The Draupnir Spear is the latest addition to Kratos’ arsenal in God of War Ragnarök. Players can obtain this incredible weapon during the Forging Destiny main quest, and they can start upgrading it from there.
The weapon starts at level 5 and its max level is 9. Players will need Gale Flames to upgrade the Draupnir Spear. This means the player will only need to collect four of these to fully upgrade the spear.
Table Of Contents
Gale Flame #1

This is the only Gale Flame you’ll get from the main story. You’ll need to explore the rest of the game to get the rest and fully upgrade the Draupnir Spear. You’ll earn this Gale Flame after defeating Hrist and Mist during The Summoning main quest.
Gale Flame #2

You’ll get another Gale Flame by completing the Nocturnal Predator favor, found in The Plains in Vanaheim. The favor begins when you free a creature from a Wisp. Free a total of three creatures and the Wisps will combine to become a Flame Phantom. Defeat this boss to receive a Gale Flame. The favor is only available during nighttime.
Gale Flame #3

Defeat the Berserker in Jarnsmida Pitmines in Svartalfheim to obtain another Gale Flame.
Gale Flame #4
To get the last Gale Flame in the game, you’ll need to collect six Gale Sparks. You receive one Gale Spark each time you free one Lyndwyrm. This is associated with The Lost Lyndwyrms favor, which becomes available when you speak to Ratatoskr at Sindri’s House after completing The Word of Fate main quest,
Gale Spark #1

One of the Lyndwyrms can be found in The Forge in Svartalfheim. You can access this area during the Forging Destiny main quest, after obtaining the Draupnir Spear.
Gale Spark #2

There’s another Lyndwyrm in the Alberich Hollow in Svartalfheim. You’ll access this area after fighting an Ormstunga.
Gale Spark #3

The next Lyndwyrm is found on Alberich Island in the same realm. It’s on the wooden platform southeast of the main island.
Gale Spark #4

Head to The Applecore in Svartalfheim for the next Lyndwyrm. Make a left from the Applecore Mystic Gate, then take the first right, and you’ll find the realm tear where the Lyndwyrm is hiding ahead.
Gale Spark #5

The next Lyndwyrm is in the northern section of The Plains in Vanaheim, north of The Overgrown Tower Mystic Gateway.
Gale Spark #6

The last Lyndwyrm is in The Crater. It’s north of the Celestial Altar, close to the edge of a cliff, under a tree.