The Knight arriving at Godhome.

Hollow Knight: The Godmaster DLC

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Rhett Roxl is a professional writer who has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He merged both passions together to become a writer in the game industry in 2020.

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

The Godmaster DLC in Hollow Knight was released a year after the base game came out. This DLC lets you participate in “boss rush” challenges where you’ll battle bosses you’ve already fought and new variations of them in succession.

Accessing The Godmaster DLC

You’ll need a Simple Key to gain access to the Godmaster DLC. You can purchase one from Sly for 950 Geos. Alternatively, you can pick them up at various locations in Hallownest. You can find one in the City of Tears, located in the section south of the City Storerooms. You can obtain one by defeating the Pale Lurker in the area east of the Colosseum of Fools. There’s one more in the Ancient Basin, inside the body of a fallen Mawlurk.

With that out of the way, head to the Royal Waterways.

Upon dropping down to the Royal Waterways from the City of Tears, start making your way to the level’s only bench. From here, walk to your left and drop down, then drop down into the hole in the ground once more.

Walk to your right, head down, then go to the left. There’s a Belfly at the end of this path waiting on the ceiling so watch out for that. Once the Belfly has perished, notice the wall on the ceiling on your top left. Destroy this breakable obstacle and proceed climbing on it to proceed to the next area.

What you’ll need to do now is to get to the northwestern-most area of this section. You’ll need to deal with the Flukemungas on your way there. These massive worms will dash towards you the moment they spot you. You can use the holes in the ground to move from floor to floor to navigate past them or to dodge away from their attacks as you’re defeating them.

When you make it to the next area, just drop down, head to the left, and drop down once more. Keep making your way to the left and you should arrive at the Junk Pit. There’s a massive golden, locked cocoon here which you can open by using the Simple Key. Open it to release the Godseeker.

The Knight standing next to the Godseeker in Junk Pit.

The Godseeker will then drop the Godtuner. Pick it up and hit the Godseeker with your Dream Nail. This will send you to Godhome, the home of the Gods, and the setting of the Godmaster DLC.

The Godmaster DLC

The Godmaster DLC contains five Pantheons. You’ll be able to access the first three pantheons right away. The fourth will be unlocked after you complete the first three, and the fifth will be unlocked after you complete the fourth and if you have the Void Heart charm.

As soon as you reach Godhome, head east and you’ll eventually come across the gates to three pantheons, which will unlock as soon as you approach them. These three are the first challenges you must participate in and triumph over.

Before you participate in any pantheons, head to the bench here first, just on the floor above you. Walk to either left or right and start climbing upwards to get to the bench. Rest up for now.

The Knight resting at a bench in Godhome.

The Pantheons in Godhome

These are the five pantheons you’ll need to go through in Godhome and the bosses you should expect to fight in them. You’ve fought some of these bosses before and some of them are stronger variants of their base form.

Pantheon of the Master

Brothers Oro and Mato from Hollow Knight.

The Pantheon of the Master lies behind the left gate. You’ll need to defeat 10 bosses in succession to complete this pantheon. There’s a bench and a hot spring that awaits you after the fifth boss fight and you’ll get the chance to interact with the Godseeker after the ninth. These are the bosses you’ll encounter here in order.

  • Vengefly King
  • Gruz Mother
  • False Knight
  • Massive Moss Charger
  • Hornet Protector
  • Gorb
  • Dung Defender
  • Soul Warrior
  • Brooding Mawlek
  • Brothers Oro & Mato

Pantheon of the Artist

Paintmaster Sheo from Hollow Knight.

The Pantheon of the Artist lies behind the middle gate. It also contains 10 bosses. The bench, the hot spring, and the Godseeker are met in the same placement as the previous pantheon.

  • Xero
  • Crystal Guardian
  • Soul Master
  • 2 Oblobbles
  • Mantis Lords
  • Marmu
  • Nosk
  • Flukemarm
  • Broken Vessel
  • Paintmaster Sheo

Pantheon of the Sage

Great Nailsage Sly from Hollow Knight.

The Pantheon of the Sage is the third pantheon and can be accessed through the right gate. You’ll fight 10 bosses here once again and expect to find the bench, the hot spring, and the Godseeker in the same placement as before.

  • Hive Knight
  • Elder Hu
  • The Collector
  • God Tamer
  • Troupe Master Grimm
  • Galien
  • Grey Prince Zote
  • Uumuu
  • Hornet Sentinel
  • Great Nailsage Sly

If you didn’t save Zote in Greenpath or didn’t defeat his dream variant in Dirtmouth, he won’t appear in Godhome, thus removing him from this boss list.

Pantheon of the Knight

Pure Vessel from Hollow Knight.

This is the fourth pantheon in Godhome. It can only be unlocked after you complete the previous three. Its gate is located beyond the gap to the right of the gate of the Pantheon of the Sage. The number of bosses here and the placements of the bench, the hot spring, and the Godseeker remain the same.

  • Enraged Guardian
  • Lost King
  • No Eyes
  • Traitor Lord
  • White Defender
  • Failed Champion
  • Markoth
  • Watcher Knight
  • Soul Tyrant
  • Pure Vessel

Pantheon of Hallownest

Absolute Radiance from Hollow Knight.

The Pantheon of Hallownest is by far the most arduous challenge in Hollow Knight. Whereas you previously had to defeat 10 bosses in succession to complete the other pantheons, you will need to defeat a total of 42 bosses in a row to finally complete the Pantheon of Hallownest. You will need to fight every single boss you’ve fought and defeated in the game thus far, or at least a stronger variant of them, to finally make it to the top to battle what is undoubtedly the hardest boss in Hollow Knight.

You’ll first need to complete the previous four pantheons to gain access to the Pantheon of Hallownest. The Void Heart charm is also required to access this pantheon.

After you complete the Pantheon of the Knight, the area above the bench will open up to you. You’ll find this pantheon at the peak of Godhome.

You’ll arrive at rooms containing a hot spring and a bench after the 10th boss, and after every five bosses moving forward. You’ll also meet the Godseeker after defeating the fifth boss and after the fourth bench, sixth bench, and seventh bench rooms.

These are the bosses you’ll need to fight and defeat in the Pantheon of Hallownest, in order.

  • 2 Vengefly Kings
  • Gruz Mother
  • False Knight
  • Massive Moss Charger
  • Hornet Protector
  • Gorb
  • Dung Defender
  • Soul Warrior
  • Brooding Mawlek
  • Brothers Oro & Mato
  • Xero
  • Crystal Guardian
  • Soul Master
  • 2 Oblobbles
  • Sisters of Battle
  • Marmu
  • Flukemarm
  • Broken Vessel
  • Galien
  • Paintmaster Sheo
  • Hive Knight
  • Elder Hu
  • The Collector
  • God Tamer
  • Troupe Master Grimm
  • Watcher Knight
  • Winged Nosk
  • Great Nailsage Sly
  • Hornet Sentinel
  • Enraged Guardian
  • Lost Kin
  • No Eyes
  • Traitor Lord
  • White Defender
  • Soul Tyrant
  • Markoth
  • Grey Prince Zote (if Zote was rescued and fought)
  • Failed Champion
  • Nightmare King Grimm
  • Pure Vessel
  • Absolute Radiance

You can unlock two different endings by completing the Pantheon of Hallownest. See it through to the end as intended and you’ll unlock the Embrace the Void ending. However, if you give the Godseeker in Junk Pit a Delicate Flower beforehand, you’ll unlock the Delicate Flower ending.

Hall of Gods

The Knight in the Hall of Gods in Godhome.

The Hall of Gods is located on the floor below where the four pantheon gates are. It will open after you complete the first pantheon. Inside, you’ll find a statue for each boss you’ve previously encountered. You can then fight the bosses here as much as you want.

This is a place you can turn to for practice. If there are certain bosses in a pantheon you somehow can’t overcome, come to this place and fight them individually. Familiarize yourself with their attack patterns. Master them before you head back to the pantheons.