Terra Tower
Records/Fate: Where you landed, Outside of the summit area
Elements: #Nostrum, #Nostrum, Heal Plus, Holy Healing, Black Hole, Ultra Nova
Equipment: Pack of Lies, Defender Plus, Betta Carotene, Spectral Glove
Materials: @Rainbow Shell, @Rainbow Shell, @Rainbow Shell
Key Items: Time Egg
Enemies: Terra Terror (White), Cytoplasm (Blue), Ectoplasm (Red), Myxomycete (White), Cupoid (White), Whoot (Yellow)
Bosses: Terrator (Yellow), Pyrotor (Red), Anemotor (Green), Gravitor (Black), Luxator (White), Aquator (Blue), Time Devourer (Various)
Go west-northwest up the stairs and into the tower. Follow the path to the first boss of Terra Tower.

Boss: Terrator
Spoils: Summon Star #42, 1000G, Yellow Field
All of the strategies for these guys are the same. Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. Make sure to steal from all of them too, as this one carries the Yellow Brooch. Watch out for the Omega Yellow attack, unless it attacks the person with the Yellow Plate on.

“One thing I’ve found to quickly get Pip to turn one way or the other is to fight the Terra Terror with the Cytoplasm and Ectoplasm. Kill off the Terra Terror and the red guy if you want Pip to be Angel, or the blue guy if you want Pip to be Devil. The red guy and blue guy do several elements of their color in a turn sometimes. Just keep defending and let it keep using the elements until Pip transforms.“
Go to the next area. Follow the path northeast and around until you find a #Nostrum. Go back and then push the pillar down to make a bridge. Follow this new path to the next area outside of this one.
Keep going down all of the stairs until you end up at a waterfall. Don’t go down it, but go east and down the red stalk. Grab the #Nostrum, then follow the path west to the next area. Go west and then take the long ladder southeast. Go west and follow the path around until you reach a log with a chest on the other side. The log will break and you will fall.
Start to go west, and the big face on the ceiling will start to talk to you. After the dialogue is finished, go west, and back up, then follow the path, go up a ladder, follow it some more and go down a ladder. Go west and down another ladder, then go east to yet another ladder. Go up it, then go into the hole in the wall. Grab the Pack of Lies that you couldn’t get before. This weapon is for Sneff and/or anyone else who uses shot, and they’re as powerful as Prism Pellets.

Anyway, go back and go west. Follow the path and go across the waterfall against the current. Get the Defender Plus, then go east and northeast to the next area.
Go up the stalk to the east, then grab the @Rainbow Shell (#14) behind the waterfall to the west. Go east and up this stalk, then west and up this next stalk. Finally, go east and up yet another stalk. Go right and slide down the edge. Go into this area and grab the Betta Carotene, Janice’s best weapon.

Go back and climb down this short stalk. Keep going west up the vines and east up the vines until you reach the next area.
You’re back to the area where you pushed the pillar down. Go northeast and knock down the two pillars you see here. Go down the first one, then I recommend going back to your boat and saving. Come back and go across the pillar, then go northwest to the next area.
Go northeast, then continue northwest and follow the path to a Heal Plus. Go back to the fork and go northeast to face the second boss of Terra Tower.

Boss: Pyrotor
Spoils: Summon Star #43, 1000G, Red Field
Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. Make sure to steal the Red Brooch. Watch out for the Omega Red attack, unless it attacks the person with the Red Plate on.
Follow the path to the next area. This area is pretty straightforward, so go up the ladder, go west and up the next ladder. Go up the one here, and then go down the one that you can barely see to the southeast. Get the @Rainbow Shell (#15). Go back up and then east and up two ladders, then go west down a ladder, up one, ignore the red stalk and down two to find a Spectral Glove (we count this one as Shell #16, just because you can dismantle it and make it something else if you like). Go back up to the red stalk and go up.
Go up all of the stairs that are farthest to the east to find the last @Rainbow Shell in the game (#17). Go down two sets and then go west and down the middle set here to find a Holy Healing to the west, then go to the middle path and go north, west, north, east, north, and west to the next area.
You’ll be on the bridge that is at Viper Manor. Go west and into the library. Talk to the Prophet of Time, where all questions you may have had will be answered.
Afterward, go up these stairs, go to the bookshelf, and lower the ladder. Go up it and grab the Black Hole out of the chest.

Leave the library and cross the bridge. Go east and north to the next area.
You’ll hear the order of the elements that you’ll need to know in this room and it will play over and over. Go across the bridge, and before you go into the next area, go northwest and scale the wall and go down the steps. Get on the platform that comes out of the circle like a Y, then follow around the circle until you find the Ultra Nova element! Find your way back to the top before the next area, then go through the doorway. Go to the center to fight the third boss.

Boss: Anemotor
Spoils: Summon Star #44, 1000G, Green Field
Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. Make sure to steal the Green Brooch. Watch out for the Omega Green attack, unless it attacks the person with the Green Plate on.
Use the teleporter, and then you’ll see the summit of the tower being guarded by lasers. First, use the Record of Fate, then go northwest into this area, then follow the path until you reach the area after that.
Go up to the panel and use it. You’ll be transported to the other side. Go up to the fourth boss of Terra Tower, and he’ll attack you.

Boss: Gravitor
Spoils: Summon Star #45, 1100G, Black Field
Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. Make sure to steal the Black Brooch. Watch out for the Omega Black attack, unless it attacks the person with the Black Plate on. Saints will do wonders if you can turn the field effect white.
After you beat him, one of the laser beams will go out, so go back to the Record of Fate, use it, then go northeast two screens while watching out for the wind, and use the teleporter. Go up to the fifth boss of Terra Tower, and he’ll attack you.

Boss: Luxator
Spoils: Summon Star #46, 1100G, Ultra Nova
Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. Make sure to steal the White Brooch. Watch out for the Omega White attack, unless it attacks the person with the White Plate on.
Go back to the Record of Fate and save, then enter the door. You might want to put the Blue Brooch on someone, in addition to the Blue Plate. Go forward and face the sixth boss of Terra Tower.

Boss: Aquator
Spoils: Summon Star #47, 1000G, Blue Field
Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. Make sure to steal the Sea Charm. Watch out for the Omega Blue attack, unless it attacks the person with the Blue Plate on. Be careful, though, because it can still Freeze your characters. Use Red Field, then Salamander for a quick win.
The floor will then play in the order that the melody needs to be played in: Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Black, and White, followed by the Chrono Cross (in battle, of course). Go back and save, then come back here and go up the stairs. Follow north and then around until you can go up to the panel and teleport to the final area of Terra Tower.

Go forward and up the stairs. You’ll start hearing some voices as you climb the stairs. Go to the center here, and you’ll see the real thing, the true Frozen Flame, followed by a long and tough battle!

Boss: Time Devourer
Spoils: Summon Star #48, 2000G, Earring of Hope
Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. Make sure to steal the Holy Healing element. After so much damage, he’ll switch areas of the world corresponding to the Dragons that you have fought before, which will then become his innate. Attack, use opposite elements, and stay healed. The funny thing is that he uses all level 1 attack elements, and then as the battle goes on, he moves up to 5. When he does that, watch out for those Omega Attacks. Just be careful, because once he starts using those level 5 and 6 attacks, you’ll be in trouble. It’s a very long battle, so play it safe and stay healed while dishing out the damage.
The TimeDevourer will then leave, and the Prophet will show up. He’ll then give you the Time Egg.

You can now travel through time to go to the final battle, then he will vanish, and Terra Tower will begin to shake.
You’ll see Terra Tower sink into the ocean and transform into the shape of a birdish dinosaur.
Your party members will talk amongst themselves about what will happen after the defeat of the Devourer of Time. But first, we have to find him, so let’s go to the place where everything started…
Terra Tower