Key Takeaway
- To find the main entrance to Wayward Cave, start from Oreburgh City and then travel north. Keep going until you reach the visible cave entrance to the east of the Cycling Road. This will bring you to the main floor (1F).
- To find the secret entrance that will bring you to the basement floor (B1F), you need to go under the Cycling Road and look for a partially-hidden cave entrance.
As opposed to many other caves in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, Wayward Cave has two entrances and two floors. The basement floor’s entrance is harder to find and will require great observation skills to uncover.
How to Find Wayward Cave’s Main Entrance

Regardless of where you start from, you need a bicycle to reach either of Wayward Cave’s entrances. The quickest route is from Oreburgh City, so head there to begin the most efficient route to Wayward Cave. From the Pokémon Center in Oreburgh City, head north until you reach Route 207.

Once you reach Route 207, your only way further north requires you to hop onto your bike. On the right, there is a mudslide near a male cyclist. Use your bicycle’s highspeed mode to race up the slippery slope. Head north across the bridge and keep going until you spot some destructible trees. At this point, you’re on Route 206.

You need Cut to destroy these trees. Walk up to them and interact with the subtle vegetation to clear them from your path. Once that has been done, you can keep going north. Continue on that course until you reach a cave entrance. This is the way into Wayward Cave’s main floor (1F).
Pokémon That Spawn in Wayward Cave’s Main Floor
- Zubats from level 14 to level 16 at an encounter rate of 45%
- Bronzors from level 14 to level 16 at an encounter rate of 40%
- Geodudes from level 15 to level 16 at an encounter rate of 15%
Items in Wayward Cave’s Main Floor
- Potion x 2
- Super Potion
- Burn Heal
- Escape Rope
- Nugget
- Tiny Mushroom
- Rare Candy
- TM 32 (Double Team)
- TM 26 (Earthquake)
How to Find Wayward Cave’s Secret Entrance

From the main entrance of Wayward Cave, head a bit south until you’re near a hiker. From there, go left so that you end up under the Cycling Road. In the upper-left section of this area, there is a support pillar that is helping to hold up the Cycling Road. Just to the right of it is the secret entrance to Wayward Cave’s basement floor.

It will be hard to see from any angle, however, it’s definitely there! Walk to the right side of the aforementioned pillar and then hold up. This will let you enter the cave’s entrance without any issues.
Pokémon That Spawn in Wayward Cave’s Basement Floor
- Zubats from level 15 to level 17 at an encounter rate of 35%
- Bronzors from level 15 to level 17 at an encounter rate of 40%
- Geodudes at level 16 at an encounter rate of 10%
- Gibles from level 15 to level 17 at an encounter rate of 15%
Items in Wayward Cave’s Basement Floor
- Stardust
- Max Ether
- Revive x 2
- Grip Claw