Key Takeaway
To evolve Eevee in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you’ll need one of a few different elemental stones, a high friendship level, or a Fairy-type move. Here’s a breakdown of which methods get you which evolutions: Water Stone = Vaporeon, Fire Stone = Flareon, Thunder Stone = Jolteon, Leaf Stone = Leafeon, Ice Stone = Glaceon, evolve with high friendship during the day = Espeon, evolve with high friendship during the night = Umbreon, and evolve with high friendship while knowing a Fairy-type move = Sylveon.
Over the years, the ways to get Eevee evolutions have changed slightly from game to game. However, in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, the methods of evolving Eevee into all of its final forms are thankfully straightforward.
Table Of Contents
How to Evolve Eevee Into Vaporeon

You’ll need a Water Stone to evolve Eevee into Vaporeon. Simply use a Water Stone on an Eevee in your party to do so.
Like with most elemental stone evolutions, all that’s needed is the desired Pokémon (in this case: Eevee) and the stone itself. The friendship level, what moves Eevee knows, and other factors do not matter.
How to Get a Water Stone
The easiest way to get a Water Stone (and all other elemental stones) is to buy one from Simona in Jubilife Village. Simona, whose merchant stall is near the Training Grounds, sells Water Stones for 1,000 Merit Points each. To get Merit Points, find and return lost satchels. Lost satchels can be found in any area outside of Jubilife Village—just follow the white satchel-shaped markers on your map.
Alternatively, you can also buy a Water Stone from Ginter. This merchant hangs out near the front of Galaxy Hall at the Ginkgo Guild cart. Ginter can possibly have a Water Stone in stock under the name “Water-Droplet Rock” and will sell it to you for $5,000. If Ginter does not have this item, you can leave Jubilife Village, catch any 20 Pokémon, and then return to Ginter—this refreshes his inventory.
Furthermore, elemental stones and other evolution items can be found on the ground of space-time distortions. They’re rare, but, if you spend as much time in these distortions as possible, you’re likely to find some evolution items.
Where to Find Wild Vaporeon
It’s possible to come across a Vaporeon when exploring space-time distortions in the Cobalt Coastlands. If you don’t want to spend time or resources on a Water Stone, this would be the place to look to obtain a Vaporeon.
Vaporeon’s Battle Potential
Vaporeon has a high HP stat as well as notably high Special Attack and Special Defense stats. It’s a great choice for your team if you need a bulky Water-type that can dish out some special damage.
However, its Attack, Defense, and Speed stats are all quite low. As such, you need to be wary of physical threats and of foes that can outspeed you.
How to Evolve Eevee Into Flareon

To get the fluffy Fire-type Flareon, use a Fire Stone on an Eevee in your party. Other factors do not matter, meaning you can evolve your Eevee into Flareon the moment you have both an Eevee in your party and a Fire Stone in your inventory.
How to Get a Fire Stone
Similar to Water Stones, you can buy a Fire Stone from Simona in Jubilife Village for 1,000 Merit Points each.
Or, if you want to buy a Fire Stone from Ginter, you can do so for $5,000. If Ginter has a Fire Stone in stock, he will have it listed as a “Flame-Patterned Rock”.
Additionally, you can also find Fire Stones on the ground within space-time distortions—albeit as rarely as other evolution items.
Where to Find Wild Flareon
Like with Vaporeon, you can potentially find a Flareon in space-time distortions that spawn in the Cobalt Coastlands. You can also come across a Flareon in the space-time distortions that appear in the Crimson Mirelands.
Flareon’s Battle Potential
In terms of combat viability, Flareon’s best trait is its Attack stat. After that, its Special Defense and Special Attack are the next highest stats. This means that Flareon can hit foes with fairly powerful physical attacks, but can also use special coverage moves reasonably well. Its decently high Special Defense can let it sometimes tank at least one incoming special attack.
Sadly, Flareon’s HP and Defense stats are very low, meaning that it is vulnerable to physical attacks. What’s more, its Speed stat is equally as low, so it won’t be able to outspeed many opponents.
How to Evolve Eevee Into Jolteon

The item needed to evolve Eevee into Jolteon is a Thunder Stone. Just use a Thunder Stone on an Eevee in your party and you’ll have a Jolteon in no time—as there’s nothing else required.
How to Get a Thunder Stone
In trend with other elemental stones, you can buy a Thunder Stone from Simona in Jubilife Village for 1,000 Merit Points.
Ginter can also sell you a Thunder Stone—if he has one. When he does have such an item in stock, he’ll have it listed as a “Lightning-Bolt Rock”. Similar to other elemental stones, he’ll sell it to you for $5,000.
Thunder Stones can also be found on the ground of any space-time distortion. It’s rare among the many Red, Green, and Blue Shards—but it’s still possible to find it.
Where to Find Wild Jolteon
While exploring the space-time distortions in the Coronet Highlands, you can find a Jolteon or two. Be sure to battle it with a Ground-type Pokémon, as Jolteon can hit you hard and fast with a powerful Electric-type attack.
Jolteon’s Battle Potential
Jolteon’s Speed stat is its best trait. This allows it to usually move first in battle, which, in turn, lets it deliver powerful special moves backed by a decently high Special Attack stat. Jolteon can also potentially take some incoming special attacks from foes, as its Special Defense stat is pretty good.
However, Jolteon’s HP and Defense stats are both very low. Like with Flareon, this means that Jolteon cannot take physical attacks without risking getting knocked out. Also, Jolteon’s Attack stat is quite low, meaning that you shouldn’t give Jolteon any physical attacks.
How to Evolve Eevee Into Leafeon

If you guessed that you need a Leaf Stone to evolve Eevee into Leafeon—you’re correct! Unlike in some earlier Pokémon games, you don’t need to be in a certain area to evolve Eevee into Leafeon. Just touch an Eevee in your party with a Leaf Stone and you’ll soon get a battle-ready Grass-type ally.
How to Get a Leaf Stone
If you need a Leaf Stone, you can purchase one from Simona in Jubilife Village for 1,000 Merit Points.
Another way to get a Leaf Stone is to check with Ginter. He will sometimes have a Leaf Stone in stock listed as a “Leaf Imprint Rock”. If he has one, you can buy it for $5,000.
Like many other elemental stones, Leaf Stones can rarely be found on the ground within space-time distortions.
Lastly, you can get a Leaf Stone by completing Request 73: “Which Is the Real Burmy?”
Where to Find Wild Leafeon
Leafeon can spawn in the space-time distortions that show up in the Obsidian Fieldlands. This can give you a way to obtain one without needing to evolve an Eevee.
Leafeon’s Battle Potential
Unlike many of Eevee’s other evolved forms, Leafeon is much more physically-oriented. Its highest stat is its Defense, which is followed up by its Attack stat. After those comes its Speed stat. These traits combine to allow Leafeon to become a potential team sweeper when facing NPC trainers. It can hit foes hard and fast while also tanking some physical hits.
Although, with poor HP and Special Defense stats, Leafeon can’t deal with specially-oriented foes very well. It also has a low Special Attack stat, meaning that you should not teach it any special moves.
How to Evolve Eevee Into Glaceon

Glaceon is the last of the Eevee evolutions that need an elemental stone to evolve. In this case, you have to use an Ice Stone on an Eevee in your party to evolve it into Glaceon.
How to Get an Ice Stone
Similar to other elemental stones, you can easily buy an Ice Stone from Simona in Jubilife Village at a price of 1,000 Merit Points.
Ginter can also sell you an Ice Stone—although it will be listed as a “Snow-Patterened Rock” and will cost $5,000.
Additionally, Ice Stones can be found, on occasion, upon the ground within space-time distortions in any region of the game.
Where to Find Wild Glaceon
Appropriately, you can sometimes find Glaceon in the space-time distortions of the chilly Alabaster Icelands. Come prepared for its frigid and powerful attacks.
Glaceon’s Battle Potential
Glaceon’s Special Attack is its highest stat, which lets it deliver some punishing blows to opponents. Its next highest stats are its Special Defense and Defense—which is somewhat odd for an Ice-type Pokémon. However, this interesting stat spread means that Glaceon can take incoming physical and special attacks fairly well.
Glaceon’s ability to take incoming damage is hindered by its low HP stat. Its Speed stat is also quite low, so it won’t be likely to outspeed foes. Glaceon’s Attack stat is rather poor, so you should avoid teaching it physical moves.
How to Evolve Eevee Into Espeon

There are no elemental stones involved here! The only way you can evolve an Eevee into Espeon is by increasing its friendship level and waiting until daytime to evolve it.
How to Get Espeon Quickly
The quickest way to increase your friendship level with your Eevee is to feed it as many Exp. Candies as possible. The most efficient candy to use here would be Exp. Candy S, as they’re cheap and offer proportionately better increases in friendship compared to the more expensive Exp. Candies. You can buy such items from Bonn in Jubilife Village, who hangs out near the front of Galaxy Hall.
If you’re low on money, you can also increase your friendship level quickly by getting Eevee to harvest resources from the wild, battling with it in your party, and keeping it healthy.
Where to Find Wild Espeon
You can find wild Espeon in the same place you can find wild Glaceon: space-time distortions that spawn in the Alabaster Icelands. Also, like with Glaceon, be wary of Espeon’s mighty special attacks.
Espeon’s Battle Potential
Out of all the Eevee evolutions, Espeon is arguably the best in terms of offensive capabilities. This is due to Espeon having a great Special Attack stat that’s followed by a notably high Speed stat. So, Espeon can hit foes hard and fast. Plus, its fairly high Special Defense stat will allow it to take incoming special attacks, which is a nice bonus.
Conversely, Espeon’s HP and Defense stats are pretty low. You should keep it away from physical threats unless you’re confident that Espeon can move before your foe and knock them out. And with a poor Attack stat, you shouldn’t bother teaching Espeon any physical moves.
How to Evolve Eevee Into Umbreon

Like with Espeon, you’ll need to raise your friendship level with an Eevee to evolve it into Umbreon. However, you need to evolve it at night—otherwise, your Eevee will evolve into an Espeon instead.
How to Get Umbreon Quickly
The same tactics apply here as they did for evolving Eevee into Espeon. You can increase your friendship level at any time of the day. The only part you need to do at night is actually triggering the evolution of your Eevee from the party menu. Thankfully, in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, you have complete control over when you can evolve your Pokémon.
Where to Find Wild Umbreon
Similar to Flareon, you’ll need to search the space-time distortions that spawn in the Crimson Mirelands to potentially find an Umbreon. However, unlike Flareon, this is the only region where a space-time distortion will let you find an Umbreon.
Umbreon’s Battle Potential
Easily the bulkiest of the Eevee evolutions, Umbreon possesses a great Special Defense stat that’s shortly followed by a notably high Defense stat. What’s more, Umbreon also has a pretty high HP stat. These traits combine to make Umbreon pretty hard to take down.
Umbreon’s Attack, Special Attack, and Speed stats are all poor. It cannot hit foes very hard. For these reasons, you should consider giving Umbreon moves that boost its offensive stats, as stall tactics (thankfully) aren’t really a thing in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
How to Evolve Eevee Into Sylveon

Similar to Espeon and Umbreon, you need to evolve an Eevee into Sylveon by increasing your friendship level with it. However, in addition to that, your Eevee needs to know a Fairy-type move. Otherwise, you’ll accidentally evolve it into an Espeon or Umbreon.
How to Get Sylveon Quickly
You can use the same methods for increasing friendship as mentioned for Espeon and Umbreon. What time of day you evolve your Eevee into Sylveon does not matter, however, its moveset does.
The earliest that Eevee can learn a Fairy-type move by leveling up is at level 18, which is when it learns Baby-Doll Eyes. Prior to reaching level 18, you can also get the move tutor to teach your Eevee Baby-Doll Eyes.
Where to Find Wild Sylveon
You can find wild Sylveon in the space-time distortions that spawn in both the Obsidian Fieldlands and the Coronet Highlands. It will be one of the easier Eevee evolutions to find via space-time distortions.
Sylveon’s Battle Potential
This member of the Eevee evolutions is specially-oriented with high Special Defense and fairly high Special Attack stats. Sylveon also has a pretty good HP stat. These all allow it to be a decent special attacker as well as potentially a special wall.
Although, Sylveon cannot be used as a physical wall due to its low Defense stat. Its Speed stat is equally low and means this Pokémon won’t be likely to move before most opponents in battle. Lastly, with a poor Attack stat, Sylveon is not a good candidate for physical moves.