Key Takeaway
- Steal the Survey Data:
- There’s a Silver Log on the Tetrapod AC ahead of the objective marker closest to the starting point.
- Attack the Refueling Base:
- Under the bridge past the first objective marker, there’s a Bronze Log on the LC on top of an ice shelf.
- Then, head right and fly to the tallest bridge in this area. There’s another LC on a ledge under the bridge holding a Bronze Log.
- Eliminate V.VII:
- There’s a Silver Log on a Tetrapod AC next to the first objective marker.
- V.VII—your target in this mission—has a Gold Log on them.
- Replay the mission, but this time, don’t defeat V.VII; instead, agree with his surrender and Rokumonsen will appear. Defeat Rokumonsen for another Gold Log.
- Tunnel Sabotage:
- Past the first objective marker, fly forward, and head to the first chamber on the left. There’s an LC up top that holds a Bronze Log.
- Survey the Uninhabited Floating City:
- Ahead of the second ECM device, you’ll find a floating drone that holds a Bronze Log.
- Survey the Uninhabited Floating City ALT Mission:
- The final boss in this mission, Thumb Dolmayan, holds a Platinum Log.
- Eliminate Enforcement Squads:
- From the starting point, make a right and fly towards the second pillar. There’s a lone enemy AC here that holds a Gold Log.
- Attack the Old Spaceport:
- Fly to the right of the objective marker furthest to the right and you’ll find two enemy LCs before reaching the marker. These hold a Silver Log each.
- From here, head to the hangar left of the warship closest to the mission start point to find a shield LC. Defeat this enemy to get another Silver Log.
- Eliminate “Honest” Brute:
- From the second objective marker, head to the platform with the red lasers below and you’ll find an enemy with a Bronze Log here.
- Then, head to the platform above and you’ll find another Bronze Log enemy.
- Make your way to the next objective marker and you’ll find Silver Log on a Tetrapod AC.
- Then, continue to the next objective marker within a shielded area that holds an enemy that possesses a Bronze Log.
- Finally, reach the end of the mission and defeat “Honest” Brute to find a Platinum Log.
- Defend the Old Spaceport:
- You obtain a Platinum Log after defeating Raven.
- Defend the Dam Complex:
- You get two Platinum Logs from defeating Umber Ox and Aster Crown.
Since Chapter 3 is the longest one in Armored Core 6, it makes sense that the majority of the game’s Combat Logs are found here. Not only will getting them all get you closer to a coveted trophy (or achievement), but finding Combat Logs also gets you new parts.
Table Of Contents
Steal the Survey Data
This is the first mission in Chapter 3. There’s only one Combat Log here and it’s fairly easy to find.
Silver Log
Past the Survey Data objective marker closest to your starting point, you will find a lone Tetrapod AC. Defeat this AC to get a Silver Log.

Attack the Refueling Base
In this mission, you’ll find two Bronze Combat Logs. Here’s where you can find both of them.
Bronze Log 1
Head past the first objective marker and you’ll find a bridge. Head below the bridge and to its left. You’ll find an AC on a ledge here that fires blue lasers at you. Destroy this AC to get a Bronze Log.

Bronze Log 2
Make a right from the previous log’s location. Make your way to the tallest bridge you can see from this spot. Below it, on a ledge to the right, you’ll find another enemy AC that has a Bronze Log.

Eliminate V.VII
You’ll need to complete this mission twice to get all of its Combat Logs. There are three to collect here.
Silver Log
Next to the first objective marker, you’ll find one Tetrapod AC. Defeat this enemy to get a Silver Combat Log.

Gold Log 1
The first Gold Log is held by V.VII: the objective target. Destroy him to get the Combat Log.

Gold Log 2
Do the mission again and get to V.VII. Halfway through the fight, he will surrender and stop attacking you. Wait for his dialogue to end and choose “Accept” when the prompt appears. After this, another AC named Rokumonsen will appear. Defeat him for the second Gold Combat Log.

Tunnel Sabotage
There’s only one Combat Log in Tunnel Sabotage and it requires you to steer away from the main objective path.
Bronze Log
After reaching the first objective marker, stick to the left wall of the cavern while proceeding. When you see the first chamber on the left, head into it and you’ll see multiple enemies.

The one that’s firing blue laser beams at you from up top is the one that holds the Bronze Log.

Survey the Uninhabited Floating City
There’s also only one Combat Log in this mission. Here’s where you can find it.
Bronze Log
Progress through this mission until you reach the second ECM device. From here, look to the right of the previous beacon and you’ll find a series of beacons ahead.

Head forward and you’ll see more drones. One of the flying drones that attack you here holds the Bronze Log.

Survey the Uninhabited Floating City ALT Mission
This is the ALT version of this same mission that unlocks during New Game ++. There’s one Platinum Log at the end of this mission.
Platinum Log
Progress through this mission until you reach the end. Instead of fighting a series of enemy machines, you’ll instead fight a boss named Thumb Dolmayan. Defeat him to get the Platinum Log.

Eliminate Enforcement Squads
There’s only one Combat Log in Eliminate Enforcement Squads and it is pretty close to the game’s starting point.
Gold Log
From the start of the mission, immediately make a right. You’ll see a series of pillars here. Make your way to the second pillar that you see.

Keep heading forward until you spot a lone AC here. This enemy is named Ring Freddie. Defeat him to get the Gold Log.

Attack the Old Spaceport
There are three Combat Logs in this mission and they all involve eliminating enemies that are stronger than the usual ones. They’re still no match for 621, though.
Silver Logs 1 & 2
From the starting point of the mission, fly towards the objective marker to the furthest right, but stick a bit to its right.

Before you get to where the marker is, you’ll find two enemy ACs. Defeat them to get Silver Logs.

Silver Log 3
From the previous area, head to the hangar left of the nearest warship. Keep going until you find a lone shield LC. Destroy this enemy to get the last Silver Log of this mission.

Eliminate “Honest” Brute
There are five Combat Logs in this mission. Here’s where to find them.
Bronze Log 1
Make your way past the two first objective markers. From the second one, look to the platform below that’s filled with red lasers.

Make your way here and head to the right of the central pillar to find an enemy AC that holds the Bronze Log.

Bronze Log 2
From the location of the first log, head up to the platform above you. This platform looks identical to the previous one.

From here, circle all the way around to the other side of the platform to find another AC that holds a Bronze Log.

Silver Log
Make your way to the next objective marker. Up ahead, on this same platform, you’ll find a Tetrapod AC, along with other smaller ACs. The Tetrapod AC holds a Silver Log.

Bronze Log 3
Head to the next objective marker. This area will be shielded when you get closer to it. One of the enemies here has a Bronze Log.

Platinum Log
Get to the end of the mission and defeat “Honest” Brute to receive a Platinum Log.

Defend the Old Spaceport
There’s only one Combat Log in this mission and it’s unmissable.
Platinum Log
You automatically obtain this log after defeating Raven.

Defend the Dam Complex
There are two Combat Logs in this mission and they are also unmissable.
Platinum Logs 1 & 2
You obtain these after defeating Umber Ox and Aster Crown.

That’s every Combat Log you can obtain in Chapter 3. If you find a few of these encounters too challenging, make sure you equip better weapons and frame parts. Many of the best weapons in the game are found in the shop. Earn money and buy better weapons and you’ll breeze through these chapters more easily.