A High Elf Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3. They likely having spellcasting Feats.

Baldur’s Gate 3: Complete Feats Guide

You'll only get a handful of these power-ups, so choose wisely.

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Carley is a professional JP-EN translator and writer currently based in Des Moines, Iowa. She has written hundreds of articles for popular sites such as Siliconera, Gameranx, and Otaquest, and has been playing games nonstop since 1996.

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

Key Takeaway

Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3 are unique and permanent buffs for your character that can grant immunities, buff stats, unlock new Proficiencies, and more. There are 42 Feats to choose from and you may select one at Level 4, Level 8, and Level 12. All Feats are available regardless of class or race, but some have a prerequisite.

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Feats are unique buffs that you’ll obtain as you level up throughout your adventure. They are yet another way in which BG3 offers diverse character customization. These passive talents can give you an edge in battle and exploration—but it can be tricky to decide which are best.

Table Of Contents

    What Are Feats?

    Feats are a helpful collection of stat bonuses, capabilities, and passive talents that can make your character more powerful. They’re also helpful for correcting any weaknesses your character may have. Feats can grant immunities, buff stats, or even teach your character how to use new weapons or magic. The ones you choose can have a major impact on your playthrough.

    There are 42 Feats in total, and you can choose one at Level 4, Level 8, and Level 12 respectively. As you’ll only be able to select three Feats during your playthrough, you’ll want to carefully consider which would most benefit your character’s journey.

    A Level 8 character selecting a Baldur's Gate 3 Feat from the Feats menu.

    All Feats are available to all characters regardless of class or race. However, a few of them have specific prerequisites—such as Proficiency in a certain weapon or armor.

    All Feats in Baldur’s Gate 3

    Below, you can find details on every available Feat in the game including any necessary prerequisites.

    Ability ImprovementYou increase one Ability by 2, or two abilities by 1, to a maximum of 20.
    ActorYour Charisma increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. Your Proficiency Bonus is also doubled for Deception and Performance Checks.
    AlertYou gain a +5 bonus to Initiative and can't be Surprised.
    AthleteYour Strength or Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. When you are Prone, standing up uses significantly less movement. Your Jump distance also increases by 50%.
    ChargerYou gain "Charger: Weapon Attack" and "Charger: Shove."
    Crossbow ExpertWhen you make crossbow attacks within melee range, the Attack Rolls do not have Disadvantage. Your Piercing Shot also inflicts Gaping Wounds for twice as long.
    Defensive DuelistWhen attacked while wielding a Finesse Weapon you're Proficient with, you can use a reaction to add your Proficiency Bonus to your Armor Class, possibly causing the attack to miss.
    Dual WielderYou can use Two-Weapon fighting even if your weapons aren't Light, and you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wielding a melee weapon in each hand. You cannot dual-wield Heavy weapons.
    Dungeon DelverYou gain Advantage on Perception Checks made to detect hidden objects and on Saving Throws made to avoid or resist traps. You gain Resistance to the damage dealt by traps.
    DurableYour Constitution increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. You regain full hit points each time you take a Short Rest.
    Elemental AdeptYour spells ignore Resistance to a damage type of your choice. When you cast spells of that type, you cannot roll a 1.
    Great Weapon MasterWhen you land a Critical Hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack, you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn. Attacks with Heavy melee weapons you are Proficient with, can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a -5 Attack Roll Penalty. (You can toggle this on and off.)
    Heavily ArmoredYou gain Armor Proficiency with Heavy Armor and your Strength increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.

    *Requires Medium Armor Proficiency
    Heavy Armor MasterYour Strength increases by 1, to a maximum of 20. Incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreases by 3 while you're wearing Heavy Armor.

    *Requires Heavy Armor Proficiency
    Lightly ArmoredYou gain Armor Proficiency with Light Armor and your Strength or Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
    LuckyYou gain 3 Luck Points, which you can use to gain Advantage on Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws, or to make an enemy reroll their Attack Rolls.
    Mage SlayerWhen a creature casts a spell within melee range of you, you have Advantage on any Saving Throw against it, and you can use a reaction to immediately make an attack against the caster. Enemies you hit have Disadvantage on Concentration Saving Throws.
    Magic Initiate: BardYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the bard spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Charisma.
    Magic Initiate: ClericYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the cleric spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Wisdom.
    Magic Initiate: DruidYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the druid spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Wisdom.
    Magic Initiate: SorcererYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the sorcerer spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Charisma.
    Magic Initiate: WarlockYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the warlock spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Wisdom.
    Magic Initiate: WizardYou learn 2 cantrips and a Level 1 spell from the cleric spell list. You can cast the Level 1 spell once per Long Rest. Your Spellcasting Ability for all 3 spells is Intelligence.
    Martial AdeptYou learn two maneuvers from the Battle Master subclass and gain a Superiority Die to fuel them. You regain expended Superiority Dice after a Short or Long Rest.
    Medium Armor MasterWhen you wear Medium Armor, it doesn't impose Disadvantage on Stealth Checks. The bonus to Armor Class you gain from your Dexterity Modifier also becomes +3 instead of +2.
    MobileYour movement speed increases, and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you Dash. If you move after making a melee attack, you don't provoke Opportunity Attacks from your target.
    Moderately ArmoredYou gain Armor Proficiency with Medium Armor and shields, and your Strength or Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.

    *Requires Light Armor Proficiency
    PerformerYou gain Musical Instrument Proficiency, and your Charisma increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
    Polearm MasterWhen attacking with a glaive, halberd, quarterstaff, or spear, you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon. You can also make an Opportunity Attack when a target comes within range.
    ResilientYou increase an Ability by 1, to a maximum of 20, and gain Proficiency in that Ability's Saving Throws.
    Ritual CasterYou learn two ritual spells of your choice.

    *Requires Intelligence or Wisdom of 13 or higher
    Savage AttackerWhen making weapon attacks, you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result.
    SentinelWhen an enemy within melee range attacks an ally, you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy. Target ally must not have the Sentinel Feat. You gain Advantage on Opportunity Attacks, and when you hit a creature with an Opportunity Attack, it can no longer move for the rest of its turn.
    SharpshooterYour ranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground Rules. Ranged weapon attacks with weapons you are Proficient with have a -5 penalty to their Attack Roll, but deal an additional 10 damage.
    Shield MasterYou gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity Saving Throws while wielding a shield. If a spell forces you to make a Dexterity Saving Throw, you can use a reaction to shield yourself and diminish the effect's damage. On a failed Saving Throw, you only take half damage. On a successful Saving Throw, you don't take any damage.
    SkilledYou gain Proficiency in 3 Skills of your choice.
    Spell SniperYou learn a cantrip, and the number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.

    *Requires Spellcast ability
    Tavern BrawlerWhen you make an unarmed attack, use an improvised weapon, or throw something, your Strength Modifier is added twice to the damage and Attack Rolls.
    ToughYour hit point maximum increases by 2 for every level you have gained.
    War CasterYou gain Advantage on Saving Throws to maintain Concentration on a spell. You can also use a reaction to cast Shocking Grasp at a target moving out of melee range.

    *Requires Spellcast ability
    Weapon MasterYou gain Proficiency with four weapons of your choice, and your Strength or Dexterity increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.

    Recommended Baldur’s Gate 3 Feats

    The best Feats for you depend on your priorities and your character’s class, but certain ones are beneficial to all players. These are our picks for the best Feats across the board—regardless of your playstyle or Proficiencies.

    The Durable Feat increases your character’s Constitution by 1, and you’ll regain all hit points on a Short Rest. While the former bonus is worth having, the latter is a game-changer. Given the difficulty of Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll often find yourself needing to take a Long Rest to replenish your health completely. Short Rests don’t always do the trick before a tough fight—but this Feat changes that. Choose this feat if you find yourself constantly needing to head back to camp to sleep.

    Regardless of your class, it never hurts to increase your ability scores to make certain modifiers easier. Choosing the Ability Improvements Feat allows you to increase one ability score by two, or two ability scores by one, to a maximum of 20. This can help boost abilities in which your skill is lacking, or it can be used to make your strongest abilities even stronger.

    The Character Sheet showing each character's stats in Baldur's Gate 3. Stats may dictate which Baldur's Gate 3 Feats a character can take.

    If you’re looking to beef up your party’s defenses, the Defensive Duelist Feat is a must-have. When you’re attacked while wielding a Finesse Weapon your character is Proficient with, the attack will potentially miss. Even if it doesn’t miss, it will inflict less damage. If your character uses a Shield, the Shield Master Feat is also a suitable choice for boosting defense, as it offers a +2 bonus to Dexterity Saving throws when a Shield is equipped.

    Choosing the Lucky Feat grants you three Luck Points, which can be used to gain Advantage on Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws. These points can also be used to make an enemy reroll their Attack. This Feat is particularly useful as Luck Points can be used after seeing the result of a roll. This means you can deter bosses from successfully using catastrophically powerful attacks while making sure your party’s attacks hit their target.

    Customization is key in Baldur’s Gate 3, and the Feats you choose are entirely up to you. Whether you’re looking for more strength, more Proficiencies, or a little more luck, you’ll eventually need to decide which of these powerful bonuses are right for you on your journey through Faerûn.

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