You’ll find a lot of Essence Crystals in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. These can either increase your overall health, force, XP, and they can even unlock perks. Find all of these to make Cal more powerful. He’ll need it for the challenges he’ll have to face.
Table Of Contents
Coruscant Essence Crystals
Coruscant is the first planet you explore in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. You won’t be able to collect every Essence Crystal on the planet yet on your first visit. You can return later on once you’ve acquired the necessary abilities to reach the areas where these are found.
Coruscant Essence Crystal 1 (Undercity Meats)

The first Essence Crystal in Coruscant is in the Undercity Meats. You pass by this area while exploring the planet for the first time in Chapter 1. It’s in the refrigerated room where you’ll find hanging meats.
Coruscant Essence Crystal 2 (Undercity Meats)

There’s a second Essence Crystal in the Undercity Meats. However, to enter the area, you’ll need the Electro Darts first.
In the room next to the refrigerated room, there’s a large door that’s constantly slammed by a creature behind it. You can open this door by hitting the exposed electronic on the upper right side of the door with BD-1’s Electro Dart. Once the door opens, you’ll then have to fight a legendary enemy. Defeat the enemy and enter the room where it was locked in to find the Essence Crystal.
Coruscant Essence Crystal 3 (Freight Handling Depot)

The last Essence Crystal in Coruscant is in the Freight Handling Depot. You’ll need the ability to dash in midair and dash through green barriers to access this Essence Crystal.
From the meditation point, turn around and go to the area with the scalable walls. Run on the walls to get to the other side. The next area is filled with multiple enemies. Either deal with them or run past them. There’s a green barrier in this room you can reach by zipping on the crates. Do so and dash through the barrier to find the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystals
Koboh is the biggest planet you can explore in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. It’s also where you’ll find the most Essence Crystals.
Koboh Essence Crystal 1 (Gorge Crash Site)

There’s an Essence Crystal in the Gorge Crash Site. You’ll need the Force Lift ability for this. This is the same area where you find a Pit Droid, overlooking his speeder that’s trapped under the mud. You can help the Pit Droid by lifting the speeder for Force Lift. The Essence Crystal will be on the speeder.
Koboh Essence Crystal 2 (Derelict Dam)

From the meditation point, turn around and proceed forward until you reach the area marked on the image of the map above. This area is guarded by a Gorocco.
Koboh Essence Crystal 3 (Derelict Dam)

Start from the meditation point. Look over to the right and drop down on the vines below you to get to the ground below. Keep going forward until you reach the rope you can swing on. Use this rope to get to the scalable wall across you. Scale the wall to get to the higher ground. You’ll find the Essence Crystal as soon as you land.
Koboh Essence Crystal 4 (Derelict Dam)

You’ll need Force Slam and BD-1’s Koboh Grinder to access this area. Head to the area in the Derelict Dam where the giant friendly creature is. Across the giant creature is a platform you can lower. Lower it using Force Slam to reach it, then continue onto the area ahead.
Deal with the enemies here first. Once the enemies are dealt with, head to the corner next to where there’s a door that’s covered in black vines. You’ll find an orb here. Pick it up using Force Pull, then throw it to the coupler on the platform across. Once the orb is latched onto the coupler, it will create a tuner beam that will fire at the black vines that are blocking the path ahead. This will destroy the vines, allowing you to push on through.
In this room, there’s a mechanism BD-1 can slice. Let BD-1 slice it and a Roller Mine will pop out from the ground. Use Force Pull on the Roller Mine and throw it on the breakable door on the right. Once broken, head back outside and onto where the breakable door used to be.
Once there, look over to the beam across and the black vines on the wall above. Use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder and line it from the endpoint of the beam to the vines above. Once done, head to the wall where the vines were using the scalable walls on the side. Proceed upwards and head out and you’ll find the crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 5 (Derelict Dam)

From the meditation point, move forward and enter the tunnel to the left. There’s a Roller Mine here that will pop up once you get close enough. Summon one and lure it to the area on the far right where you’ll find a workbench. Next to the workbench is a cliff and you can spot a breakable obstacle in the area ahead. Use the Roller Mine to destroy this obstacle.
Continue onward and defeat or run past the enemies on the way. You’ll eventually find a rope you can climb on. Climb up and jump onto the ground above as soon as you can reach it. Continue forward and you’ll find the crystal next to the elevator.
Koboh Essence Crystal 6 (Derelict Dam)

From the previous crystal, turn around and use Force Lift on the yellow gate ahead. Continue forward and you’ll encounter a legendary enemy here. You don’t have to fight this enemy. Instead, grapple onto the floating perch ahead. Continue moving forward until you’re on the higher cliff. You’ll find the last Essence Crystal in the Derelict Dam in this area.
Koboh Essence Crystal 7 (Winding Ravine)

To get to the Winding Ravine, head to where the giant friendly creature is. Tame it by pressing the button you use to summon your mount while looking at it. The creature will then lower its head to you, allowing you to jump onto one of its tusks. When it raises its head and settles, jump on the ground to the right.
Head onward and make a left at the end. You’ll find a large cube in this area, as well as a handful of smaller beasts to fight. Eliminate the enemies first. Once done, use Force Pull and Push to move the cube to a section in this area where there’s a yellow beam above you can climb on.
Once done, climb up and continue onwards using the scalable walls. You’ll eventually find another cube here. Use Force Push to send it down. Head to the ground below. Position one of the cubes on the narrow lower pathway in this area. Then, move the other box so that it can get to the other elevated ground across, using the other cube as a platform.
Once the cube has made it across, jump on it and jump onto the higher ground. The Essence Crystal is here.
Koboh Essence Crystal 8 (Southern Reach)

You’ll need the ability to glide using Relter birds to get to this area.
Fast travel to the Southern Reach meditation point. Head back up to the main Southern Reach area until you’re on the cliff where a Relter bird is. Glide to the top of the rock formation across using the Relter, and from here, simply navigate your way through to the area marked on the map above. You’ll be able to get there as long as you remain on the upper grounds. You’ll eventually encounter a rope that will help you swing to the area where the crystal is.
Koboh Essence Crystal 9 (Riverbed Watch)

You’ll easily reach the location of this next crystal from the previous location if you have the Aerial Dash ability. From the previous location, look over the cliffs to spot another cliff with a small house on top of it. Double jump towards the cliff and dash forward while facing a cliff you can grab onto. If you drop to the ground instead of grabbing a cliff, there’s a chance Cal will die.
Once you make it to this area, defeat the droids here and get to the second floor of the house to find the crystal.
If you can’t get to the top of this area from the Essence Crystal at the Southern Reach, start from the meditation point in the Riverbed Watch, enter the house, and make your ascent here.
Koboh Essence Crystal 10 (Rambler’s Reach Outpost)

You’ll need Force Slam and the ability to dash through green barriers to enter this place.
Make your way to the house in the Rambler’s Reach where eye-stalk droids follow you whenever you get close to it. It’s behind the meditation chamber. Have BD-1 slice the door open for you. Then, use Force Slam on the door. This will reveal the green barrier behind it. You can dash through this so long as you’ve acquired the ability to.
Once inside, speak to the person here and use Cal’s mind trick to make him trust you. He’ll then open an underground pathway for you. Proceed through here and you’ll find the crystal at the end, along with the secret of the owner of this place.
Koboh Essence Crystal 11 (Rambler’s Reach Outpost)

Exit the house where the previous crystal is. Look over to the house directly next to it with orange boxes on its side. Jump on top of one of the boxes, then jump onto the roof.
There’s a power line here you can pull out. Take it out and place it on the receiver on the house across, which you can get to via a narrow pipe bridge. Once done, face the house you were previously on and you’ll spot an exposed electrical wire.
Use BD-1’s Electro Dart on this and it will open the front door of the house you’re on. Jump down and enter the house to find the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 12 (Hunter’s Quarry)

Make your way to the cylindrical structure in the Hunter’s Quarry. You can enter this structure by jumping onto the elevated ponds outside and wall running to the vines on the rocks. You can navigate your way to the side of the structure where you’ll find a hole in the wall you can enter through.
Once inside, find the machine BD-1 can slice. This will summon a Roller Mine. Lure the Roller Mine to this building’s breakable door and use it to destroy the door. Summon a Roller Mine again and lure it outside. Keep your eye on the left until you spot another breakable door. Use the Roller Mine once more to destroy this. You’ll find the Essence Crystal inside.
Koboh Essence Crystal 13 (Hunter’s Quarry)

You’ll need the Force Lift ability and Aerial Dash to enter this next area.
From the previous crystal, head outside, turn left and keep going until you spot a bunch of black vines blocking a path. To its right is an elevated slope. Head up and you’ll find a wide gate you can open with Force Lift. Open the gate and head inside.
Continue forward and jump and dash to reach the wall at the end of this path that will slow your descent. Once at the bottom, you’ll be in a room that’s surrounded by purple dust that will kill you if you stay surrounded by them for too long.
Stand next to the coupler that holds the orb and face the black vines that’s blocking the main entrance. There’s another elevated coupler platform there. Slowly make your way there while avoiding the purple matter. Once there, turn to your left and you’ll spot the orb.
Use Force Pull to grab the orb from where you’re standing. Throw it toward the previous coupler. Quickly jump and dash to that area, then use Force Pull on the orb again. Throw it to the orb coupler.
Remove the orb once more and turn to the other room in this area, where you’ll find another orb coupler. Throw it there and approach it. Turn and face one of the corners here to find the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 14 (Harvest Ridge)

There’s only one Essence Crystal in Harvest Ridge and it’s fairly tricky to get. Head to the barn in the Harvest Ridge and mount one of the Nekkos here. Go around the front and you’ll find a highly situated scalable wall. Jump with the Nekko, then jump once more to reach the wall. Continue forward and face right to see the opening to the barn.
Proceed inside and jump down below. Head to one of the corners here to find a rope you can pull with Force Pull. Pull this rope and the mechanism at the end of it and it will open the barn’s main door. While holding the rope and keeping the gate open, press the button that summons the mount to lure it inside.
Ride this Nekko to get on top of the tall platform that’s across from where the rope is. From here, use Force Pull on the rope once more, walk backward, and attach it to the mechanism on the wall. This will keep the barn door open.
Head back outside and ride another mount. Bring it inside the barn. Return to the mechanism that’s keeping the gate open and let go of the rope to close the gate. Head back down and mount one of the Nekkos. Bring the Nekko on the metal beam next to the gate so that it will be lifted when you open the gate again.
With that, open the gate once more and keep it open. Head back down and use the remaining Nekko here to get to where the second Nekko is. Once up, mount the Nekko and head outside, onto the cylindrical structure ahead.
Get on top of this structure by jumping off the Nekko to finally find the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 15 (Fort Kah’Lin)

From the meditation point in Fort Kah’Lin, turn around and enter the building ahead. You’ll find stacks here you can jump onto to help onto this structure’s roof. Jump to the higher ground and keep moving forward and you’ll spot a floating perch you can zip onto to get to the higher level.
Follow the path forward from here and you’ll eventually make it to the Essence Crystal. You’ll have to fight two electrohammer-wielding Bedlam Raiders on the way.
Koboh Essence Crystal 16 (Untamed Downs)

From the Untamed Downs meditation point, turn around and jump and dash to the tunnel across. Follow this path until you slide down onto a bright cavern. Here, you’ll have to fight a Gorocco, a Bilemaw, and a Mogu at once. Defeat all three and interact with the Essence Crystal found here.
Koboh Essence Crystal 17 (Untamed Downs)

Head up to the wide and open Untamed Downs area from the meditation point and proceed to the building where you’ll find multiple Roller Mines. Dash through the green barrier at the back of this structure and keep pressing forward. There are multiple small fauna here, so watch out for them.
Lift the gate at the end of this path and defeat the droids standing in your way. Head left and you’ll find the Essence Crystal in this small room.
Koboh Essence Crystal 18 (Devastated Settlement)

Start from the Devastated Settlement meditation point. Face left and zip onto the vines above. Climb to the left, then up to get on top of this rock. Make your way to the Relter bird on this level. Glide using the bird to the area across. There’s a Bilemaw and a couple of smaller enemies here. Be sure to take care of them first.
To the right is a wall you can scale up. Head up and pull the orb from its coupler. Head back down, but be sure to pull the orb immediately so it doesn’t roll away. Proceed to the left, and head left once more, then look down. You’ll find two sets of ground to fall on here. The lower, wider ground, and the higher, narrower ledge. Be sure to land on the narrower ledge.
Once more, be sure to use Force Pull on the orb as soon as you land. Head inside this opening and you’ll find a coupler for the orb. Insert the orb here with Force Push and a door will open, revealing the Essence Crystal behind it.
Koboh Essence Crystal 19 (Devastated Settlement)

Fast travel to the Grand Courtyard meditation point. Head down and ride the Retler to the pillar across. Then, use the Relter here to glide to the lower area ahead. After you deal with the droids here, head inside, run on the wall to get to the area across, and you’ll find the Essence Crystal ahead.
Koboh Essence Crystal 20 (Devastated Settlement)

From the Grand Courtyard, glide with the Relter to the area with the tall structure across. Once the enemies have been defeated, jump up to the ledge on the right to find the crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 21 (Devastated Settlement)

From the location of the previous crystal, head back outside and walk over to the orb that’s firing a Tuner Beam. Interact with the orb to change its trajectory. Look over to the right of the Grand Courtyard and you’ll spot a large cube. To its lower left is a narrow ledge. Point the beam on this ledge.
Ride a Relter to make it to where the beam is targeted at. Once here, head inside first and defeat the droids here. Once done, fire BD-1’s Koboh Grinder on the beam and have it to the black vines inside. Past these vines is an Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 22 (Devastated Settlement)

From the Grand Courtyard meditation point, enter the main courtyard, turn left, and use the rope to zip up. Turn left and climb up using the vines. You’ll find the crystal up here.
Koboh Essence Crystal 23 (Viscid Bog)

From the Viscid Bog meditation point, use the zipline all the way to the end. Move forward until you can zip to the pole. Swing forward and continue going forward until you can zip to the grate on the wall. Climb up and proceed to the elevator.
Before riding it up, open the map first and see the part of the elevator shaft where it opens up somewhere in the middle. Be sure to get off here as the elevator is going up. Once you’re able to make it to this area, use the floating grapple points to get to the huge pillar ahead.
From this pillar, ride the Relter and just keep gliding forward At the end of this glide, there’ll be another floating grapple point that’s low enough for you to reach. Keep progressing forward until you’re finally on the rock where the crystal is.
Koboh Essence Crystal 24 (Lucrehulk Core)

While this one is in the Lucrehulk Core, you’ll get here faster by fast traveling to the Forward Control Center meditation point. Take the elevator down to the Lucrehulk Core from here. Once the elevator reaches the bottom, exit it and walk down the path and you’ll see the crystal on the side of the corridor.
Koboh Essence Crystal 25 (Lucrehulk Core)

Start from the Lucrehulk meditation point. Head towards the split bridge ahead and jump across. Continue to where the droid is. Proceed forward, head right, then pass through the door on the left. There’s are two Bedlam Raiders in this next area. You don’t have to fight them. Immediately run to the right as soon as you pass through the door and drop down.
Continue going around this path until you reach a green barrier. Dash through it, head left, then use Force Lift on the gate ahead. Behind it is the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 26 (Yurt Barracks)

Fast travel to the meditation point in the Lucrehulk Core. From here, start making your way to the Yurt Barracks. Just before the gate to the actual Yurt Barracks, turn right instead. After reaching the area where you’ll have to climb a grate, turn around and jump and dash to the area across. You’ll find the crystal at the end of this path.
Koboh Essence Crystal 27 (Yurt Barracks)

Make your way to the area in the Yurt Barracks where you’ll see large transports for battle droids. From here, head to the area where you’re facing the second barracks. To the right is a platform you can reach by double jumping and dashing. From here, face the building to the left and you’ll spot the Essence Crystal. You can also reach this place by double jumping and dashing forward.
Koboh Essence Crystal 28 (Yurt Barracks)

From the previous crystal, head back down and proceed to the corridor that leads to the hole you can drop on to get to the Generator Underbelly. You’ll see the crystal on the side of the hole.
Koboh Essence Crystal 29 (Swindler’s Wash)

From the Swindler’s Wash meditation point, jump over to the area across, then head left until you reach the wall you can run on. Run on the wall and jump over to the furthest pillar. You’ll find the Essence Crystal on top of this pillar.
Koboh Essence Crystal 30 (Forest Array)

From the Forest Array meditation point, turn right and use the rope at the end to get to the top. Continue forward, drop down, then turn right. Proceed forward, but keep your eye on the right until you spot a crack in the wall you can squeeze into. Continue forward from here.
At the end of this path, turn around and face the poles. Jump onto the pole, to the next, then onto the rope, thing swing forward to reach the vines. Climb up and you’ll find the Essence Crystal at the end of this path.
Koboh Essence Crystal 31 (Forest Array)

Return to the meditation point and use the zipline. On the other side, keep going until you’re on the bridge where the Mogu is. Either defeat this enemy or run past it. At the end of this path, look to the right and look down and you’ll spot a narrow beam you can stand on. Jump on the beam, look to the right, and zip onto the grate. Simply keep pushing forward from here until you reach the crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 32 (Rehabilitation Wing)

You can easily spot this Essence Crystal after your fight with Dagan Gera in the Rehabilitation Wing.
Koboh Essence Crystal 33 (Bilemaw Den)

This Essence Crystal is in a corner next to the Bilemaw Den meditation point.
Koboh Essence Crystal 34 (Bygone Settlement)

The Essence Crystal in the Bygone Settlement is on top of the Jawa Sandcrawler. You’ll have to platform all the way around the Bygone Settlement to get here. You’ll only be able to do so with the aerial dash ability.
Koboh Essence Crystal 35 (Fogged Expanse)

One Essence Crystal in the Fogged Expanse is in the den of the Vile Bilemaw. To get here, use the zipline next to the meditation point. Walk left, drop down, then slide down. Defeat the Vile Bilemaw first to get access to the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 36 (Fogged Expanse)

Return to the meditation point. Head uphill left of the meditation point and climb the vines to get up. Head right, fire BD-1’s Electro Dart on the exposed wire to the left to bring the scalable wall to you. Use this wall to get to the other side. Once on the other side, turn around and run on the back of the wall to get on top of the building across.
Continue forward and look to your left to spot the crystal ahead, with an exposed wire above it. Fire an Electro Dart on the wire to open the door under it. Get back to the ground to the left and go around to the right to find the door and the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 37 (Marl Cavern)

From the previous crystal, head through the door, go right, and keep going up until you can zip to the ledge ahead. Then, face left and zip to the higher ledge again. Continue forward until you’re facing a door, which will open automatically as soon as you get close to it. Head through the door.
Fire an Electro Dart on the exposed wire ahead to lower the wall on the left. Run on this wall and keep going forward until you can zip across. Turn around and run on the wall to the right. Turn left and jump down on the platform below you. Keep going forward, run on the wall to the right, and you’ll arrive on the ledge where the crystal is.
Koboh Essence Crystal 38 (Summit Ridge)

From the meditation point, continue forward, use the floating perch to zip across, then zip to the vines ahead. Climb up, walk forward, look down and you’ll find a machine that generates floating perches. Pull one, turn around, and throw it before the cliff on the upper right. Zip to the perch and jump to the cliff.
Turn around and run on the wall to the left. Keep going forward and you’ll find the crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 39 (Diagnosis Corridor)

Fast travel to the Diagnosis Corridor meditation point. Head forward, spin the cylindrical room ahead using the console near the meditation point. Get ready to fight two droids ahead. Once dealt with, look to the center of this room to find an exposed wire. Fire an Electro Dart at it to spin the room once more. Another horde of enemies will come your way. Defeat them to continue.
Fire another Electro Dart at the exposed wire to spin the room one last time. Continue forward and defeat the enemies you face. Once done, get to the end of this room, turn around and use Force Pull on the mechanism to the left to get a floating perch. Throw this to the skies outside, zip to it, face right, zip to that perch, face right again to find a green barrier.
Zip to the green barrier, dash forward, then dash forward again to get to the higher platform. You’ll find the crystal here.
Koboh Essence Crystal 40 (Diagnosis Corridor)

Fast travel to the Observation Deck meditation point. Proceed through the door, then take the elevator down. You’ll spot the Essence Crystal immediately.
Koboh Essence Crystal 41 (Observation Deck)

Fast travel to the Diagnosis Corridor meditation point. Head forward then zip through the hole in the ceiling. Turn around and jump onto the grates above. Turn left, then drop down. You’ll have to fight two lightsaber-wielding enemies here. Deal with them first, then get to the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 42 (Smuggler’s Tunnels)

Start from the Pyloon’s Saloon meditation point and proceed to the Smuggler’s Tunnels. Before the green barrier, head right and squeeze through the tight gap to reach an open cavern. Drop down and you’ll see the crystal on the left.
Koboh Essence Crystal 43 (Smuggler’s Tunnels)

From the previous essence, head back up and return to where the green barrier is. Pass through, head left, and head through the gate. You’ll find the crystal here.
Koboh Essence Crystal 44 (Sodden Grotto)

Fast travel to the meditation point in the Sodden Grotto. If you haven’t been here yet, you can enter this area from its entrance in the Hunter’s Quarry. Simply proceed through the area until you make it to the Rancor. Defeat the Rancor and you can interact with the Essence Crystal in this chamber.
Koboh Essence Crystal 45 (Phon’qi Caverns)

Start from the meditation point. If you haven’t accessed the caverns yet, head to Foothill Falls, go to the house in the area across where the pond is, and enter it through a back panel you can remove with Force Pull. Keep heading down from here and you’ll arrive at the Phon’qi Caverns.
From the meditation point, proceed to the main area, then turn right where you’ll find a massive structure you can lift with Force Lift. There are also two bomb-carrying droids here. Deal with them first, then lift the structure, and head on through.
Continue forward and zip to the wall on the right. Cling to this wall, then jump and dash to the wall on the left. Keep doing this until you’re on ground. Look to the left of the electrified gate and run on the wall to the right. Keep going and you’ll eventually land on an area where the Essence Crystal is.
Koboh Essence Crystal 46 (Phon’qi Caverns)

Progress through the Phon’qi Caverns until you reach the elevator that takes you back to the ground where the meditation point is. From the elevator, look to the left and look down and you’ll spot a green barrier. Drop down, dash through the barrier, and you’ll be standing next to the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 47 (Phon’qi Caverns)

From the previous crystal, dash through the green barrier again. Cling to the wall ahead and go as high up as you can. Then, make your way to the wall on the left, then climb up. Go forward, jump over the hole, jump onto the higher ledge, and walk through the door. Head left and you’ll find the crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 48 (Flooded Bunker)

Start from the meditation point in the Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Head uphill to the Southern Reach, then proceed to the building on the left with the circular entrance. Head inside. There’s a turret here you can destroy with Force Slam. It’s better to deal with this turret so it won’t bother you.
Use Force Lift on the grate on the ground to the left, then drop down. Swim underground and find the tunnel with the green lights. Follow the lights until you can surface again. From here, continue to the end of this path and you’ll find the crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 49 (Generator Underbelly)

Fast travel to the Generator Underbelly meditation point. Walk forward and use Force Lift on the platform below to get across to the bridge ahead. Go around to the left and use Force Lift once again on the platform here. Jump onto the platform on the right, then turn around and jump and dash to the scalable wall ahead.
Get up, look left, and look up. Lower the platform above with Force Lift, then get on top of it. Run on the walls forward from here and you’ll arrive at the Essence Crystal.
Koboh Essence Crystal 50 (Chamber of Duality)

The Chamber of Duality is the first chamber you get to in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. You also explore this place as a part of the main story so it is unmissable. The Essence Crystal is in the main chamber. You’ll receive an Essence Crystal for completing the other meditation chambers in Koboh.
Koboh Essence Crystal 51 (Chamber of Clarity)

Start from the Untamed Downs meditation point. Turn around and proceed to the open field. Once out, mount a Nekko, and ride to the left. Stick to the wall until you spot vines on the wall situated high above. You can get to the vines by jumping off the Nekko. Continue navigating forward from here and you’ll find the entrance to the Chamber of Clarity.
Koboh Essence Crystal 52 (Chamber of Reason)

Start from the meditation point in the Basalt Rift. Continue towards the area where you’ll find a Mogu. Across the Mogu’s location is a broken bridge. Swing ahead using the rope here and you’ll find the entrance to the chamber.
Koboh Essence Crystal 53 (Chamber of Fortitude)

Fast travel to the Southern Reach. Proceed to the main Rambler’s Reach area. When you reach the cliff, glide with the Relter bird onto the cylindrical building to the right of another cylindrical building with orange boards on its roof. Once you get on top of the building, use Force Lift on the hatch at the center and drop inside. From here, simply platform your way to the end of this path and you’ll find the entrance to the Chamber of Fortitude.
Koboh Essence Crystal 54 (Chamber of Connection)

Fast travel to the Viscid Bog. Proceed to the zipline ahead, but drop at the midpoint to get to the other zipline. This will take you to the base of the entrance to the chamber. You’ll drop on the mud, but just keep walking forward and you’ll find a ledge to zip to on the right.
Koboh Essence Crystal 55 (Chamber of Detachment)

Fast travel to the Mountain Ascent meditation point. Proceed through the green barrier ahead. Walk forward, drop down, and continue past the waterfalls. Behind it is the entrance to the chamber.
Jedha Essence Crystals
Jedha is the third planet you visit in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. There are fewer Essence Crystals on this planet, but a few of them are highly complicated to get.
Jedha Essence Crystal 1 (Monastery Walls)

Head to the section of the Monastery Walls that leads to the Halls of Ranvell. When you reach the area where there are multiple Hardshells on the ground and pillars on the other side, face the pillars and notice that you can run on their sides. From the tallest pillar in the Hardshell area, start jumping and dashing towards the first pillar, run on it, and continue moving forward doing the same process. You’ll eventually land in a small corner where you’ll find the Essence Crystal.
Jedha Essence Crystal 2 (Monastery Walls)

Return to the pillars, but stay on top of them instead of running on their sides. When you make it to the second closest pillar to the next area, look to the left and you’ll see another wall you can run on. Proceed here and continue forward. Jump into the hole, turn around, and you’ll find the second Essence Crystal in the Monastery Walls.
Jedha Essence Crystal 3 (Penitent Chambers)

Start from the Penitent Chambers meditation point. Use the zipline here to get to the other side. Head right and climb up. Head left, then head left again. Keep going forward and you’ll find a series of walls you can run on. Keep going forward from here, and you’ll be met with a scalable wall at the end. Climb up and you’ll get to the Essence Crystal.
Jedha Essence Crystal 4 (Halls of Ranvell)

Fast travel to the Halls of Ranvell meditation point. Head to the area ahead where there are multiple Stormtroopers. On the left, you’ll find a wall you can run on. Proceed through here. In the next area, there are patches on the wall you can cling to. Head up using these and you’ll find the crystal in the next area.
Jedha Essence Crystal 5 (Halls of Ranvell)

Head to the area in the Halls of Ranvell where there’s a workstation table. In the area where there are broken flights of stairs and walls you can run on, enter the passageway on the second level, the one that’s right under the path that leads to where the workstation is. Keep going forward here until you find a small corner you can jump on. The Essence Crystal is in this small corner.
Jedha Essence Crystal 6 (Desert Ridge)

Fast travel to the Desert Ridge meditation point. Use a mount here to get to the area marked on the image of the map above. You’ll fight a Golden Skriton here. Defeat this legendary enemy first before you can interact with the crystal.
Jedha Essence Crystal 7 (The Archive)

Fast travel to The Archive meditation point. Turn around, look up, and zip to the floating perch above. Turn around and zip to the area left of the position of the meditation point. The Essence Crystal is here.
Jedha Essence Crystal 8 (The Archive)

Head to the area in The Archive where Sister Taske is. Look up and zip to the floating perch. Use this to jump to the area left of the elevator. You’ll find the crystal here.
Jedha Essence Crystal 9 (Arid Flats)

Fast travel to the Anchorite Base meditation point and mount a Spamel to get to the cave marked on the image of the map above. Get inside and you’ll find the crystal on a higher ledge.
Jedha Essence Crystal 10 (Arid Flats)

Mount a Spamel and get to the structure that’s right across the Anchorite Base meditation. Platform your way forward from here, using double jumps, dashes, and wall clings. The path can be a bit tricky, but it’s very linear. At the end, you’ll meet an Anchorite. Speak to her and use Mind Trick on her at the end of the conversation. She’ll then open the door to the bunker behind her, revealing the crystal.
Jedha Essence Crystal 11 (Arid Flats)

Head to the side of the Wayfinder’s Tomb, on the side next to the arches and pillars that point towards the Desert Ridge. There’s a floating perch here you can use to get on top of the arches. Keep going forward and you’ll eventually make it to the pillar where the crystal is.
Jedha Essence Crystal 12 (Narkis Highlands)

Start from the Arid Flats meditation point. Use the zipline here to get to the Narkis Highlands. Use the next zipline here and keep your eye on the left. Jump from the zipline and dash towards the scalable wall. Climb up, then continue heading left until you’re situated over the cliff where the Essence Crystal is.
Jedha Essence Crystal 13 (Narkis Highlands)

Head back down and go to the other side of this cliff. Look over to the right and zip onto the wall you can run on. Keep heading forward until you’re on the ground again. Look up and you’ll spot a floating perch. Zip to the perch, turn around and look up, and jump over to the wall ahead. Once you’re close enough, zip to the wall.
Run forward, then jump onto the scalable wall. Go as far left as you can before jumping over to the next wall you can run on on the left. Continue forward and you’ll arrive on the cliff where you’ll find the next crystal.
Jedha Essence Crystal 14 (Crypt of Uhrma)

Fast travel to the Crypt of Uhrma meditation point. Use the zipline here to get to the area across. Head right and keep going forward until you’re in the lair of the Sutaban Alpha. Defeat this legendary enemy and interact with the Essence Crystal at the back of this chamber.
Jedha Essence Crystal 15 (Sanctuary Temple)

Fast travel to the Sepulcher Pass. Dash through the green barrier. Once you’re in the main Sanctuary Temple, head left, climb up, and from here, get on top of the cylindrical platform in the middle. Pass through the door that’s accessible here and inside, you’ll find the Essence Crystal behind a green barrier.
Jedha Essence Crystal 16 (Path of Restoration)

Go to the Path of Restoration in the Desert Ridge and complete the puzzles ahead to get to the top of this area. You’ll be rewarded an Essence Crystal upon completion.
Jedha Essence Crystal 17 (Path of Conviction)

Go to the Path of Conviction in the Desert Ridge and complete the puzzles ahead.
Jedha Essence Crystal 18 (Path of Persistence)

Fast travel to the Anchorite Base meditation point and get to the Path of Persistence from here. Complete the puzzles ahead and you’ll receive the last Essence Crystal in Jedha.
Shattered Moon Essence Crystals
The Shattered Moon, or Koboh’s Moon, is the next place to collect Essence Crystals. There are only five crystals on this level, but they’re all worth acquiring.
Shattered Moon Essence Crystal 1 (Array Channel)

Fast travel to the Republic Research Laboratory. Turn around and take the elevator back down to the Array Channel. Keep heading towards the area where the beam fires. The Essence Crystal is behind a green barrier at the end of this path.
Shattered Moon Essence Crystal 2 (Assembly Staging)

Start from the Automated Forge meditation point. Turn around and pass through the yellow gate. Keep heading forward and use the zipline that passes through the rings. On the other side, immediately head left and use the rope to get to the area above. Head right, jump forward, and zip onto the flying droid ahead. Immediately jump to the ledge on the right, where the Essence Crystal is.
Shattered Moon Essence Crystal 3 (Automated Forge)

Return to the Automated Forge meditation point and enter the dark structure next to it. Keep following the main path until you’re ambushed by the Bedlam Raider from the left. Defeat the enemy, then head over to where the enemy stayed.
To the corner on the left here is a narrow gap you can squeeze through. Pass through it and walk all the way to the end of this pipe. Look to your left and you’ll find the Essence Crystal on the ledge ahead. You can get there by running on the wall to the right.
Shattered Moon Essence Crystal 4 (Automated Forge)

Return to the meditation point. Pass through the yellow gate, and take the first set of ziplines on the left to get across. Remember to jump from one zipline to the other to avoid the part with the exposed wire. Once you get to the platform ahead, walk to the end of the ledge ahead.
Drop down, but be sure to keep the camera on the platform. There’s a hidden ledge underneath you can get to by dropping down from above, then dashing forward. The next Essence Crystal is here.
Shattered Moon Essence Crystal 5 (Republic Research Laboratory)

This last Essence Crystal is in the same room where you fight Rayvis.
Nova Garon Essence Crystals
Nova Garon is a small level, but it can be fairly tough. Thankfully, you won’t have to spend too much time here outside of the main story since there are only two Essence Crystals on this base.
Nova Garon Essence Crystal 1 (Hangar Bay)

From the main Hangar Bay Exterior, pass through the door on the left, then ride the elevator down. Squeeze through the gap on the right, and keep going forward until you’re on a narrow pipe above a room full of Imperials. Drop down, defeat the enemies, then pass through the door on the right. Head left, pass through the door here, and you’ll find the crystal.
Nova Garon Essence Crystal 2 (Officer’s Quarters)

Fast travel to the Officer’s Quarters meditation point. Exit Bode’s quarters and head to the room that’s marked on the image of the map above. The path should be straightforward, but you’ll have to face a handful of strong enemies ahead.