Terraria sports four different Anvil crafting stations and each one is used to craft a various number of items. Here’s everything you need to know to make an Anvil in Terraria (and what you can make with each one).
Table Of Contents
Different Types of Anvils

There are actually four different kinds of Anvils in the game, two of which are pre-Hardmode and the other two are Hardmode-exclusive.
- Pre-Hardmode – Iron Anvil and Lead Anvil
- Hardmode-Exclusive – Mythril Anvil and Orichalcum Anvil
The Iron Anvil and the Lead Anvil are virtually identical. The items that you can craft on them are the same. The only distinction between them is one ingredient. The same can be said for the Mythril and Orichalcum Anvils.
How to Make an Anvil in Terraria

Now that you know the different kinds of Anvils in Terraria, it’s time for you to craft them yourself. Here are the four different Anvils in the game and how to make them:
Iron or Lead Anvil
You can craft an Iron or a Lead Anvil by bringing 5 Iron or Lead Bars on a Work Bench. 5 Iron Bars will result in an Iron Anvil while 5 Lead Bars make a Lead Anvil. You can create an Iron Bar or a Lead Bar with 3 Iron Ores or Lead Ores on a Furnace.
Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil
Mythril and Orichalcum Anvils can be crafted using the previously mentioned anvils. To craft a Mythril Anvil, collect 10 Mythril Bars and craft the anvil using an Iron Anvil or a Lead Anvil. For the Orichalcum Anvil, you’ll need 12 Orichalcum Bars.
Mythril Bars and Orichalcum Bars are crafted by using Mythril and Orichalcum Ores in a Furnace.
Craftable Items with Anvils

Here’s something for you to look forward to once you’ve crafted all four Anvils. These are all the incredible weapons, items, and armor that become available for you to craft once you create the Anvils:
Iron or Lead Anvil | Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil |
1 Second Timer | Adamantite Breastplate |
3 Second Timer | Adamantite Chainsaw |
5 Second Timer | Adamantite Drill |
Actuation Rod | Adamantite Forge |
Amazon | Adamantite Glaive |
Amber Hook | Adamantite Headgear |
Amber Minecart | Adamantite Helmet |
Amber Staff | Adamantite Leggings |
Amethyst Hook | Adamantite Mask |
Amethyst Minecart | Adamantite Pickaxe |
Amethyst Staff | Adamantite Repeater |
Announcement Box | Adamantite Sword |
Artery | Adamantite Waraxe |
Bamboo Chandelier | Angel Wings |
Bathtub | Bat Wings |
Bee Breastplate | Bee Wings |
Bee Greaves | Beetle Helmet |
Bee Headgear | Beetle Leggings |
Beenade | Beetle Scale Mail |
Beetle Minecart | Beetle Shell |
Blade of Grass | Beetle Wings |
Blood Butcherer | Blue Phasesaber |
Blood Lust Cluster | Bone Wings |
Blue Phaseblade | Butterfly Wings |
Bone Javelin | Chik |
Bone Throwing Knife | Chlorophyte Arrow |
Boreal Wood Chandelier | Chlorophyte Bullet |
Cactus Chandelier | Chlorophyte Chainsaw |
Chain | Chlorophyte Claymore |
Cobalt Breastplate | Chlorophyte Drill |
Cobalt Chainsaw | Chlorophyte Greataxe |
Cobalt Drill | Chlorophyte Greaves |
Cobalt Hat | Chlorophyte Headgear |
Cobalt Helmet | Chlorophyte Helmet |
Cobalt Leggings | Chlorophyte Jackhammer |
Cobalt Mask | Chlorophyte Mask |
Cobalt Pickaxe | Chlorophyte Partisan |
Cobalt Repeater | Chlorophyte Pickaxe |
Cobalt Sword | Chlorophyte Plate Mail |
Cobalt Waraxe | Chlorophyte Saber |
Cooking Pot | Chlorophyte Shotbow |
Copper Axe | Chlorophyte Warhammer |
Copper Bow | Cool Whip |
Copper Broadsword | Crystal Bullet |
Copper Chainmail | Cursed Arrow |
Copper Chandelier | Cursed Bullet |
Copper Greaves | Dao of Pow |
Copper Hammer | Demon Wings |
Copper Helmet | Dragon Breastplate |
Copper Pickaxe | Dragon Greaves |
Copper Shortsword | Dragon Mask |
Crimson Greaves | Drax |
Crimson Helmet | Drill Containment Unit |
Crimson Scalemail | Durendal |
Crystal Chandelier | Excalibur |
Deathbringer Pickaxe | Fairy Bell |
Demon Bow | Fairy Wings |
Diamond Hook | Flame Wings |
Diamond Minecart | Flamethrower |
Diamond Staff | Forbidden Mask |
Ebonwood Bathtub | Forbidden Robes |
Ebonwood Chandelier | Forbidden Treads |
Emerald Hook | Frost Breastplate |
Emerald Minecraft | Frost Helmet |
Emerald Staff | Frost Leggings |
Empty Bucket | Frozen Wings |
Fiery Greatsword | Ghost Wings |
Fisher of Souls | Green Phasesaber |
Flamarang | Gungnir |
Flesh Grinder | Hallowed Greaves |
Fleshcatcher | Hallowed Headgear |
Fossil Greaves | Hallowed Helmet |
Fossil Helmet | Hallowed Hood |
Fossil Pickaxe | Hallowed Jousting Lance |
Fossil Plate | Hallowed Mask |
Glass Kiln | Hallowed Plate Mail |
Gold Axe | Hallowed Repeater |
Gold Bow | Harpy Wings |
Gold Broadsword | Holy Arrow |
Gold Chainmail | Hoverboard |
Gold Chandelier | Ichor Arrow |
Gold Crown | Ichor Bullet |
Gold Greaves | Light Disc |
Gold Hammer | Liquid Sensor |
Gold Helmet | Logic Sensor |
Gold Pickaxe | Magical Harp |
Gold Shortsword | Mechanical Cart |
Granite Chandelier | Mechanical Eye |
Grappling Hook | Mechanical Skull |
Grate | Mechanical Worm |
Green Phaseblade | Megashark |
Heavy Work Bench | Meteor Staff |
Hellfire Arrow | Mythril Chainmail |
Hornet Staff | Mythril Chainsaw |
Imp Staff | Mythril Drill |
Inlet Pump | Mythril Greaves |
Iron Axe | Mythril Halberd |
Iron Bar | Mythril Hat |
Iron Bow | Mythril Helmet |
Iron Broadsword | Mythril Hood |
Iron Chainmail | Mythril Pickaxe |
Iron Door | Mythril Repeater |
Iron Fence | Mythril Sword |
Iron Greaves | Mythril Waraxe |
Iron Hammer | Naughty Present |
Iron Helmet | Neptune's Shell |
Iron Pickaxe | Onyx Blaster |
Iron Shortsword | Optic Staff |
Ivy Whip | Orange Phasesaber |
Jungle Hat | Orichalcum Breastplate |
Jungle Pants | Orichalcum Chainsaw |
Jungle Shirt | Orichalcum Drill |
Lamp Post | Orichalcum Halberd |
Large Amber | Orichalcum Headgear |
Large Amethyst | Orichalcum Helmet |
Large Diamond | Orichalcum Leggings |
Large Emerald | Orichalcum Mask |
Large Ruby | Orichalcum Pickaxe |
Large Sapphire | Orichalcum Repeater |
Large Topaz | Orichalcum Sword |
Lead Axe | Orichalcum Waraxe |
Lead Bar | Pickaxe Axe |
Lead Bow | Pumpkin Moon Medallion |
Lead Broadsword | Purple Phasesaber |
Lead Chainmail | Rainbow Rod |
Lead Door | Red Phasesaber |
Lead Fence | Shroomite Breastplate |
Lead Greaves | Shroomite Digging Claw |
Lead Hammer | Shroomite Headgear |
Lead Helment | Shroomite Helmet |
Lead Pickaxe | Shroomite Leggings |
Lead Shortsword | Shroomite Mask |
Light's Bane | Sky Fracture |
Malaise | Solar Tablet |
Marble Chandelier | Sparkly Wings |
Metal Sink | Spectral Armor |
Meteor Hamaxe | Spectral Headgear |
Meteor Helmet | Spectral Subligar |
Meteor Leggings | Spectre Hamaxe |
Meteor Shot | Spectre Hood |
Meteor Suit | Spectre Mask |
Meteorite Chandelier | Spectre Paint Roller |
Minecart | Spectre Paint Scraper |
Minecart Track | Spectre Paintbrush |
Molten Breastplate | Spectre Pants |
Molten Fury | Spectre Pickaxe |
Molten Greaves | Spectre Robe |
Molten Hamaxe | Spectre Wings |
Molten Helmet | Spirit Flame |
Molten Pickaxe | Spooky Wings |
Mushroom Chandelier | Super Star Shooter |
Mythril Anvil | Suspicious Looking Skull |
Nightmare Pickaxe | Tattered Fairy Wings |
Orange Phaseblade | Terra Blade |
Orichalcum Anvil | Titan Helmet |
Outlet Pump | Titan Leggings |
Palladium Breastplate | Titan Mail |
Palladium Chainsaw | Titanium Breastplate |
Palladium Drill | Titanium Chainsaw |
Palladium Headgear | Titanium Drill |
Palladium Helmet | Titanium Forge |
Palladium Leggings | Titanium Headgear |
Palladium Mask | Titanium Helmet |
Palladium Pickaxe | Titanium Leggings |
Palladium Pike | Titanium Mask |
Palladium Repeater | Titanium Pickaxe |
Palladium Sword | Titanium Repeater |
Palladium Waraxe | Titanium Sword |
Palm Wood Chandelier | Titanium Trident |
Pearlwood Bathtub | Titanium Waraxe |
Pearlwood Chandelier | Tizona |
Phoenix Blaster | Tonbogiri |
Platinum Axe | True Excalibur |
Platinum Bow | True Night's Edge |
Platinum Broadsword | Turtle Helmet |
Platinum Chainmail | Turtle Leggings |
Platinum Chandelier | Turtle Scale Mail |
Platinum Crown | Venom Arrow |
Platinum Greaves | Venom Staff |
Platinum Hammer | Vulcan Repeater |
Platinum Helmet | White Phasesaber |
Platinum Pickaxe | Yellow Phasesaber |
Platinum Shortsword | |
Pressure Plate Track | |
Pumpkin Chandelier | |
Purple Phaseblade | |
Queen Spider Staff | |
Red Phaseblade | |
Reinforced Fishing Pole | |
Rich Mahogany Bathtub | |
Rich Mahogany Chandelier | |
Ruby Hook | |
Ruby Minecart | |
Ruby Staff | |
Sandstone Chandelier | |
Sapphire Minecart | |
Sapphire Staff | |
Shadewood Bathtub | |
Shadewood Chandelier | |
Shadow Greaves | |
Shadow Helmet | |
Shadow Scalemail | |
Sharanga | |
Silver Axe | |
Silver Bow | |
Silver Broadsword | |
Silver Bullet | |
Silver Chainmail | |
Silver Chainmail | |
Silver Greaves | |
Silver Hammer | |
Silver Helmet | |
Silver Pickaxe | |
Silver Shortsword | |
Snapthorn | |
Space Gun | |
Spider Breastplate | |
Spider Chandelier | |
Spider Greaves | |
Spider Mask | |
Spider Staff | |
Spooky Chandelier | |
Star Cannon | |
Tendon Bow | |
Terra Toilet | |
The Breaker | |
The Meatball | |
Thorn Chakram | |
Throne | |
Tin Axe | |
Tin Bow | |
Tin Broadsword | |
Tin Chainmail | |
Tin Chandelier | |
Tin Greaves | |
Tin Hammer | |
Tin Helmet | |
Tin Pickaxe | |
Tin Shortsword | |
Toilet | |
Topaz Hook | |
Topaz Minecart | |
Topaz Staff | |
Trash Can | |
Tungsten Axe | |
Tungsten Bow | |
Tungsten Broadsword | |
Tungsten Bullet | |
Tungsten Chainmail | |
Tungsten Chandelier | |
Tungsten Greaves | |
Tungsten Hammer | |
Tungsten Helmet | |
Tungsten Pickaxe | |
Tungsten Shortsword | |
Unholy Arrow | |
War Axe of the Night | |
Weather Vane | |
White Phaseblade | |
Yellow Phaseblade |