The Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy: Merlin Trials Guide

Complete these trials to expand your gear inventory.

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Rhett Roxl is a professional writer who has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He merged both passions together to become a writer in the game industry in 2020.

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The Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy are abundant. These puzzles are relatively easy to find, yet tricky to solve. There are different kinds of trials with solutions that rely on different spells. So long as you know how to solve each trial, you’ll be able to breeze right through these.

Before you start, be sure to cast Revelio when you’re completing these trials. This will help you find the totems, pillars, orbs, or whatever is involved to complete them. You should also make sure you have enough Mallowsweet so you can activate the trials.

Table Of Contents


    Round Stone Bowl Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    The spells you need for this trial are Incendio or Confringo. However, Confringo is a much better spell because of its range, which you’ll need for this.

    This is the introduction to the Merlin Trials, and its solution is straightforward. You’ll need to light these braziers with the aforementioned spells. After you light one brazier, the pillars will start sinking into the ground. You’ll need to light all three before they all sink.

    Moth Tomes

    Moth Tomes Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    You’ll need the Lumos spell for this trial.

    This trial involves pillars with hallowed tops, exposing the crystals inside. You’ll need to fill them with moths to light them up. There are eclipses of moths around the trials. Head to them and cast Lumos to lure them to you. Then, lead them back to the pillar.

    Round Stone Bowl

    Round Stone Bowl Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    You can complete this trial with Accio or Depulso. However, Wingardium Leviosa is much more efficient.

    When you activate this trial, somewhere in the area, vines will retract to expose a bowl-shaped hole. There’s also a massive round stone somewhere nearby. What you’ll need to do is to pull, carry, or have this stone roll over to where the bowl is.

    Broken Statues

    Broken Statues Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    You’ll need Reparo for this one.

    There are shattered statues all around the trial area. Repair these statues with Reparo to complete the trial.

    Breakable Orbs

    Breakable Orbs Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    This is by far the simplest Merlin Trial. It doesn’t require any other spell other than the Basic Cast.

    This one involves nine orbs on top of pillars. The orb pillars are usually in groups of threes. Simply destroy the orbs with your basic attack to complete the trial.

    Breakable Boulders

    Breakable Boulders Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    You’ll need Confringo for this trial.

    To complete this one, you’ll need to destroy several pillars using Confringo. There are usually around three to five of them around the central trial area.

    Stone Platforming

    Stone Platforming Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    Depending on how well you can control your character in Hogwarts Legacy, this type of Merlin Trial can either be the easiest or the hardest for you.

    This trial doesn’t require any spell. What you’ll need to do is to step on the stone platforms without touching the ground. You’ll know which platforms to land on after activating the trial. You can start on whichever platform you wish, as long as you can get to every single platform before jumping down to the ground.

    Cubes With Symbols

    Cubes with Symbols Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    The spell you’ll need for this trial is Flipendo.

    The trial involves cubes placed on top of pillars. The cube and the pillar under it have symbols on their surface. What you’ll need to do is to “flip” the cubes using Flipendo so that the symbol on the cube matches the symbol on the pillar.

    Stone Stacking

    Stone Stacking Merlin Trial from Hogwarts Legacy.

    You’ll need Accio or Wingardium Leviosa for this trial, or a combination of both.

    To complete this trial, you’ll need to find small orbs that are in groups of five. Use Accio or Wingardium Leviosa to bring them to a nearby circular plate on the ground that has four holes in them. You can drop the orbs on the plate and they’ll stack on the holes accordingly.

    There are usually three plates around each trial, so you’ll have to do this at least three times.

    Merlin Trials Locations

    Completing Merlin Trials expands your gear storage. At the beginning of the game, you’re limited to having only 20 gear slots. Complete the trials to reach the maximum gear capacity of 40.

    There are over 95 Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy. However, you’ll only need to complete 52 of them to reach the maximum gear capacity.

    That being said, here’s where you can find the Merlin Trials. You can easily find these on the map as long as you’ve explored the area. Set them as waypoints, fly over to them, and start solving.

    North Ford Bog Merlin Trials

    Merlin Trials in North Ford Bog.

    There are only four Merlin Trials in the northernmost region of the game. These are the trials you can expect in this region.

    1. Breakable Boulders
    2. Cubes with Symbols
    3. Stone Platforming
    4. Round Stone Bowl

    Forbidden Forest Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in the Forbidden Forest.

    There are only three Merlin Trials in the entirety of the Forbidden Forest region. These are the kinds of puzzles you’ll find here.

    1. Stone Platforming
    2. Moth Tomes
    3. Braziers

    Hogsmeade Valley Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in Hogsmeade Valley.

    You can find five Merlin Trials in Hogsmeade Valley. These are the trials you’ll have to complete here.

    1. Breakable Boulders
    2. Breakable Boulders
    3. Round Stone Bowl
    4. Moth Tomes
    5. Moth Tomes

    North Hogwarts Region Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in North Hogwarts Region.

    There are also five Merlin Trials in North Hogwarts Region. Expect these trials when you explore the region.

    1. Cubes with Symbols
    2. Broken Statues
    3. Braziers
    4. Moth Tomes
    5. Breakable Orbs

    South Hogwarts Region Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in South Hogwarts Region.

    There are 15 Merlin Trials in South Hogwarts Region. This includes the first Merlin Trial you’ll have to complete as part of a main quest. Get ready to complete the following trials.

    1. Breakable Orbs
    2. Stone Platforming
    3. Braziers
    4. Moth Tomes
    5. Round Stone Bowl
    6. Moth Tomes
    7. Breakable Boulders
    8. Round Stone Bowl
    9. Stone Stacking
    10. Braziers (Main Quest Trial)
    11. Round Stone Bowl
    12. Moth Tome
    13. Stone Stacking
    14. Round Stone Bowl
    15. Breakable Boulders

    Hogwarts Valley Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Valley.

    The Hogwarts Valley region contains 16 Merlin Trials. These are the trials you can complete in this region.

    1. Stone Stacking
    2. Stone Stacking
    3. Breakable Orbs
    4. Braziers
    5. Moth Tomes
    6. Round Stone Bowl
    7. Stone Platforming
    8. Breakable Orbs
    9. Moth Tomes
    10. Round Stone Bowl
    11. Breakable Boulders
    12. Stone Platforming
    13. Broken Statues
    14. Stone Platforming
    15. Round Stone Bowl
    16. Braziers

    Feldcroft Region Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in Feldcroft Region.

    There are also 16 Merlin Trials in Feldcroft Region. These are the trials you can complete here.

    1. Breakable Orbs
    2. Braziers
    3. Breakable Boulders
    4. Moth Tomes
    5. Breakable Boulders
    6. Breakable Orbs
    7. Round Stone Bowl
    8. Breakable Boulders
    9. Stone Platforming
    10. Braziers
    11. Breakable Orbs
    12. Broken Statues
    13. Breakable Boulders
    14. Stone Platforming
    15. Cubes with Symbols
    16. Breakable Boulders

    South Sea Bog Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in South Sea Bog.

    The small area of South Sea Bog has only two Merlin Trials.

    1. Moth Tomes
    2. Breakable Orbs

    Poidsear Coast Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in Poidsear Coast.

    There are 10 Merlin Trials on Poidsear Coast. These are the trials you’ll find in this region.

    1. Stone Platforming
    2. Braziers
    3. Breakable Boulders
    4. Moth Tomes
    5. Cubes with Symbols
    6. Stone Stacking
    7. Round Stone Bowl
    8. Round Stone Bowl
    9. Moth Tomes
    10. Broken Statues

    Marunweem Lake Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in Marunweem Lake.

    There are only four Merlin Trials on Marunweem Lake. Be prepared to do the following trials while you’re in this region.

    1. Cubes with Symbols
    2. Round Stone Bowl
    3. Stone Platforming
    4. Moth Tomes

    Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials

    Merlin Trials in Cragcroftshire.

    There are five Merlin Trials in Cragcroftshire. Expect to see these trials here.

    1. Breakable Orbs
    2. Stone Platforming
    3. Braziers
    4. Moth Tomes
    5. Breakable Boulders

    Manor Cape Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in Manor Cape.

    There are five Merlin Trials in Manor Cape. Prepare to meet the following trials.

    1. Braziers
    2. Cubes with Symbols
    3. Round Stone Bowl
    4. Moth Tomes
    5. Breakable Boulders

    Clagmar Coast Merlin Trials

    The Merlin Trials in Clagmar Coast.

    There are five more Merlin Trials in the southernmost region of the map. These are the final Merlin Trials you can do.

    1. Broken Statues
    2. Breakable Boulders
    3. Breakable Orbs
    4. Cubes with Symbols
    5. Moth Tomes