Key Takeaway
You can buy Tofu at the Aquiesta Supermarket, which is in the north half of Levincia. However, it only appears after you collect at least 5 Gym Badges. Each piece of Tofu costs $260.
There are lots of sandwich fillings in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. Depending on your current goals, some are better to use than others. You want to get Tofu and some other late-game ingredients so that you have access to as many sandwiches as possible. It’s time to unlock those meal powers!
Table Of Contents
Where to Buy Tofu

You can buy Tofu at the Aquiesta Supermarket in Levincia. This store is in the northern half of the city—north of the battle arena and south of the Levincia (North) Pokémon Center. Tofu costs $260 per piece. Keep in mind that you need to get at least 5 Gym Badges (doesn’t matter which ones) before it appears on this store’s shelves.
Also, the Aquiesta Supermarket carries many other ingredients. However, those more common types of food can be found elsewhere. It’s the Tofu that you’re after at this supermarket!
What You Can Make With Tofu

Overall, there are nine different sandwich recipes that include Tofu as an ingredient. Here’s a breakdown of all of them, what they do, and what ingredients you need to make them.
Sandwich Name | Ingredients | Effects | Description |
Tofu Sandwich | -Tofu x2 -Rice x1 -Lettuce x1 -Avocado x1 -Wasabi x1 -Salt x1 | -Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 1 -Egg Power Lv. 1 -Catching Power: Grass Lv. 1 | A sandwich designed by and for tofu lovers. It will never leave you hungry. |
Great Tofu Sandwich | -Tofu x2 -Rice x1 -Lettuce x1 -Avocado x1 -Wasabi x1 -Salt x1 -Horseradish x1 | -Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 2 -Raid Power: Fighting Lv. 1 -Catching Power: Grass Lv. 1 | This sandwich is not the easiest to pull off. Be sure to drain the tofu thoroughly. |
Ultra Tofu Sandwich | -Tofu x2 -Rice x1 -Lettuce x1 -Avocado x1 -Watercress x1 -Wasabi x1 -Salt x1 -Horseradish x1 | -Raid Power: Normal Lv. 2 -Encounter Power: Fighting Lv. 2 -Catching Power: Grass Lv. 1 | The simple flavor of the tofu and the bitterness of the watercress make for a strangely appealing match. |
Master Tofu Sandwich | -Tofu x2 -Rice x1 -Lettuce x1 -Avocado x1 -Watercress x1 -Wasabi x1 -Salt x1 -Horseradish x1 -Salty Herba Mystica x1 | -Title Power: Normal Lv. 2 -Encounter Power: Grass Lv. 2 -Catching Power: Fighting Lv. 2 | The precious herbs’ saltiness makes the tofu’s savory notes shine through. |
Great Decadent Sandwich | -Tofu x1 -Smoked Fillet x1 -Klawf Stick x1 -Watercress x1 -Basil x1 -Vinegar x1 -Olive Oil x1 -Salt x1 | -Exp. Point Power: Ice Lv. 2 -Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 1 -Catching Power: Dark Lv. 1 | This sandwich uses truly precious and fine ingredients. The tofu lends it more substance. |
Ultra Decadent Sandwich | -Tofu x1 -Smoked Fillet x1 -Klawf Stick x1 -Watercress x1 -Basil x1 -Red Onion x1 -Vinegar x1 -Olive Oil x1 -Salt x1 | -Exp. Point Power: Ghost Lv. 2 -Encounter Power: Dark Lv. 2 -Catching Power: Ice Lv. 1 | Achieving balance between these ingredients is no easy feat. Tastiest when the seasonings are piled on a bit. |
Master Decadent Sandwich | -Tofu x1 -Smoked Fillet x1 -Klawf Stick x1 -Watercress x1 -Basil x1 -Red Onion x1 -Vinegar x1 -Olive Oil x1 -Salt x1 -Spicy Herba Mystica x1 | -Title Power: Ghost Lv. 2 -Humungo Power: Dark Lv. 2 -Encounter Power: Ice Lv. 2 | Adding the ultimate in spiciness makes this sandwich of distinct, vibrant ingredients into a unified masterpiece. |
Ultra Tower Sandwich | -Tofu x1 -Hamburger x1 -Noodles x1 -Potato Salad x1 -Rice x1 -Klawf Stick x1 -Olive Oil x1 -Salt x1 -Curry Powder x1 | -Encounter Power: Steel Lv. 2 -Humungo Power: Ice Lv. 2 -Catching Power: Normal Lv. 2 | A sandwich concerned only with volume. It can be tasty, too, depending on the seasonings. |
Master Tower Sandwich | -Tofu x1 -Hamburger x1 -Noodles x1 -Potato Salad x1 -Rice x1 -Klawf Stick x1 -Olive Oil x1 -Salt x1 -Curry Powder x1 -Bitter Herba Mystica x1 | -Title Power: Steel Lv. 2 -Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 2 -Exp. Point Power: Fighting Lv. 2 | Thanks to the magic of spice, this ultra-voluminous sandwich even manages to taste rather good. |