Dino Digits is a set of quizzes in Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores. You’ll find the answers to the questions by finding Pangea Figurines. However, you can also simply enter the codes without them to complete the quizzes more quickly.
Dino Digits Questions & Answers

The answer to every question is a three to four-digit code. There are five Dino Digit questions and you’ll know the five answers once you find the five Pangea Figurines. The codes are on the datalog of each Figurine. This can be seen by heading to the Notebook menu, going to collectibles, and heading over to Pangea Figurines. Here are the questions, their answers, and which Pangea Figurine you get the answer from.
Question | Answer | Pangea Figurine |
What was the Portal Code to reach Pangea in the original Pangea holo? | 6837 | Queen Rex |
In the first Pangea, Jane's ID can be seen on her first day at PortTech. What is her ID number? | 4331 | Dimorphodon |
During the Portal Pandemonium, how many portals were torn open? | 378 | Red Raptor |
How many pre-recorded messages came with the limited edition Talk-To-Me Reggie? | 785 | Reggie the Pterodactyl |
How many raptors does Trevor claim he escaped from in the Siege of Pangea? | 1051 | Green Raptor |