Enemies that hold Combat Logs in Chapter 1 of Armored Core 6.

Armored Core 6: All Combat Logs in Chapter 1

Get one step closer to earning the Combat Log Collector achievement!

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Rhett Roxl is a professional writer who has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He merged both passions together to become a writer in the game industry in 2020.

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

Key Takeaway

These are all the enemies that hold the Combat Logs in Chapter 1:

  • Destroy the Transport Helicopters – The Tetrapod machine near the final set of Transport Helicopters.
  • Attack the Dam Complex – Over the dam next to the frozen lake near the second objective, there’s an enemy that attacks you when you reach the fourth objective.
  • Attack the Dam Complex ALT Mission – Halfway through the mission, you’ll receive a call from the RLF. Accept their offer, then eliminate G4 Volta.
  • Operation Wallclimber – On the left-most side of the camp immediately before the wall, there are three small enemy ACs.
  • Retrieve the Combat Logs – To the left of the base of the massive fallen structure ahead of the starting area, you’ll encounter a named AC enemy.
  • Prisoner Rescue – Fly out while sticking to the left at the beginning of the mission until you find a Tetrapod AC. Then, at the end of the mission, defeat G2 Nile.
  • Attack the Watchpoint – On the mini-boss named Sulla halfway through this mission.

Combat Logs are collectibles you obtain when you defeat certain enemies in Armored Core 6—and there are a handful of them in Chapter 1. Collect all of them and you’ll obtain a trophy (or achievement), as well as some unique parts.

Table Of Contents

    Destroy the Transport Helicopters

    There’s only one Combat Log in the Destroy the Transport Helicopters mission.

    Silver Log

    When you reach the third and final set of the Transport Helicopters, you’ll find a Tetrapod AC in the center of the area. Destroy this AC to receive a Silver Log.

    The player facing a Tetrapod AC that holds a Silver Log.

    Destroy the Tester AC

    The Destroy the Tester AC mission also has only one Combat Log—and it’s unmissable.

    Silver Log

    Destroy the Tester AC that’s marked as the objective target for this mission to get a Silver Log.

    The player fighting the Tester AC in Armored Core 6.

    Attack the Dam Complex

    You’ll find two Combat Logs in this mission. One of them, a Silver Log, is out of the way from the objectives. The second, however, is an enemy you’ll automatically face at the end of the mission.

    Silver Log

    After destroying the second objective, look over to the dam on the right of the frozen lake in this area.

    Flying towards a dam in the Attack the Dam Complex mission in Armored Core 6.

    Fly over the dam and you’ll find a lone enemy AC on the frozen lake. Defeat it to get a Silver Log.

    The player facing a Tetrapod AC in Armored Core 6.

    Gold Log

    When you approach the fourth objective, an enemy named Index Dunham will attack you and your allies. Defeat Index Dunham for the Gold Log.

    The player fighting Index Dunham in Armored Core 6.

    Attack the Dam Complex ALT Mission

    The ALT Mission for the Attack the Dam Complex is exclusive to New Game+. Halfway through this mission, you’ll get a call from the RLF (Rubicon Liberation Front). Accept their offer to change the trajectory of the mission.

    Gold Log

    After accepting the offer of the RLF, you’ll be tasked with defeating Volta and Iguazu. The Gold Log is in Volta, making this log unmissable—as long as you follow the alternate route.

    The player accepting the RLF's offer in the "Attack the Dam Complex ALT Mission" in Armored Core 6.

    Operation Wallclimber

    There are three Bronze Logs in this mission. Luckily, all of them are in close proximity to each other.

    Bronze Logs (3)

    As soon as the mission begins, immediately make your way to the wall, but remain close to the left border of the map. Once you make it to the left-most side of the camp right before the wall, you’ll find three small enemy ACs. Defeat these three to get three Bronze Logs.

    The player flying towards the three AC machines that hold Bronze Logs in the Operation Wallclimber mission.

    Retrieve Combat Logs

    There’s only one Combat Log in this mission and it’s found close to the starting point of the mission.

    Gold Log

    When the mission begins, immediately fly straight ahead. When you make it to the edge of the cliff here, make your way to the bottom.

    The player flying towards a chasm in the Retrieve Combat Logs mission in Armored Core 6.

    Once you reach the bottom, head to the left to find a log. A named enemy (Little Ziyi) will then appear here to attack you. Defeat this enemy to receive the Combat Log.

    Being approached by Little Ziyi in Armored Core 6.

    Prisoner Rescue

    The Prisoner Rescue mission is exclusive to New Game ++. You can find two Combat Logs here.

    Silver Log

    From the starting area at the beginning of the mission, fly out but stick to the left border of the map. Keep going until you spot a lone Tetrapod AC. Defeat this AC and you’ll get a Silver Combat Log.

    A tetrapod AC that holds a Combat Log in the Prisoner Rescue mission.

    Platinum Log

    At the end of this mission, you’ll be attacked by an AC named G2 Nile. Defeat this enemy to receive a Platinum Log. This enemy is unmissable.

    The player facing G2 Nile in the Prisoner Rescue mission.

    Attack the Watchpoint

    Attack the Watchpoint is the last mission in Chapter 1. There’s only one Combat Log for this mission and it is unmissable.

    Gold Log

    Halfway through this mission, you’ll face a boss named Sulla. Defeat Sulla and you’ll receive a Gold Log.

    As you collect many of these Combat Logs, you’ll encounter a handful of tough enemies. Be sure you’re well equipped enough by utilizing the best early-game builds. Things are going to get more challenging after Chapter 1. Be ready, mercenary.

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