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Triangle Strategy: How to Recruit Every Character

Stephanie is a writer at VGKAMI and a long-time lover of video games—specifically JRPGs. Anything in the fantasy genre is her jam, and she vows to bring back The Legend of Dragoon one day. Stephanie has also worked as an editor at TheGamer and published features for NME.

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

Characters in Triangle Strategy are not all recruited through the same means. You’ll need to know how to recruit each character, so you can make the most informed decisions during your playthrough.

Table Of Contents

    Factors That Influence Recruitment

    In Triangle Strategy, there are two major factors that will influence which characters join your team: your chosen routes and Serenoa’s Conviction. You’ll want to know ahead of time which characters are unlockable through which routes, so you can tip the Scales of Conviction in the right direction come voting time.

    Additionally, certain characters will require Serenoa to have specific Conviction stats for them to want to join your party.

    How to Raise Each of Serenoa’s Convictions

    Everyone gathered to cast their vote.

    Though you can only see your exact Conviction values when you start a New Game+, there are clear ways to raise each Conviction.


    To raise Serenoa’s Morality Conviction, make choices centered around taking the morally right action. The following is a full list of actions that can also be done to raise the Morality Conviction:

    • Exchange large amounts of Kudos for rewards
    • Complete a mental battle
    • Talk to numerous NPCs
    • (In battle) end a turn without moving or acting
    • (In battle) fortify allies
    • (In battle) win without killing all enemies
    • Win a battle where the recommended level and that of your army are the same


    To raise Serenoa’s Utility Conviction, make logical decisions that use any means necessary to gain the advantage. Additionally, you can take the following actions to gain Utility points:

    • Collect numerous items and bits of information
    • Deploy the recommended units in battle
    • (In battle) use Quietuses
    • (In battle) collect spoils
    • (In battle) weaken enemies
    • (In battle) kill all enemy units even when you aren’t required to
    • Win a battle when the recommended level is higher than that of your army


    To raise Serenoa’s Liberty Conviction, make choices that promote freedom and individuality. Additionally, there are a bunch of actions you can take to raise your Liberty points:

    • Spend large amounts of coin at the shop
    • Use items
    • Examine objects during exploration
    • Deploy units that aren’t recommended
    • (In battle) steal items
    • (In battle) heal allies
    • Win a battle when the recommended level is lower than that of your army

    All Recruitable Characters and How to Get Them

    Not all characters in Triangle Strategy are recruited in the same way. While some recruits are dependent on which route you choose, others depend on the state of your Convictions. In addition, some characters will be recruited to your team automatically.

    Automatic Recruits

    Character NameStarting ClassStarting WeaponAbilitiesHow to Recruit

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    Serenoa WolffortSwordsmanLongswordDelaying Strike, Pursuit Stance, Hawk Dive, Counter Stance, Sweeping Slash, Strength in NumbersAcquired in Chapter One

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    Frederica AesfrostPyromancerTome of FireBlessing of Fire, Scorch, Flame Shield, Blazing Chains, Fire Eater, Pillars of FireAcquired in Chapter One

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    Roland GlenbrookSpear KnightLanceKnight's Bane, Double Thrust, Rush, Opportune Attack, Pushback, Flash of SteelAcquired in Chapter One

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    Benedict PascalTacticianCane SwordRaging Beast, Bulwark, Bird of Prey, Now...!, Initial TP+, Twofold TurnAcquired in Chapter One

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    Geela BreissePhysicianRodCure Wounds, For Those in Need, Haste, Sanctuary, Heal what Ails You, Mend WoundsAcquired in Chapter One

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    Anna PascalSpyIron DaggerAct Twice, Throw Poison, Take Cover, Surmount, Slumber Stab, Remain and RecoverAcquired in Chapter Two

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    Erador BallentineShieldbearerKite ShieldProvoke, Sprint, Steelback, Ram Foe, Physical Counter, On the AttackAcquired in Chapter Two

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    Hughette BucklarHawkbowShortbowHawk's Bane, Binding Arrow, Fell Swoop, Shadowstitching Arrow, A Rise in Range, FocusAcquired in Chapter Two

    Route-Specific Recruits

    Character NameStarting ClassStarting WeaponAbilitiesHow to Recruit

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    Rudolph MuellerHunterLongbowStraight Shot, Steel Trap, Fight or Flight, Thrill of the HuntChoose to visit Aesfrost in Chapter Three

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    Corentin JennarCryomancerTome of IceBlessing of Ice, Icy Breath, Frosty Fetters, Wall of IceChoose to visit Hyzante in Chapter Three

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    Milo YuelleDancerShadow FanGreen Mist, Blue Night, Instinct, Moon Jump, Heart Stealer, Evade Detection, StardustChoose to return to Wolffort in Chapter 15

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    Cordelia GlenbrookClericSilver RodRegen, Heal, Rest and Recover TP, Healing Region, Helping Hand, Elude, Self-SacrificeChoose to go with Roland in Chapter 15

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    Travis BossThief's CudgelBackward Toss, Steelback, On Your Guard, Impeding Strike, Mug, Fortuitous, Trial by FireForce Roselle to leave in Chapter 11, but then choose to check on them in Chapter 15

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    TrishTreasure ChaserThief’s ShortbowBlessing of Fire, Flaming Arrow, Leap, Item Gatherer, Plundering Shot, Bullseye, No HonorSide with the Roselle in Chapter 11, and then check on them in Chapter 15

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    AvloraDark GeneralBerserker IIIDesperate Defense, Risky Manuever, Desperate Strike, No Escape, Spare No Effort, Prevail and Power Up, Lone WolfWill join in Chapter 17 if you’ve followed the Golden Route

    Conviction-Specific Recruits

    Character NameStarting ClassStarting WeaponAbilitiesRequired MoralityRequired LibertyRequired Utility

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    Narve OparynSageOak RodWhirlwind, Sanctuary, Icy Breath, Spark, Pierce Defenses, Scorch, Extending Your Reach110 275-

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    PiccolettaAcrobatRacquetItem Launcher, Decoy, Intensive Items, Ball Toss, Illusion Vanished, Switch Places-450-

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    Jens MacherArtisanHammerSpring Trap, Ladder, Constricting Net, Ensnaring the Enemy, Slumber Strike, Ladder II, Hale and Hearty450--

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    Julio WrightmanAdvisorCurved BladeMoment of Truth, Not on My Watch, K.O. TP+, Finish Them!, TP Barrier, Best Regards, Inheritor275-110

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    Hossabara FreyyaMounted HealerSix-edged StaffKnight's Bane, Be Brave, Cleave, Trekking for TP, Pushback, Desperate Defense, Up and Up-110 275

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    Medina AliamApothecaryKnifeHD Physick, Double Items, Long Toss, Poison Pellet, Fast-Acting Medication, TP Physick, Lady Luck500400-

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    Ezana QlinkaShamanessSpirit MasterRite of Lightning, Rite of Wind, Accursed Strike, Rite of Rain, Rite of Tempests, Pierce Defenses, Rite of Luck-500400

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    Lionel KhapitaWordsmithWhipCharm, Ruffle Feathers, Lucky Find, Inciting Whispers, Brute Force, Treasure and HP, Endless Speech--400

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    Archibald GenoeBow AdeptBow of Serenity IEdged Arrow, Sniper, Arrow Spray, Second Sight, Sticky Arrow, Inescapable Arrow, A Swift End400-500

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    Flanagan GrutteHawkshieldRock ShieldHawk's Bane, Shielding Stance, Fortify, Ironclad, Shield Bash, Aerial Assault, Safe Haven1050-750

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    Groma JurginaBrawlerFists of DestructionEvade Detection, Sweeping Kick, Eliminate and Evade, Energy Wave, Lure In, Cross Counter, Desperate Evasion-7501050

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    QuahaugClairvoyantSpace-Time ScepterRemain and Recover, Time Compression, Turn Back Time, In Due Course, Warped Space, Stop Time, Distorted Space--1600

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    Giovanna KoppelGeologistPickaxe of PassionTrekking for TP, Rock Toss, Ivy Beam, Splash, TP to Power, Scorched Earch, Gelid Barrage-1600-

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    DecimalMathematicianTelescopeAutomaton's Artifice, Charge TP (Passive), Target HP3, Target HP4, Target HP5, Assist TP0, Target Height 5+1600--

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    Maxwell TrierDawnspearGungnirCounter Stance, Triple Thrust, Run Through, Lance Hurl, Two Birds One Stone, Traverse, Revive7501050-