In Terraria, you will need to upgrade your accessories to match the difficulty of Hardmode. While there are easier accessories to get, the harder ones are definitely worth the effort. Here are the best ones to focus on.
Power Glove

The Power Glove is an excellent accessory for the Melee Class in Hardmode. It’s a combination of the Feral Claws and Titan Glove—with no debuff, just benefits.
- Double Melee Knockback
- +12% Melee Speed
- +10% Melee Weapon Size
- Auto-swing for Melee Weapons, including Whips
To craft the Power Glove, you’ll need these items:
Ingredients | Crafting Station | Result |
Feral Claws Titan Glove | Tinkerer's Workshop | Power Glove |
Mana Cloak

The Mana Cloak is a handy combat accessory for the Magic Class in Terraria. With the benefits it provides, you don’t have to worry too much about running out of Mana.
- -8% Mana Consumption
- Auto-use of Mana Potions in the inventory
- 3 stars fall when hit, which restores 50 mana when collected
To craft the Mana Cloak, you’ll need these items:
Ingredients | Crafting Station | Result |
Mana Flower Star Cloak | Tinkerer's Workshop | Mana Cloak |
Class Emblem

Among the best Hardmode accessories to have is your own Class Emblem. It increases your damage according to your play style. You can choose one from the following:
- Ranger Emblem → +15% Ranged Damage
- Sorcerer Emblem → +15% Magic Damage
- Summoner Emblem → +15% Summon Damage
- Warrior Emblem → +15% Melee Damage
Here’s how to get each Class Emblem:
Class Emblem | How to get it |
Ranger Emblem Sorcerer Emblem Summoner Emblem Warrior Emblem | Wall of Flesh: 12.5% drop chance each. |
Ankh Shield

The best Hardmode accessory to get, especially if you like using shields throughout the game. It’s a combination of the Obsidian Shield and Ankh Charm, which grants the following benefits:
- +4 Defense
- Immunity to 10 debuffs, namely: Bleeding, Broken Armor, Burning, Confused, Cursed, Darkness, Poisoned, Silenced, Slow, and Weak
- Immunity to Knockback and Fire Blocks
To craft the Ankh Shield, you will need the following items:
Ingredients | Crafting Station | Result |
Obsidian Shield Ankh Charm | Tinkerer's Workshop | Ankh Shield |
Master Ninja Gear

The Master Ninja Gear is an awesome movement accessory to have in post-Plantera Hardmode, regardless of your Class. It helps you explore more easily, from getting to the next point faster to escaping dangerous enemies. These are the benefits it grants:
- +10% dodge chance on attacks, spikes and lava
- Smokescreen upon dodging successfully
- Ability to Dash, with one-second cooldown
- Ability to climb walls
- Ability to quickly slide down from walls
To craft the Master Ninja Gear, you’ll need these items:
Ingredients | Crafting Station | Result |
Black Belt Tabi Tiger Climbing Gear | Tinkerer's Workshop | Master Ninja Gear |
Amphibian Boots

While you can get it in the pre-Hardmode game stage, the Amphibian Boots are still among the best accessories to have in Hardmode. These are the benefits it grants:
- +48% Ascend Speed
- Auto-jump enabled
- +60% Fall Resistance
- Up to 30mph Running Speed
To craft the Amphibian Boots, you’ll need these items:
Ingredients | Crafting Station | Result |
Sailfish Boots Frog Leg | Tinkerer's Workshop | Amphibian Boots |
Max-Tier Wings

Max-Tier Wings are accessories that you don’t want to miss out on, because they stack well with the other movement accessories. You can better control your flight with wings than any boot. These are the best wings to get before fighting Moon Lord:
- Fishron Wings → 3 seconds, reaching 143 tiles up with up to 41 mph
- Empress Wings → 2.5 seconds, reaching 128 tiles up with up to 41 mph
- Betsy’s Wings → 2.5 seconds, reaching 119 tiles up with up to 36 mph
The following is where you can get each wing from:
Wings | Where to get it from |
Fishron Wings | Duke Fishron (6.67% chance) |
Empress Wings | Empress of Light (6.67% chance) |
Betsy's Wings | Betsy (10% chance) |
Papyrus Scarab

The Papyrus Scarab is a great combat accessory for the Summoner Class in Hardmode. It’s a combination of the Necromantic Scroll and Hercules Beetle, which means it grants the following benefits:
- +1 Minion Capacity
- +25% Minion Damage
- +2 Minion Knockback
- Stacks with its ingredients
To craft the Papyrus Scarab, you’ll need these items:
Ingredients | Crafting Station | Result |
Necromantic Scroll Hercules Beetle | Tinkerer's Workshop | Papyrus Scarab |
Destroyer Emblem

The Destroyer Emblem is an offensive combat accessory you can use regardless of your Class. However, you can only craft it during the post-Golem stage, but that just gives you time to get its ingredients. With the benefits it grants, it’s worth your time:
- +10% Damage
- +8% Critical Strike Chance
To craft the Destroyer Emblem, you’ll need these items:
Ingredients | Working Station | Result |
Avenger Emblem Eye of Golem | Tinkerer's Workshop | Destroyer Emblem |
Celestial Shell

The Celestial Shell is a must-have Hardmode accessory. It only uses one slot despite having multiple functions. As to why it’s an excellent accessory for any class, just check out its benefits:
Any Form | Werewolf Form (Night) |
‣ +10% Damage ‣ +10% Melee Speed ‣ +2% Critical Strike Chance ‣ +0.5 Minion Knockback ‣ +4 Defense ‣ +1 HP Regen per second ‣ +15% Mining Speed ‣ Ability to swim at a normal speed and breathe underwater | ‣ +5.1% Melee Damage ‣ +5.1% Melee Speed ‣ +5% Movement Speed ‣ +2% Melee Critical Hit Chance ‣ +3 Defense ‣ +0.5 HP Regen per second ‣ Increased Jump height and speed |
To craft the Celestial Shell, you’ll need these items:
Ingredients | Crafting Station | Result |
Celestial Stone Moon Shell | Tinkerer's Workshop | Celestial Shell |