The blue medallions in the Cargo Depot.

Resident Evil 4: Cargo Depot Blue Medallion Locations

The merchant really doesn't like those blue medallions.

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Rhett Roxl is a professional writer who has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He merged both passions together to become a writer in the game industry in 2020.

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

The blue medallions in the Cargo Depot are the first set of these medallions you can destroy on the Island in Resident Evil 4. It’s the fifth Blue Medallion Merchant Request and their placements are trickier to spot this time around. That is, of course, unless you know where to look.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 1

The first blue medallion in the Cargo Depot.
Rhett Roxl / VGKAMI

After exiting the merchant’s room onto the Cargo Depot, turn around and look up. You’ll spot the blue medallion over some railings. If you can’t spot the medallion, continue walking backward while looking up.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 2

The second blue medallion in the Cargo Depot.
Rhett Roxl / VGKAMI

From the previous location, look to the left and look over the fences. The area ahead is fairly dark which will make the blue medallion stand out.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 3

The third blue medallion in the Cargo Depot.
Rhett Roxl / VGKAMI

Enter the main Cargo Depot area and walk over to the tall flood light on the southern side of the Cargo Depot. To the right of the flood light are two containers. You’ll spot the blue medallion here.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 4

The fourth blue medallion in the Cargo Depot.
Rhett Roxl / VGKAMI

From the previous location, walk over to the right and you’ll find the next blue medallion behind a stack of metal crates.

Cargo Depot Blue Medallion 5

The fifth blue medallion in the Cargo Depot.
Rhett Roxl / VGKAMI

Head to the stairs in this area. Once on the staircase, look left, then look up. You’ll find the last blue medallion in the Cargo Depot on the massive tank ahead.