard to the north to find a #Nostrum, then go south and down the hatch. First, press the red button to the north, then go west and operate the computer. With the robot, follow the underwater path until you reach the metal thing, then go south and follow the path until you find the White Brooch.
Go east a little and then go north. Follow this path to a Cure All. Go back to the metal plate and go northeast. Follow the path until you reach the other side, then push the red button on the opposite side. Press TRIANGLE, and when you regain control, go across the bridge and up the ladder.
Go around the desk and operate the computer to make the door open. Go west and north to the next area. Go northeast up the stairs and into this room, then go around to behind the stairs to find the Forget-Me-Not Pot. We recommend keeping that equipped on Serge so Sprigg will have the Doppelgangs that Serge kills.

Go up these stairs and enter the second-floor door (not the one that won’t open on the third floor). Go through the lasers and a robot will pop out. Fight him if you want, then leave the room to the south. Follow the path past the locked elevator and enter the next room.
You’ll see a large map of the world on the floor. Talk to the ghost here to learn some history, then examine the panel on the western edge of the desk to release the lock on all of the level 2 doors.
Go back to the room with the lasers and open the door here. Have Grobyc open the case to the right, and he’ll find the superweapon that Porre was creating. Grobyc will then receive his level 7 tech Strong Arm.

Now if you go through the storage things, you won’t find anything, so CLOSE them ALL up. Go over to the panel to the left and when it asks for a code, use 00. (I found that by accident because I was pressing X too fast! Nifty, huh?) You’ll receive a #Recharge element, which recharges an element that you have previously used! Cool!
Go back to the elevator and go to the third floor. Go northeast and into this door, then go east, go into the small room, and beat up the Combot so you can grab the Hell Bound.
Go back to the elevator and go northwest into this room. If you search around on the computers, you’ll find out information about Lavos, as well as some events of Chrono Trigger. Go north along the western wall and enter the small room to find a chest containing @Rainbow Shell #8. Go back to the elevator and go to the fourth floor.
Go northeast and enter this door. In here, you’ll see a bunch of the ghosts talking, mentioning that the chief isn’t here yet. So we have to go get him for things to continue.
Before we do, go east two doors, and go down the steps to a chest with a Magnify in it. The ghost down here says that the chief should be at the docks. Go back to the elevator and go down to the first floor, then go southwest to the docks.
Go northwest and then go up the stairs and talk to the chief, who’ll head back to the lab. Go to the Record of Fate and save. I also recommend bringing Grobyc and Fargo. If you want, make some more equipment with your @Rainbow, then equip the Black Plate on Serge. Go back to the elevator and go to the fourth floor.
Go northwest into the room you couldn’t enter before. Go into the western portion of this room and beat up the Combot. Grab the Card Key.

Check the panel to your north to hear some memoirs from the past, and it has to do with Kid and the Radical Dreamers.
Leave here, then go to the elevator and go to B1. Go northwest, get rid of the Combots, and examine the panel to the left of the door. It will do a retinal scan, fingerprinting, and a DNA scan, and will let you through! Watch the events unfold in here, at which point you’ll have to battle FATE.

Boss: Fate
Spoils: Summon Star #40, 2457G, Magic Seal or Holy Healing
It will start a countdown, from 5 to 0. Each time after it counts a number it will use a black element, so Serge is invincible in this battle as long as he has the Black Plate equipped. Have Fargo steal the Earring of Light, or if he’s lucky, a Holy Healing! It is the best healing spell in the game, and you really should have it. It’s not that hard of a battle, so just attack and use your best elements, and keep everyone healed and alive.
Note: This battle (star #40) will unlock everyone else’s level 7 tech or spot on their element grid for that tech.
After that, many more events will unfold, and you’ll be onboard the S.S. Invincible. You have to find a way to the tower that surfaced, but you do not know how. Pick your party, and then you’ll be on your way.
To the Sea of Eden