Key Takeaway
There are a total of 21 recruitable agents in the base game, along with 3 additional agents in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC.
To recruit most agents, you need to complete specific quests or do something during them—which we’ve listed next to each character for your convenience.
- Speaker Anais – Related Quest: Praise the Herald of Andraste
- Clemence – Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers (Main quest)
- Lord Berand – Related Quest: Love Waits
- Master Dennet – Related Quest: Master of Horses
- Ritts – Related Quest: Strange Bedfellows
- Enchanter Ellendra – Related Quest: My Lover’s Phylactery
- Tanner – Related Quest: Business Arrangements
- Vale’s Irregulars – Related Quests: East Road Bandits, Templars to the West, Hunger Pants, In the Elements, Apostates in Witchwood, A Healing Hand
- Belle – Related Quest: The Threat Remains (Main quest)
- Jana – Related Quest: None
- Blades of Hessarian – Related Quest: Cleaning House
- Amund – Related Quest: Lost Souls
- Gereon Alexius – Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
- Florianne de Chalons – Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
- Movran the Under – Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
- Crassius Servis – Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
- Barris – Related Quest: Champions of the Just
- Frederic – Related Quest: The Abyssal High Dragon
- Loranil – Related Quest: By the Grace of the Dalish
- Fairbanks – Related Quest: Victims of War
- Michel de Chevin – Related Quest: Call Me Imshael
- Helsdim Rolfsen – Related Quest: They Came From Somewhere Else
- Storvacker – Related Quest: Storvacker Caged, Hakkon Wintersbreath
- Sigrid Gulsdotten – Related Quest: In Exile
As you travel throughout Thedas in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you’ll have many opportunities to recruit new agents to help further the cause of the Inquisition. However, it’s easy to miss many of these hopeful recruits, and some may even disappear entirely if you don’t hire them right away.
Table Of Contents
About Recruiting Agents
Many characters you meet in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be recruited to work for the Inquisition. These agents fall into one of three categories: Forces, Secrets, or Connections. This depends on whether they’ll work for Cullen, Leliana, or Josephine, respectively.
Each recruited agent reduces the time taken for their chosen advisor to complete war table operations by 5%. They also count as perks in their respective Inquisition Perk category, making it easier to unlock other perks. Acquiring 10 agents in a single playthrough will reward you with the ‘Persuasive’ achievement.

There are a total of 21 recruitable agents in the base game, along with 3 additional agents in the Jaws of Hakkon DLC. While some are connected to the main story, many others appear throughout the world. If not recruited immediately, some of these interested parties simply disappear.
Below, we’ve highlighted which quests are required to find and recruit every possible agent in the game by area.
The Hinterlands

There are 8 recruitable agents in the Hinterlands. The Hinterlands is a region within Ferelden that is composed mostly of valleys, hills, and fell terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are humans, elves, and dwarves.
Speaker Anais

Perk: Connections OR Secrets
Related Quest: Praise the Herald of Andraste
After completing ‘Praise the Herald of Andraste,’ speak to Anais in Winterwatch Tower. When prompted, ask her to tell her followers to spread the word of the Inquisition if you’d like her to be an agent for Josephine. Ask that her followers gather information if you’d like her to be an agent for Leliana.

Perk: Forces
Related Quest: In Hushed Whispers (Main quest)
During the quest ‘In Hushed Whispers,’ speak to the Tranquil Clemence at the Gull and Lantern in Redcliffe Village. He will ask to join the Inquisition.

Lord Berand

Perk: Forces OR Connections
Related Quest: Love Waits
After completing the side quest ‘Love Waits,’ speak to Lord Berand in Winterwatch Tower. Tell him to join the Inquisition if you’d like him to work for Cullen, or tell him to go home if you’d like him to work for Josephine.
‘Love Waits’ can be triggered by either speaking to Lord Berand or by reading a letter found on a noblewoman’s corpse southeast of the Outskirts Inquisition Camp in Dwarfson’s Pass.
Master Dennet

Perk: Inquisition
Related Quest: Master of Horses
After completing the ‘Master of Horses’ side quest, return to Master Dennet’s house. You can convince him to join the Inquisition if you’ve unlocked either the History Knowledge or Underworld Knowledge Inquisition Perks. Additionally, if you have Dorian, Cassandra, or Vivienne in your party, you can ask them to convince the horsemaster to join your cause.

Perk: Secrets
Related Quest: Strange Bedfellows
After rescuing Ritts during ‘Strange Bedfellows,’ do not immediately turn in the quest. Instead, speak to her to recruit her. This can only be done if you are a dwarf Inquisitor, if you have Varric in your party, or if you have the Underworld Knowledge Inquisition Perk.

It is also possible to find recruit Ritts before obtaining this quest.
Enchanter Ellendra

Perk: Connections
Related Quest: My Lover’s Phylactery
If you are a human mage Inquisitor, you can recruit Ellendra after completing ‘My Lover’s Phylactery.’ This can also be accomplished by having Vivienne in your party or by having the Arcane Knowledge Inquisition Perk unlocked.

Perk: Secrets
Related Quest: Business Arrangements
After beginning the quest, have Cassandra or Varric in your party, or have the Underworld Knowledge Inquisition Perk unlocked. Recruiting Tanner will complete the quest.
Vale’s Irregulars

Perk: Forces
Related Quests: East Road Bandits, Templars to the West, Hunger Pants, In the Elements, Apostates in Witchwood, A Healing Hand
You’ll need the refugees living at the Crossroads to help you recruit Vale’s Irregulars. Complete the above side quests before speaking to Corporal Vale and asking him to “Recruit the skilled.”

Val Royeaux

There is 1 recruitable agent in Val Royeaux. Val Royeaux is the capital city of Orlais and is composed entirely of urban terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are humans, elves, and dwarves.

Perk: Connections
Related Quest: The Threat Remains (Main quest)
After speaking with Revered Mother Hervara in Val Royeaux during the main story quest ‘The Threat Remains,’ speak to the nearby merchant, Belle. Accept her offer to join the Inquisition.


There is 1 recruitable agent in Crestwood. Crestwood is an area in Ferelden north of Lake Calenhad that is composed predominantly of valley terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are mostly humans.

Perk: Secrets
Related Quest: None
After arriving in Crestwood, you’ll encounter a group of Gray Wardens near the Village of Crestwood. Enter the nearby house to find Jana. Note that if you help the villagers and chat with the mayor first, she will be found at the top of the stairs near the mayor’s house.
If you have the Nobility Knowledge Inquisition Perk, you will be able to recruit her. Solas is also able to convince her to join the Inquisition instead of the Grey Wardens.

The Storm Coast

There is 1 recruitable agent in the Storm Coast. The Storm Coast is an area in the northwest of Ferelden that is composed of valley and coastline terrain. The main inhabitants here of this area are humans, darkspawn, and (formerly) dwarves.
Blades of Hessarian

Perk: Forces
Related Quest: Cleaning House
The Blades of Hessarian are only available to recruit after you craft and equip the Mercy’s Crest amulet. This will allow you to challenge the group’s leader. After he is defeated, his mercenaries will agree to join the Inquisition.

The Fallow Mire

There is 1 recruitable agent in the Fallow Mire. The Fallow Mire is a region in the south of Ferelden that’s composed mostly of marshland terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are humans, undead, and demons.

Perk: Connections
Related Quest: Lost Souls
Before completing ‘Lost Souls,’ speak to Amund the Sky Watcher and close the nearby Fade Rift. After defeating the leader of the Avvar, speak to Amund again to recruit him for the Inquisition.


There are 4 recruitable agents in Skyhold. Skyhold is the headquarters of the Inquisition and is located in the Frostback Mountains. The terrain within this great fortress is military-urban. The main inhabitants are members of all sapient races.
Gereon Alexius

Perk: Secrets
Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
After the main quest ‘In Hushed Whispers,’ Alexius can be judged at Skyhold. Rather than having him executed, forced to work, or made Tranquil, the Inquisitor has the option to recruit him as a magic researcher using the Arcane Knowledge Inquisition Perk.
Florianne de Chalons

Perk: Connection
Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
Whether Florianne lives or dies during your time at the Winter Palace doesn’t matter—she can (hilariously) be recruited either way.
If she survives and you’ve unlocked the Nobility Knowledge Inquisition Perk, Florianne will work for Josephine. However, she will not appear in the Inquisition Perk list and will not affect Josephine’s war table operation completion time.
If Florianne does not survive, you’ll still be able to judge her remains. Sentencing her to community service will make her an agent of the Inquisition.
Movran the Under

Perk: Forces
Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
Following the side quest ‘Lost Souls,’ Movran can be made an agent of the Inquisition if you choose to exile him to Tevinter. He can also be conscripted if Abernache survives the main quest ‘Champions of the Just.’
If you send Movran to Tevinter with his tribe, he will not appear in the Inquisition Perk list. If you assign him to Abernache, he will be added as a perk under the Forces tab.
Crassius Servis

Perk: Secrets
Related Quest: Sit in Judgment
If you allow Servis to live after finding him at the Echoback Fort in the Western Approach, he can be recruited as an informant. Additionally, he can be made a smuggler by using the Underground Knowledge Inquisition Perk, though he will not appear in the Inquisition Perk list.
Therinfal Redoubt

There is 1 recruitable agent in Therinfal Redoubt. Therinfal Redoubt is a fortress within Ferelden that is composed of military-urban terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are (formerly) humans from the Seekers of Truth order.

Perk: Forces
Related Quest: Champions of the Just
During the main quest ‘Champions of the Just,’ Barris will be automatically recruited after you defeat the envy demon—but only if he survives. In order to keep him alive, you’ll need to keep the gauge above 75 percent during the ‘Holding the Great Hall’ portion of the quest.
The Western Approach

There is 1 recruitable agent in the Western Approach. The Western Approach is an arid area in the southwestern part of Orlais that is composed mostly of canyon terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are mostly humans.

Perk: Secrets
Related Quest: The Abyssal High Dragon
Frederic, the excitable Professor of Draconology, can be found near Nazaire’s Pass Camp. After finishing his quest chain and slaying the nearby Abyssal High Dragon, Frederic will offer his services to the Inquisition.
Exalted Plains

There is 1 recruitable agent in the Exalted Plains. The Exalted Plains is an area in Orlais that’s mostly composed of grassland terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are humans and elves.

Perk: Forces
Related Quest: By the Grace of the Dalish
During the ‘By the Grace of the Dalish’ side quest, you’ll need to earn the favor of Hawen’s Dalish clan before being able to recruit Loranil to your cause. You’ll gain favor by completing tasks for members of the clan. Once you have earned +15 Dalish Favor, you’ll be able to convince Keeper Hawen to allow Loranil to join.
Emerald Graves

There is 1 recruitable agent in the Emerald Graves. The Emerald Graves is an area in Orlais that’s mostly composed of forest and mountain terrain. The main inhabitants of this area are elves and humans.

Perk: Connections
Related Quest: Victims of War
After defeating one of four Freemen leaders in the Emerald Graves, you’ll start the ‘Victims of War’ side quest. After completing it, speak with Fairbanks to recruit him.

Emprise du Lion

There is 1 recruitable agent in the Emprise du Lion. The Emprise du Lion is a highland area within Orlais that is mostly composed of glacial terrain. The Main inhabitants of this area are (formerly) elves and humans.
Michel de Chevin

Perk: Forces
Related Quest: Call Me Imshael
You’ll find Michel de Chevin just outside of the ruined village of Sahrnia, where you first appear in Emprise du Lion. After speaking with him, complete his side quest ‘Call Me Imshael’ and return to Michel to recruit him to the Inquisition.

Frostback Basin

There are 3 recruitable agents in the Frostback Basin. The Frostback Basin is a region in the southwestern part of Ferelden that is mostly composed of coastline, valley, river, and mountain terrian. The main inhabitants here are humans.
The following agents can only be acquired if you have the Jaws of Hakkon DLC.
Helsdim Rolfsen

Perk: Secrets
Related Quest: They Came From Somewhere Else
The quest ‘They Came From Somewhere Else’ is triggered after you collect all four parts of the Mysteries of the Frostback Basin Codex entry and speak with Helsdim Rolfsen. After completing the quest, speak with Helsdin and ask him to become an agent of the Inquisition.

Perk: Forces
Related Quest: Storvacker Caged, Hakkon Wintersbreath
After completing the aforementioned quests, Storvacker is chosen to face the Inquisition’s judgment. The bear can be recruited as an agent under Cullen.
Sigrid Gulsdotten

Perk: Connections
Related Quest: In Exile
After completing the quest ‘In Exile,’ speak with Sigrid. You can choose to let her confess her crimes to the Augur or recruit her as an agent for the Inquisition.
Recruiting every available agent in Dragon Age: Inquisition is no walk in the park, but doing so can greatly speed up your actions at the war table. The Inquisition is eager to welcome anyone interested in joining the fight to save Thedas, so don’t forgo this important task.