Memory Alloys in Nier Replicant are rare Raw Materials you'll need to upgrade a handful of weapons and complete a certain side quest.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 3 years ago
Pink Moonflower Seeds in Nier Replicant aren't easy to acquire. To get them, you'll need a bit of patience and effort. Here's how.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 3 years ago
The Eagle Egg in Nier Replicant is a Raw Material which you can use to upgrade certain weapons. Here's where you can get them.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 3 years ago
There are over 38 weapons that you can collect in Nier Replicant. Here's where you can find all of them, and why you'd want to.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 3 years ago
Nier Replicant contains five endings that you can unlock, opening a new side of the story you wouldn't otherwise know about.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 3 years ago
The Damaged Map side quest in Nier Replicant is one of the more long-winding side quests. Here's how you can complete it.
Written by Rhett Roxl | 3 years ago