Persona 5 Royal introduces the Thieves Den, a hub for the protagonist offering a Gallery, a Movie Theater, a new card game, exclusive confidant dialogue, and plenty of awards to be won. These awards can be earned by completing in-game challenges ranging from extremely simple to wildly time-consuming and challenging.
Table Of Contents
About the Thieves’ Den
The Thieves Den serves as your own personal Palace. As you progress through the game, you’ll be able to change its decor and decorate using items found throughout your adventures in the Metaverse.

A number of new challenges have also been added in Persona 5 Royal. Completing these unique achievements will earn you awards, which will be displayed on the walls of the Thieves Den. Awards will also grant you P Medals, which can be used to unlock content in the Gallery, Music, and Movie Theater sections.
The Gallery includes images and sprites from the game, a large collection of concept art, and exclusive promotional art. Tracks from Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal can be unlocked in the Music section, while the Movie Theater features cinematic and animated cutscenes played throughout the game, along with trailers and footage from a number of past Persona concerts held in Japan.
If you’re able to earn all 52 awards, you’ll be gifted with an Invisible Veil, which will prevent Shadows from detecting you while in the Metaverse. You’ll also be able to summon all acquired Personas for free.
Useful Tips
While it might be tempting to go into your playthrough of Persona 5 Royal with a focus on the following challenges, you’ll need to play the game at least twice to snag everything. We’d recommend going through your first playthrough however you see fit.

With that being said, the following tips will make attaining some of these awards much easier.
- Ace your exams. Doing well in school will allow you to earn more points while cultivating your social links with other students at Shujin Academy. (Sojiro will also hand over some neat bonuses if you show him you’re studying hard.)
- Get the Insta-Kill ability. This will be unlocked once you hit Rank 7 with Ryuji. By utilizing this skill, sprinting into any weaker enemy will cause you to defeat them instantly, while also rewarding you with the money and experience you’d gain from fighting them in a normal battle. This makes grinding in Mementos incredibly quick and easy.
- Max out Maruki’s Confidant Rank. Failing to do this will result in the third-semester storyline remaining locked. Specifically, reach Rank 9 with Maruki by 11/17 to ensure that you can complete the entirety of Persona 5 Royal.
- Don’t skip Chihaya. Spending time with the fortune teller in Shinjuku will eventually unlock fortune readings. These can be used to increase the money you collect in battle, boost your confidant ranks, and more.
- Max out Kawakami ASAP. Getting closer to your homeroom teacher will unlock a host of benefits, including extra free time that can be used to work on boosting your social stats and craft infiltration tools. She can also give you a massage after you spend time in the Metaverse, allowing you to leave Leblanc after a day spent kicking Shadow butt.
School Life
Award | Requirements | Reward | Notes & Tips |
Supersize My Stomach | Clear the highest rank of the Big Bang Challenge. | 30P | This requires high social stats and three visits. The first challenge will require level 2 in Guts, Knowledge, and Proficiency, with each subsequent challenge requiring one level higher in each category. |
Word Wizard | Solve 15 Crossword Puzzles | 35P | Keep an eye out for a puzzle book on the far left table in Leblanc each night. It will appear roughly once a week. You don't need to complete ALL of them--just a decent number. |
Golden Fingers | Complete all 7 retro video games. | 70P | The game system and some games can be purchased at the used goods shop in Yongen-Jaya. Additional games will be available in Akihabara once it is unlocked. Purchase the video game tips guide in Shinjuku after playing your first game to make this easier. |
Home Run King | Hit 30 home runs in the Batting Cages. | 60P | Before starting this challenge, read the batting tips book from the bookstore in Shinjuku. This becomes available after visiting the Batting Cages once. Going at night will allow you to attempt this as many times as you want. |
Honorary Bather of Yongen | Use the "Fuji no Yu" Bathhouse in Yongen-Jaya 15 times. | 35P | If you don't want to waste your nights, simply save your game, go to the Bathhouse a few nights in a row, then reload your save. |
Working Student | Work at a part-time job 15 times. | 35P | A number of Mementos targets and confidants will require you to work part time jobs. You'll only need to find a few free nights to bring your total to 15. |
Secondhand Salesman | Earn 1,000 points selling armor to the Kichijoji clothing store. | 35P | Once you unlock the Insta-Kill ability, driving around Mementos and running into weak enemies is an easy way to acquire sooty armor. Get as much as you can and this challenge is a cinch. |
The Second Boss of Leblanc | Create the best coffee and curry Leblanc has to offer. | 35P | This award requires Hierophant Level 10. It can also be done on NG+ if you got Sojiro's Notes from maxing out his Rank in a previous playthrough. |
Legend of the Dragon Fist | Max out your training at the gym in Shibuya. | 35P | This requires 12 visits to the gym. Visiting with the twins will not count towards this total. |
World-Class Launderer | Wash 10 different types of sooty gear at the Yongen-Jaya laundromat. | 35P | Having Kawakami do your laundry will not count towards this award. You'll need to watch 10 unique pieces of sooty armor yourself. |
Angler | Earn 100,000 points fishing at the Ichigaya Fish Pond. | 50P | This is a tougher challenge. Grab the expensive rod from the Shibuya Sports store, read Essence of Fishing, and try to go at night, especially if the weather is bad--this will give you double the points for catching large fish. Remember: the number of fish you can catch depends on your Proficiency, so be sure to raise that stat. |
A Master Loves His Maids | Visit the maid cafe in Akihabara 4 times. | 35P | Going with the twins will not count towards this award. |
Bookworm | Finish reading 40 unique books. | 50P | Be sure to read all books available from the school library, especially Speed Reading--this will double your reading speed, as the name implies. Buy all available books from Shibuya, Jinbocho, and Shinjuku as well. |
ARCADE Addict | Win the Crane Game in Akihabara 5 times. | 50P | This is a luck-based challenge. The Crane Game will offer a new prize each month. |
Award | Requirements | Reward | Notes & Tips |
Phantom Thief Grand Union | Max out all 23 Confidants. | 50P | This will require playing through the third semester. You'll need to reach rank 10 with the following: Morgana, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, Akechi, Yoshizawa, Takemi, Sojiro, Kawakami, Iwai, Toranosuke, Mishima, Ohya, Chihaya, Shinya, Hifumi, Maruki, the Twins, and Igor. |
We Stand as Equals | Start a platonic relationship with each of the 10 romanceable Confidants, then reach Rank 10 with the Platonic relationship. | 60P | Choose the platonic option when given the choice around rank 8 or 9 with all female confidants. This includes Ann, Makoto, Futaba, Haru, Yoshizawa, Takemi, Kawakami, Ohya, Chihaya, and Hifumi. |
Benefactor | Give a total of 10 gifts to any Confidant. | 50P | Gifts can be purchased at numerous locations, including the Shibuya Underground Mall and Kichijoji. Gifts can be given even after reaching rank 10 with a confidant. It also doesn't matter whether the recipient likes the gift or not. |
Ladies' Man | See the Rank 10 event for all 10 romanceable confidants on the romance route. | 60P | You'll need to romance all 10 romanceable confidants for this award. Yes, you can date multiple people at once without any major impact on the game. |
Devotion to the Arts | Have Yusuke duplicate 10 skill cards. | 35P | This becomes available after reaching rank 1 with Yusuke. If you see him standing in the Shibuya Underground Passageway, that means he's available to duplicate a card. You can only duplicate cards once a day. |
Pool Shark Pup | Play Billiards in Kichijoji 5 times. | 35P | Spending time with Akechi doesn't count towards this award. If you're aiming to max out your technical damage, you'll achieve this award without any extra effort. |
Spirited Dartsman | Play Darts in Kichijoji 5 times. | 35P | You'll need to visit the Darts bar five times to achieve this award--it isn't referring to separate games. |
Jazz Cat | Visit Jazz Jin 7 times. | 35P | This award will unlock naturally as you spend time with Akechi. Spending time at Jazz Jin is also a great way to permanently boost a team member's stats. |
Sick With Spending | Spend ¥500,000 or more at the Takemi Medical Clinic. | 35P | Take your time on this one--it never hurts to stock up on medicine, but this can be done over a lifetime. |
Military Millionaire | Spend ¥1,000,000 or more at Untouchable Airsofts. | 35P | Similar to the Sick with Spending award, though this one may be easier to achieve given the cost of weapon upgrades. |
Custom Gunman | Customize 20 guns with different names at Untouchable Airsofts. | 35P | You might want to wait until you reach rank 10 with Iwai to tackle this award. Doing so will make customization free. |
Catcher in the Roof Garden | Harvest Vegetables 5 times on the school rooftop. | 35P | The rooftop garden will unlock along with Haru's confidant after you finish the space Palace. Getting Haru to rank 8 will also speed up this process. |
Award | Requirements | Reward | Notes & Tips |
Exemplary Teamwork | Perform 50 All-out Attacks. | 35P | Tutorials don't count towards this total, but you shouldn't have any problem achieving this award organically. |
Lethal Gunman | Perform 30 Down Shots. | 50P | You'll learn Down Shots as you rank up the Tower confidant. You can only do 3 Down Shots per trip to the Metaverse. |
Negotiator | Obtain 30 Personas through Negotiation. | 35P | If negotiating seems difficult, leveling up your confidant ranks might help. In particular, ranking up the Sun confidant will help you recover if you make a mistake. |
The Shadow Diplomat | Negotiate 100 times. | 35P | This will be easy to accomplish if you're trying to build your compendium and are interested in farming yen and items from the Shadows you find in the Metaverse. |
The Phantom Bombers | Defeat 100 enemies by using Disaster Shadow explosions. | 50P | In later dungeons, this may prove difficult as Disaster Shadows won't kill adjacent enemies as quickly. Try working towards this award in earlier dungeons. |
Crack Shot | Defeat 100 enemies with bullets. | 50P | You'll need the killing shot against an enemy to be made with a gun. |
Master Technician | Trigger a Technical hit 100 times. | 50P | Exploring dungeons during bad weather might make this award easier to achieve. |
Ultimate Attack | Deal over 9999 damage in battle without using an All-out Attack. | 50P | You'll need to do this in a single attack, not on a single turn with multiple attacks. Try using a high-level Persona on a weak enemy after multiple baton passes on lower difficulty. It's also helpful to use buffs and debuffs. |
Lucky Star | Encounter 30 Treasure Demons. | 30P | While you'll see Treasure Demons wandering around on their own, they can also appear in normal battles. You can also craft a Treasure Trap to make it easier. |
The True Reaper | Defeat The Reaper 5 times. | 70P | To find a Reaper, you'll need to just hang out in Mementos while inside the Mona car. Make sure you're not in a safe area. DO NOT attempt to do this until you're at a high level. This can technically be done in a single trip to Mementos. |
Senpai in Life | Defeat Jose. | 50P | This isn't available until the 3rd semester in Mementos, and all star stamps must have been collected. Head to the end of Mementos to trigger a cutscene and the battle. |
Future Rehabilitation | Defeat Caroline & Justine. | 60P | This is only available in NG+ after Mementos is unlocked. This is an incredibly tough fight, and it's possible to be killed in a single turn, so come prepared. |
True Rehabilitation | Defeat Lavenza. | 70P | This is only available in NG+ after 12/24. |
Award | Requirements | Reward | Notes & Tips |
Mission Complete | Clear all Mementos Requests. | 70P | You'll need to complete all 33 Mementos Missions to snag this award. The final three requests are in the 3rd semester, so be sure not to miss them. |
A Sublime Mask | Raise one of the protagonist's Personas to Level 99. | 50P | This is easiest to do during a Fusion Alarm. Use a higher level Persona (80s/90s) and use the Gallows. |
Mask Collector | Complete the Persona Compendium. | 70P | To complete the compendium, make sure that the Group Guillotine is available. You'll also need to reach the 3rd semester, reach rank 10 with all confidants to unlock their final Persona fusion, and replay the game in NG+ for the protagonists ultimate Persona. |
All Powerful | Raise all stats of one of the protagonist's Personas to Level 99. | 50P | If you aren't in a rush, wait to fuse the protagonist's ultimate Persona. It starts with extremely high stats. You can also take advantage of Fusion Alarms. |
Professional Killer | Ambush enemies with the Grappling Hook 30 times. | 35P | This unlocks after reaching rank 5 with Yoshizawa. This doesn't trigger if you're in a hiding position when triggering an ambush. |
The Bold Executioner | Fuse 20 Personas in a Fusion alarm. | 50P | Be sure to head back to the Velvet Room when you see the alarm go off. |
In Shadows Unseen | Ambush enemies 50 times. | 30P | You must be in a Palace to make your ambushes count, not Mementos. |
Electric Chair Fanatic | Obtain 10 unique items from the Electric Chair. | 30P | Using the Electric Chair is a great way to get everyone's best weapons and armor. |
Flowers for a Certain Boy | Collect 1,000 flowers in Mementos. | 35P | If you're grinding in Mementos, this award will be an easy one to achieve. |
Stamp by Me | Obtain 150 Mementos Stamps. | 60P | You won't be able to complete this until the 3rd semester. |
Lockpicking Expert | Open 40 locked chests. | 50P | Be sure to take advantage of Kawakami's crafting service and raise your proficiency so you can craft more lockpicks at once. |
A Thief at Heart | Obtain 150 items from searchable objects in Palaces. | 30P | Use the Third Eye while in Palaces to seek out anything highlighted in yellow, and smash them. |
Disappearing Act | Use a Smokescreen or Hypno Mist to escape from Shadows after being spotted 5 times. | 35P | Remember: the enemy needs to be actively chasing you with the spotlight. |