As older video games are updated, and new video games continue to hit the shelves, gamers look to various sources for help in navigating the virtual landscapes they encounter. While there’s no shortage of resources available, a new AI language model known as ChatGPT recently became available.
However, recent tests have shown that these models might not be the best choice for accurate and comprehensive gaming guidance. In fact, it seems that ChatGPT can’t provide the level of detail and reliability that gamers need to get the most out of their gaming experiences.
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Confidently Incorrect Information
The experience of using ChatGPT is much more enjoyable than the time-consuming process of sifting through the top 10 results in Google Search. The quick and convenient nature of receiving instant answers as soon as a question is typed is certainly a positive aspect. However, the downside is that the information is almost always inaccurate—and confidently so.
For example, when asked about the location of Robin’s lost axe in the popular farming indie game, Stardew Valley, ChatGPT confidently gave out the incorrect answer. According to ChatGPT, Robin’s lost axe is found stuck in a tree at the Bus Stop near your farm.
Gamers who’ve played Stardew Valley and have completed this quest know how wrong this answer is, but the intended audience for this information is those who haven’t yet completed the quest and are searching for Robin’s axe. This could cause gamers to waste a lot of time looking for something that isn’t there.

Stardew Valley is certainly a popular game, but we wanted to test how ChatGPT did when asked about one of the most popular games of all time—Minecraft. As one would assume, there is an abundance of useful Minecraft guides floating around, so ChatGPT has certainly had enough information to glean correct information about the game.
Unfortunately, ChatGPT failed this test, as well. When asked how to breed axolotls in Minecraft, ChatGPT again replied with confident misinformation.

Sometimes ChatGPT comes pretty close, though. We asked ChatGPT how to craft paper in Minecraft, a much simpler question this time. While it mostly got the answer right, you don’t have to place the sugar cane in a vertical line in the crafting grid.

Despite ChatGPT’s amazing learning capabilities and having access to accurate resources, it more often than not misses the mark on even some of the more simple questions.
ChatGPT Can’t Keep Up
Another major flaw in using ChatGPT as a source for video game guides is that its knowledge database is only current up to 2021. That means that it won’t have any information on games, patches, updates, or DLC that came out after that year.
To illustrate this point, we asked ChatGPT where we could find Dratini in Pokémon Scarlet, which was released on the Nintendo Switch on November 18, 2022. It didn’t recognize Pokémon Scarlet as an official Pokémon game, and then proceeded to give gamers incorrect information about where to find Dratini in other Pokémon entries.

Until ChatGPT is able to keep up with real-time information, it will never be able to produce information on current games and updates. And even if it does, it still has a long ways to go before it accurately answers questions.
The Problem with ChatGPT and Video Game Guides
ChatGPT is a highly advanced AI language model, but it isn’t specifically designed to provide video game guides. This means that its knowledge and understanding of the games it’s asked about may not always be complete or up-to-date.
One of the biggest issues with relying on ChatGPT for video game guidance is that the model is only as accurate as the data it was trained on. If the training data contains misinformation or is out-of-date, ChatGPT will provide similarly flawed responses. Also, the model isn’t capable of playing the games itself, so it can only provide information based on what it has been told or read about the game, rather than first-hand experience.
Video games are complex and constantly changing, with new updates, patches, and DLCs being released on a regular basis. Not only does ChatGPT lag drastically behind with new releases, it also means that the information ChatGPT provides about a particular game may become outdated quickly, rendering it less useful for players.
Another issue is that ChatGPT is designed to provide general information, not specific and in-depth guides. While it may be able to answer basic questions about a game, it may not have the depth of knowledge needed to provide walkthroughs or detailed strategies for specific levels or challenges.
While ChatGPT is useful in many ways, it’s not the best choice for accurate and comprehensive video game guidance. Players are better off seeking out dedicated gaming guides and forums, or consulting trusted sources within the gaming community.