Water Dragon Isle (Home)
Records/Fate: First area, Before the Water Dragon
Key Items: Blue Relic
Enemies: Lagoonate (Blue), Sidesteppa (Blue)
Bosses: Water Dragon (Blue)
Jump on the lily pads in this order: north, northwest, north, northeast. Use the Record of Fate, then head north to the next area. You’ve been here before, so make your way to the Water Dragon.
There will be these gigantic bugs called Sidesteppas that are blocking your way. Beat them, then go in and talk to the Water Dragon. Go up on the platform and tell the Water Dragon that you seek his blessing. You will then have to fight him.

Boss: Water Dragon
Spoils: Summon Star #30, 2036G, Blue Whale
First, have Fargo steal the Blue Plate from him. If you miss, run away and try again. This item is worth a lot. Watch out for his Tsunami Beam attack, which can do some damage. Just use your Mastermune attacks. They will do around 300 damage per level 3 hit. If you can, try to get the Red Wolf summon off. We were able to and it did over 1000 damage.
After the battle, you’ll receive the Blue Relic. That’s all for here, so let’s go to Hydra Marshes next.
Hydra Marshes (Home)
Enemies: Swarmp Bug (Blue), Beeba (Yellow)
Go north and west up this stalk up to where the Record of Fate is. You’ll see a Beeba here that notices that you have a Beeba Flute. He’ll battle you for it, and when you win, he’ll go to give you another Ancient Fruit, but you already have one. Use the Record of Fate, and I recommend forging a Stone Axe and some Stone Mail. When you’re ready, go to the next area. Talk to the Beeba here and he’ll tell you to use the Beeba Flute. Do so, and the Wingapede will pick you up and take you to Gaea’s Navel.
Gaea’s Navel (Home)
Records/Fate: Area to the left of the entrance
Equipment: Green Brooch
Materials: @Denadorite, @Denadorite, @Denadorite, @Denadorite, @Denadorite, @Denadorite, @Denadorite
Key Items: Green Relic, Ancient Fruit
Recruitable Characters: Leah (Yellow)
Enemies: Prey Mantis (Green), Pterodact (Red), Prehysteric
Bosses: Tyrano (Red), Green Dragon (Green)
You’ll notice that you can blow the flute here again to go back. A girl will see that you came from the sky and she’ll jump down and temporarily join your party so she can help you.

Get rid of Viper, and make sure to put that Stone Axe/Mail on her.
Well first off, fight every enemy that you see. There’s a possibility they will drop @Denadorites. Go east behind the big tree and when you can see yourself, go north and west, and you’ll come to a @Denadorite. Go back to where you started, then go south and then west a little. Go up the ladder to where you first saw Leah, and get the Green Brooch out of the chest. A Pterodact will come and attack you. After you beat it, go back down the ladder and go east, but not to the next area. You can see some vines, so climb up them, then go east via the branch.
Follow the path and go down the ladder, then go east to another ladder and go up here to find a @Denadorite. Another Pterodact will attack you, so beat him, then go down the ladder and down the little path here to the southeast. Go west and then down the ladder here, then go west some more and follow the path to another @Denadorite. Go east and back up the ladder, then go east to the next area. Grab the @Denadorite then go back. Go down the ladder, this time go east to the next area.
Follow the path east to yet another @Denadorite, then go back west and up the ladder. Go northeast up the hill and you’ll find a chest containing another @Denadorite. Go back and then east down the tiny hill. Go up the ladder here, then go west to find a @Denadorite. There are a bunch of these things, sheesh! Another Pterodact will attack you, so when you beat him, go back down the ladder and use the Record of Fate, then go east to the next area.
Now you’re back to where you started. It’s very quiet here, so start to go north to the next area, and you’ll fight a huge dinosaur!

Boss: Tyrano
Spoils: Summon Star #31, 1718G, Resistance Ring, Inferno or Gold Earring
The Tyrano is accompanied by a Pterodact, so get rid of it first, then concentrate on beating the Tyrano. I recommend having Fargo steal the Power Seal from the Tyrano, since it is a pretty good accessory to boost your STR/ATK, then give it all you have until you take him out. Just watch out for his Crunch Out attack, which can do quite a bit of damage, especially on Fargo.
You’ll hear another growl, and Leah will take off while you follow her. Here, you’ll see the Green Dragon. He has finally woke up, and he tells you to come here, and when you do, he says that it’s time for lunch.

Boss: Green Dragon
Spoils: Summon Star #32, 1110G, Genie
First off, set the Carnivore trap, since it will help you when he casts it later in the battle, as he will use it a lot. You may want to cast it after each time he uses it just in case. Make sure to steal the Green Plate with Fargo. If you fail, run away and try it again. These plates are useful, and very important, especially this one! His Bad Breath attack will put status abnormalities of all different colors on your party members. If you can do it, go for the Golem summon, which does pretty good damage.
After the battle, he’ll give you the Green Relic and he’ll disappear. Leah will now officially join your party!

Go back to that spot and call the Wingapede to go back to the Hydra Marshes. Grab another Ancient Fruit from the Beeba if you want, then leave the Hydra Marshes. Next is the Earth Dragon, so let’s go to Earth Dragon Isle.
Earth Dragon Isle (Home)
Records/Fate: In the area where the Earth Dragon resides
Materials: @Rainbow Shell, @Denadorite, @Denadorite
Key Items: Explosive, Yellow Relic
Enemies: Rockroach (Yellow), Fossicker (Yell0w), Bomber (Black), Yellow Bellow (Yellow)
Bosses: Earth Dragon (Yell0w)
Go up the ladder here, and talk to the guy on the right across the bridge. He’ll tell you that they cleared the way and you can go in now. If you talk to him a second time, he’ll give you a @Rainbow Shell.

Go north and fall into the quicksand, and when you land, go either way. Down here, go south and talk to the guy here. He’ll give you an Explosive to blow away the dead Rockroaches, then go south to the next area. Go west then southeast to find a @Denadorite. Go back and go east to find a Rockroach. It isn’t moving, so use the Explosive on it. When you do, it will block one of the sand boils. Go west and down the ladder and follow the path. Wait for the Rockroach to be at the cliff, then fight it. After you beat it, push it off and block another sand boil.
Go south, then follow the path east to find another @Denadorite. Go back and then go down the ladder. Go east and fight another Rockroach. Beat him and then go to his northwest side. Push him into the sand boil. Another sand boil will begin to flow. Jump into the one to the north to be shot up onto a platform. Go southeast to the next area.
Use the Record of Fate, then go southeast and go to the sandy area. It looks like a dead end, but the Earth Dragon will drop from his higher perch. Talk to him, and ask to seek his blessing, and you’ll fight him.

Boss: Earth Dragon
Spoils: Summon Star #33, 1547G, Thunda Snake
Have Fargo steal the Yellow Plate, and if he fails, run away and try again. It helps to have Karsh in this battle with elements like Carnivore and Tornado. He is easier than the Green Dragon, so you won’t have much of a problem. To make it quick and easy, try to get the Sonja summon off.
He’ll give you the Yellow Relic. Leave Earth Dragon Isle. Now let’s go to Mt. Pyre.
Mt. Pyre (Home)
Elements: Strengthen, Weaken, Inferno
Equipment: Red Brooch
Enemies: Lava-boy (Red), Hot Doggity (Red), Cat Burglar (Red), Taurminator (Red)
Go north until you reach the next area. Here, go east to this area. Go south down the icy lavafall, then go northeast and follow the path to the next area. Don’t freeze the lava here, but go up it and then go northeast until you reach a chest with a Red Brooch in it. Go to the lava pond and freeze it with the Ice Breath. Slide down the lavafall, then follow the path northeast to the next area.
Go west and under the bridge to find three chests. They contain a Strengthen, a Weaken, and an Inferno. That’s all here, so leave Mt. Pyre.
Unless you have something you need to stock up on here in this world, go to Opassa Beach and cross over to Another World, then go to Mt. Pyre.
Mt. Pyre (Another)
Records/Fate: Before the Fire Dragon
Equipment: Pendragon Sigil A, Poultice Cap
Key Items: Red Relic
Enemies: Lava-boy (Red), Hot Doggity (Red), Cat Burglar (Red)
Bosses: Fire Dragon (Red)
Go north until you reach the next area. Here, go east to this area. Go south down the icy lavafall, then go northeast and follow the path to the next area. Don’t freeze the lava here, but go up it to the northwest. Grab the Pendragon Sigil A, then go northeast some more until you reach a chest with a Poultice Cap in it. Go to the lava pond and freeze it with the Ice Breath. Slide down the lavafall, then follow the path to the next area.
You’ll see the little Fire Dragon walking around. He’ll challenge you again. When you beat him, he’ll give you his relic and his pet Salamander.

Boss: Fire Dragon
Spoils: Summon Star #34, 1800G, Salamander
Don’t Steal from this little dragon! He only has a Magic Ring. Use physical attacks until he turns into the true Fire Dragon. Then steal the Red Plate from him.
Use your best attacks and blue elements. He should go down kind of easily compared to the Green Dragon. Just watch out for his Fire Breath, especially if you have two blue innates in your party.
The Fire Dragon will give you the Red Relic, and then he’ll vanish. Leave here, and then go to Marbule. Make sure to save.
Marbule (Another)
Key Items: Black Relic
Bosses: Black Dragon (Black)
Go into the cavern where the Black Dragon resides. He is now awake. Go forward and talk to him, and he needs some exercise he’s been sleeping, so guess what?

Boss: Black Dragon
Spoils: Summon Star #35, 2154G, Grim Reaper
Steal the Black Plate, then attack, attack, and attack! Use your best elements, and just keep attacking. Riddel should do nicely with her white elements such as Holy Light, but he will use Anti White if you cast them, so don’t depend on them too much. Watch out for Gravity Bomb and Dark Breath. They will do about 100 HP damage to everyone. Be ready to heal at all times. This battle is moderately long, so stay alive.
Note: This battle will put you at 35 stars, and it should unlock a lot of the level 7 techs or the spots to place those level 7 techs. So that means you now have Forever Zero for Lynx!
After the battle, he’ll give you the Black Relic. Leave Marbule and head to Earth Dragon Isle.
Make sure to equip one of each element color, and that it is an attack element. For equipment options, refer to the boss strategy below.
Earth Dragon Isle (Another)
Records/Fate: In the area where the Criosphinx resides
Enemies: Rockroach (Yellow), Fossicker (Yellow), Bomber (Black), Yellow Belly (Yellow)
Bosses: Criosphinx (Yellow)
Go north and down the hole, then make your way down here and go south to the next area. Go south and down the ladder, then go southwest and follow the path until you can go down the ladder. Go northeast and jump down the sand boil so you can land on the ledge. Go southeast to the next area. Save here, and then go to where you fought the Earth Dragon in Home World. This thing will jump down and attack you.

Boss: Criosphinx
Spoils: 2500G, Sunglasses
You can answer his questions. If you do, you have to defend until he asks you a question. When he asks you the first question, your grids will fill up and you have to attack with the right color element. Here are the answers.
- White
- Yellow
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Black
- White
You get nothing for doing the riddles, except now you know the order of elements for a certain sequence that you must know for the end of the game, so remember these six elements in this order.
If you’re brave and you want an awesome accessory called the Sunglasses, which up your attack power by a lot, then listen up. Have Lynx equip the Mastermune, Yellow Plate, Stone Helmet, Star Fragment, and Power Seal. Have him use all level 3 attacks because, for some reason, they will go up to 99% after a few rounds, and then use an element. Have your level 1 grid full of CurePluses or other curative elements, and then have the rest full of green attack elements. When your HP gets below 150, use a healing element. This battle takes around 10 to 15 minutes, but the reward is well worth it. You might as well try to steal a @Rainbow Shell from him while you’re at it.
Note: This is a very good place to trap all the Earthquakes and Thunda Storms you could ever want because that’s all he ever uses besides physical attacks. He uses Earthquake more than Thunda Storm.
If you chose to fight him, you’re not supposed to know that element order, but since you’re reading our guide, you know the order for later. Leave Earth Dragon Isle.
Make sure you’re ready for this, then head to Sky Dragon Isle.
Sky Dragon Isle (Another)
Key Items: White Relic
Bosses: Sky Dragon (White)
Go west, and then north two screens. Go north and talk to the Sky Dragon. He will then see if you are worthy of all six relics and can enter the Sea of Eden.

Boss: Sky Dragon
Spoils: Summon Star #36, 2150G, Saints
First off, have Fargo steal the White Plate. Attack as hard as you can with your best black elements from Lynx and Grobyc. This battle is easy if you have the Mastermune and Sunglasses.
He will give you the White Relic, and then he’ll fly off. We can’t go to the Sea of Eden yet. First, leave this place, then go to Opassa Beach and switch to the Home World. Go to Guldove.
Guldove (Home)
Key Items: Dragon Tear
Recruitable Characters: Steena (White)
Go to the Dragon Shrine, and go talk to Steena. Since you have all six Dragon Relics, she will join your party, and she’ll give you the Dragon Tear.

Equip her Hydra Shadow element on her level 5 grid, and forge some @Denadorite equipment for her.
Leave here, and put Steena in your party, then go to the Isle of the Damned.
Isle of the Damned (Home)
Techs: Garai Shadow (Level 7 Tech for Steena)
Follow the path to the next area, then go north and then south down the skeleton. Go up to the mirror and use the Garai Keepsake. Follow the path to the next area where Garai’s grave is. Have Steena examine it, and then Steena will receive her level 7 tech, Garai Shadow. Leave Isle of the Damned.
When you’re ready, head to Fort Dragonia.
Fort Dragonia (Home)
Records/Fate: The elevator room
Key Items: Tear of Love
Recruitable Characters: Serge + everyone you had before becoming Lynx.
Bosses: Dark Serge (Black)
Well, you should have already done everything here. If not, Steena will tell you to use the Dragon Tear at the entrance, which will solve all of the puzzles for you! Enter the elevator. You might want to make sure that Steena has the Black Plate equipped.
Dark Serge will be in here, and you’ll have to fight him.

Boss: Dark Serge
Spoils: Summon Star #37, 1234G, Pendragon Sigil A or Stamina Belt
Just attack hard. Use your best white elements, and make good use of Steena since she’s pretty strong in the battle. The funny thing is that he can use all of Lynx’s moves, including Forever Zero, so don’t let the battle go on that long. You might want to equip the plates of the opposite innate of your characters, Steena for this battle since she’s a white innate. This goes for all bosses since they all have strong attacks of their innate. Just keep attacking, and he will fall soon enough. There’s a slight chance that you can steal a @Rainbow Shell from him, so try it.

He says that he may have underestimated you, and then he will leave. Go up on the elevator, and then southeast to the next area. Follow the path, then go southeast, and then up the stairs onto the panel.
After you use the panel, Lynx will go in the big double doors by himself. Go to the middle of the room and examine the stand to put the Dragon Tear on it. Watch a long series of events, where you will finally revert to being Serge.

Okay, now we need to leave here.
Before visiting the Divine Dragon Falls in Another World, we have quite a few things to do here. First off, go to Hermit’s Hideaway and bring Poshul with you.
Hermit’s Hideaway (Home)
Recruitable Characters: Turnip (Green)
Go up to the vegetable with Poshul and examine it. She will dig it out of the ground. Out comes Turnip, a veggie swordsman. For digging him up, he will join your party!

If Nikki’s in your party, head to the S.S. Zelbess.
S.S. Zelbess (Home)
Techs: Limelight (Level 7 Tech for Nikki)
On this ship, go on to Nikki’s ship and go to his dressing room. Have your Nikki talk to the other Nikki. They will then play their mother’s song and jam with each other! After that, Nikki will receive his level 7 tech Limelight.
While you’re here, I recommend playing some Compass Roulette to get some @Denadorites. When you’re finished, leave the S.S. Zelbess and go to Marbule. Bring Irenes with you.
Marbule (Home)
Elements: Full Revival
Techs: Siren Song (Level 7 Tech for Irenes)
Equipment: Master Hammer
Window Frames: Quill and Papyrus
Marbule has been liberated! First off, go into the cave here with Irenes and have her talk to the witch doctor in here. The witch doctor has Irenes’s level 7 tech Siren Song from her parents.
Leave here, and you can explore Marbule if you want. The building here is G’s shop where you can buy trap elements. Go to where the Black Dragon was in the other world and talk to the guy in the back on the left. Buy the Master Hammer for 10,000G, if you can afford it. If not, go make some money so you can afford it, because if you have this, you can make @Rainbow equipment! Make sure to equip it on Zappa, then talk to Toma twice. He’ll give you the Quill and Papyrus window frame.

That’s all for here, so leave, then come back in. Talk to the blue guy at the entrance and he’ll give you the Full Revival element. Yeah! Okay, let’s leave now.
Head to Termina, and make sure to bring along Greco and Skelly.
Termina (Home)
Techs: On A Roll (Level 7 Tech for Skelly), Grave Digger (Level 7 Tech for Greco), Flag Bearer (Level 7 Tech for Viper) *infinite*
Equipment: Dragoon’s Glory *infinite*
First, go into the bar as Skelly and talk to the lady at the bar. Skelly will receive his level 7 tech On A Roll. Leave the bar, and then go to the shrines with Greco. Go into his house and talk to the man; Greco will receive his level 7 tech Grave Digger after some events.
Go back to the Inn and switch one of your characters for Viper, then go back to the bar again. Have Viper talk to the lady at the bar, and she’ll open up the door in here, and go to the left wall. Go to the northwestern wall and have Viper examine the big flag. Viper will receive his level 7 tech Flag Bearer, and also a Dragoon’s Glory.

Leave Termina and then go to Arni Village with Poshul and Leena in tow.
Arni Village (Home)
Techs: Maiden Faith (Level 7 Tech for Leena), Unleashed (Level 7 Tech for Poshul)
Go to Leena’s house with Leena and talk to her grandma. She will have heard about the promise that Serge and Leena made that day, and she’ll give Leena her level 7 tech Maiden’s Faith, but only if you chose that you’d remember this day at the beginning of the game.

Now go to the docks with Poshul and talk to Leena. Leena will give Poshul her level 7 tech Unleashed.
After that, go to the World Map and switch one of your party members with Mojo, then go to the fisherman’s basement where you got the Shark Tooth.
Have Mojo talk to the man here, and he says something about praying to Lasery, Aurey, and Lickey (remember these three). Make sure you talk to him several times, then leave Arni.
Put NeoFio in your party and head to Sky Dragon Isle.
Sky Dragon Isle (Home)
Techs: Bam Bam Bam (Level 7 Tech for NeoFio)
Go west and then south. You’ll see one of those blobs chasing a butterfly. Talk to it a few times, then go up to where you found Starky, then come back and you’ll see that he has eaten the butterfly. Talk to it and push it around and he’ll get out. A bunch of butterflies will show up and they will give you NeoFio’s level 7 tech Bam Bam Bam. Leave Sky Dragon Isle.
That’s all we can do here in the Home World for now (besides continuing with the game), so cross over to Another World, then go to Guldove, and make sure that Doc is not in your party.
Guldove (Another)
Techs: Hang Ten (Level 7 Tech for Doc)
Recruitable Characters: Orlha (Blue)
When you arrive, go to the bar. Go behind the bar and show the Sapphire Brooch to Orlha, and she’ll join your party!

Head over to the clinic and approach Doc (when he’s not in your party) and offer him the Medical Book. He will obtain his level 7 tech, Hang Ten!
Leave Guldove and then head to Water Dragon Isle.
Water Dragon Isle (Another)
Materials: @Rainbow Shell
Enemies: Scorpoid (Blue)
Go up to the guy who gave you the Sturdy Ribs near the top of the screen. He felt bad about giving you those Ribs, so he’ll give you a @Rainbow Shell to compensate. Leave Water Dragon Isle and head to Termina. Bring Zappa with you and Korcha if he’s in your party.
Termina (Another)
Techs: Big Catch (Level 7 Tech for Korcha), Slap Of Cyrus (Level 7 Tech for Pierre)
Equipment: Hero’s Blade, Einlanzer
Materials: @Rainbow Shell
First off, talk to the guy who is selling Viper Churros. He’ll give you one that has a Rainbow Shell in it! Now go to where you first saw Korcha in the game.
Have him examine the tank where the mermaid is. Leave the area, then come back. Talk to the guy that is always telling Korcha to stop bothering him and he’ll tell you that the mermaid ran away because of him, then go down to the shrines, and follow the path around and under the bridge. You’ll talk to the mermaid and she’ll thank you for letting her out. She will give him a prayer for his fishing skills, and Korcha will receive his level 7 skill Big Catch.
Now go to the Smithy with Zappa. You have to have the Master Hammer equipped on Zappa. Talk to Zappa with Zappa and this time, he can help forge. They will make the Rainbow Axe, but you won’t keep it. You can now forge @Rainbow equipment! We have 7 @Rainbow Shells right now, but it’s more the @Shiny materials than it is the @Rainbow Shells. To get the @Shiny materials, you have to use summons in battle and the summon has to kill the enemy. The summons leave the following @Shiny materials.
- Black – Shiny Soot
- White – Shiny Salt
- Red – Shiny Ember
- Blue – Shiny Dew
- Yell0w – Shiny Sand
- Green – Shiny Leaf

“I found that in Gaea’s Navel that Shiny Leaves were really easy to get since the PreyMantis only uses green attacks and the only offensive one it uses is a poison attack… which means if you equipped everyone with Antitoxinal Caps, they basically do no damage (well, at the level I’m at now anyway). Simply beat them up until they are tired while getting Karsh or any green innate user with a level 8 slot for Genie, then cast it… I got around 10 shiny leaves doing it this way…“
It’s pretty handy, and it’ll work with a lot of the monsters with the same innate colors. They’ll mainly be around where you found the same color of dragon. Most of them use mainly physical attacks, but few elements, so keep an eye out.
If you recruited Pierre, go into the back room where he is. Talk to him, and he’ll realize that he was a phony. The Prop Sword will begin to shine and become the Hero’s Blade. He will then learn the Slap Of Cyrus.
Go back to the inn, and put Van in your party, then go to his house. Go into the western room, and talk to his fat father. He’ll see that Van has learned the importance of saving, and he’ll make his piggy bank bigger. Remember that when we go back to the Home Termina. Van will give his father the seashell that was his mother’s, and Gogh will start to remember his past.
If Glenn isn’t in your party, head out of town and put him in it, then go back in town and go to the shrines on the eastern side of town. Make your way to Garai and Dario’s grave. Have Glenn examine the sword, and after a few words, you’ll receive the second Einlanzer! Make sure to equip it, and in battle, Glenn will be using both Einlanzers.
Leave Termina and head to Viper Manor. Take Norris with you.
Viper Manor (Another)
Techs: Veg Out (Level 7 Tech for Turnip), Test Ameba (Level 7 Tech for Luccia)
First, enter the manor and then go up to the Record of Fate outside of Riddel’s room, and switch your other two party members for NeoFio and Turnip. Go up to where you found NeoFio with Turnip. Have Turnip examine the pond, and NeoFio will let him go in her pond. Turnip will jump in there, then he’ll turn red, and he’ll receive his level 7 tech Veg Out.
Go back to the Record of Fate and put Luccia and Norris in your party, then go down to the kitchen and go down the grating. Walk into the water and hold to the right. Go up the ladder here and follow the path until you reach some slime. Have Luccia examine it, and she’ll receive her level 7 tech Test Ameba. Go back into the water and hold to the left and follow the path to the ladder. Get out of here, and leave the Manor. If you forgot to put Norris in your party and you go to the gate, they won’t let you through, and then they won’t let you back in the manor, so you’d have to go through the well.
Next, we go to Arni Village. Bring Mojo with you.
Arni Village (Another)
Techs: Hoodoo Guroo (Level 7 Tech for Mojo)
Go down to where you found Mojo. Remember the Lasery, Aurey, and Lickey thing? This is where it is. First, have Mojo examine the Lasery cat (the one on the left), then the Aurey cat (the one on the right), then the Lickey cat (the one in between the other two). After you’ve done that, Mojo will receive his level 7 tech Hoodoo Guroo, as well as become Mojoy!

Now leave Arni Village and go over to the Hydra Marshes.
Hydra Marshes (Another)
Records/Fate: 3rd screen to the left from the entrance, Screen before where you found the Life Sparkle
Enemies: Potpurri (Green), Wraith (Black), Tzetze Fly (Black), Centaurpede (Yell0w), Snob Goblin (Green), Snib Goblin (Green)
Go up the stalk on the northern-west part of the screen. Go to where you called the Wingapede in the Home World east of the Record of Fate. Call the Wingapede and head to Gaea’s Navel.
Gaea’s Navel (Another)
Materials: @Denadorite, @Denadorite, @Denadorite, @Denadorite
Window Frames: Snakes & Orbs
Enemies: Prey Mantis (Green), Prehysteric (Yell0w)
You have to blow the flute right here again to go back. Go south and then east to the next area. Follow the path here to a @Denadorite, then go back. Go up the tree here via the vine, then go east to the next area.
Follow the path and go down the ladder, then go east to another ladder and go up here to find a Prehysteric. Fight it, and after the battle, you’ll receive the Snakes & Orbs window frame.

Go down the ladder and down the little path here to the southeast. Go west and follow the path around to another @Denadorite. Go back around and down the ladder to the south, then go east to the next area.
Follow the path all the way east to yet another @Denadorite, then go back west and up the ladder. Go north and then west behind the tree and grab the @Denadorite. That’s all for Gaea’s Navel, so head east to the first area, then use the Beeba Flute at the place where you were dropped off to head back to the Hydra Marshes. Once you’re back, grab another Ancient Fruit If you want, then leave the Marshes.
There’s one last thing to do in Another World before moving on. Go to the Divine Dragon Falls, and bring Steena with you.
Divine Dragon Falls (Another)
Follow the path here until you reach the cavern, then go west. BY THE GREAT DRAGON GODS!!! The sacrarium of the Divine Dragon Falls is still working in this world, so put the Tear of Hate and the Tear of Love on each of the pedestals. After some dialogue, leave the Divine Dragon Falls.
Now that’s all for Another World for now, so go to Opassa Beach and switch back to the Home World. We have one or two little things to do before we go to the Dead Sea. If you want, if you have some extra money, head to Termina. Go to Van’s house with Van you can put 400G more in it, making it full with a total of 700G. This will make his PiggyBoink extra strong now. Leave Termina, and go to Guldove with Orlha in your party.
Guldove (Home)
Techs: Sister Hoods (Level 7 Tech for Orlha)
Equipment: Blue Brooch
Go to Doc’s office and have Orlha talk to him; you’ll then see a series of events with Orlha, where you’ll receive the Blue Brooch, as well as her level 7 tech Sister Hoods.
That’s all the extra stuff that we could access until now. So now here’s what we do. We go into the Dead Sea Ruins, and then we save, then go on to the Fate Distortion and press X. You hear some voices and they agree to let you enter the Sea of Eden, then you have to put in Disc 2.
To the Sea of Eden (Optional Quests)