Key Takeaway
After you speak with Purah in Lookout Landing and do a short quest for her, she mentions speaking to Scorpis—an NPC near the center of Lookout Landing. Once you speak to Scorpis for the first time, he’ll open the Emergency Shelter.
Then, head down to the Emergency Shelter and interact with the statue you find below. This statue—a Goddess Statue—lets you exchange four Lights of Blessing for either one Heart Container or one Stamina Vessel.
In order to use Lights of Blessing in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you need to gain access to Goddess Statues. There’s one such statue in the Emergency Shelter below Lookout Landing. Bring it lots of Lights of Blessing for tons of useful upgrades!
Table Of Contents
How to Use Lights of Blessing in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Video Guide
How to Open the Emergency Shelter (00:01 in the Video Guide)

Before you can open the Emergency Shelter, you need to first go to the second floor of the building with the huge telescope on top of it. This leads you to meet Purah, who sets you on a short quest. She asks you to go north, speak to Captain Hoz about Princess Zelda, and then return with news.
After you return and speak to Purah once more, she’ll mention that you should speak to Scorpis: an NPC near the center of Lookout Landing. At this point, Purah also tells you to meet her by the Skyview Tower in town, which is how you get the Paraglider. Although you can do these in any order you choose.
Go speak to Scorpis and he’ll open the Emergency Shelter. Next, climb down the nearby ladder to get into the Emergency Shelter. In addition to a few NPCs, there’s a way to exchange Lights of Blessing for upgrades.
How to Trade Lights of Blessing for Heart Containers and Stamina Vessels (00:43 in the Video Guide)

Look for a statue with two small wings and its hands clasped together. This is a Goddess Statue—which you can interact with as if it was an NPC. When you speak to the Goddess Statue, it’ll have some dialogue about Lights of Blessing. However, more importantly, it gives you the option to trade in four Lights of Blessing for either one Heart Container or one Stamina Vessel.
One Heart Container increases your maximum number of Hearts by one. If you get a Stamina Vessel upgrade, it increases your maximum Stamina by one-fifth of a stamina ring. You can keep getting upgrades as long as you have enough Lights of Blessing.
You’ll need more Hearts and more Stamina if you wish to successfully progress in Tears of the Kingdom. Having more Hearts lets you take more damage, which, in turn, makes it easier to fight strong enemies like a Stalnox or do battle with a Battle Talus. As for having more Stamina: this lets you climb higher and swim longer—which is incredibly helpful while adventuring. Be sure to get some of each upgrade for the best exploring experience!