Records/Fate: Dragon Shrine
Equipment: Feathery Dress
Key Items: Astral Amulet, Green Tinkler, Pelvic Bone
Window Frames: Tropical Paradise
Choose the top option twice to tell Korcha that you cannot help, and then Korcha will take the Astral Amulet back. Korcha will leave, and you need to choose your new party.
Leave the doctor’s office. Talk to the girl out here and tell her that you want to trade. You don’t have to trade, but exit and she’ll give you a Pelvic Bone if you accept.

Head west to the smithy here if you want, and then go west to the next area.
Go north into the bar to see an event with Doc and Orlha, then you’ll regain control. You can’t go in there right now, so head up the ladder, and go in the tent here if you want to buy some elements, then head northeast to the next screen. Don’t go into the actual tent here. Head around to the back and always face the tent and you should enter a hidden room. There’s a chest in here containing a Feathery Dress.

Leave here, then go around to the front and enter here.
This is the residential tower. Talk to Korcha, and he’ll ask if you have something to say. Ask to borrow his boat, and he’ll refuse. After some discussion with his mother, Macha, you’ll be allowed to use it. Before leaving, she wants you to visit the village shaman. She’ll run back in and give you the window frame, Tropical Paradise.
The shaman’s tent is to the west of the element shop.
Here is the Dragon Shrine. Talk to Direa and Steena as much as you want to learn whatever you need to know. All you need to know for now is that to get back to the other world you need to go to the Land of Genesis, a.k.a, Opassa Beach.
After you’re done, head out of here and go back to the bar. Talk to the Dwarf here and he’ll give you a Green Tinkler, which will manipulate the plants in the Hydra Marshes.

Now, head to the docks to where Macha is. Talk to her so you can leave for Termina.