Key Items: Lilly’s Letter
Once you’re back, leave the train station for a scene. When you regain control, head to the General Store. We’re sure you have a load of money, along with many unnecessary items, so go to the General Store and buy/sell what you need and so forth. We would buy two more pairs of Air Sneakers and put them in your Stashing Place so that when you do get four party members, they can have them too. (You can only buy them here and on the Steamer, so best grab them now before we forget.)
Once you’re done here, head southeast of the store / northeast of the train station to the Inventor’s House. Talk to him, and he’ll give you some of his Coal Candy to take with you.

Feel free to do one last round of daytime chats with the citizens of Parm. When you’re ready, head toward the Seagull Restaurant for a quick scene outside the front door. Afterward, go inside, but before you talk to Lilly, go to the Stashing Place and take care of business, then talk to Lilly and have another dinner scene. Along with this dinner, you’ll have several more scenes after this before you regain control.
Leave the house and make your way to the Steamer at the Port. (Though you can apologize to the Curator now if you like! You should make him feel better before leaving for ages!)
Talk to the soldier at the gate to finally get inside, then make your way to the line at the Steamer’s entrance. Go to the front of the line and talk to the sailor beside the walkway, choosing to board. Before boarding, you’ll discover a letter, so choose to read Lilly’s Letter to proceed.
You’ll then finally leave Parm behind…