The player picking up Embers from multiple chests in Dark Souls.

Dark Souls: Where to Find All Embers

Time to try out other weapon types!

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Rhett Roxl is a professional writer who has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He merged both passions together to become a writer in the game industry in 2020.

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

Key Takeaway

  • Large Ember – Found in a chest next to the butcher in the Depths.
  • Very Large Ember – Found in a chest on the floor above where the Mass of Souls is in the lower level of the New Londo Ruins.
  • Divine Ember – Found at the top of the tower after the Moonlight Butterfly boss area in the Darkroot Garden.
  • Large Divine Ember – Found inside a massive coffin surrounded by giant skeletons in the Tomb of the Giants.
  • Dark Ember – In an open area you can reach with the Annex Key in the Painted World of Ariamis.
  • Large Magie Ember – In a chest in the room where you first encounter Seath the Scaleless in the Duke’s Archives.
  • Enchanted Ember – In a chest in the middle of a puddle outside Alvina’s tower in the Darkroot Garden.
  • Crystal Ember – In the room that leads down to the Crystal Caves in the Duke’s Archives.
  • Large Flame Ember – In a chest at the end of the path when you head left after descending the massive staircase in the Demon Ruins.
  • Chaos Flame Ember – On a corpse in the middle of a lava puddle in the lower area of the Demon Ruins that’s filled with Taurus Demons.

Embers are special items in Dark Souls you give to blacksmiths. These allow you to upgrade your weapons or transform them into another weapon type. Needless to say, they’re highly important as they increase your damage output.

Table Of Contents

    Large Ember

    The Large Ember is most likely to be the first of the embers you’ll come across in Dark Souls. You’ll find the Large Ember in the Depths; in a chest, behind the first Butcher you encounter in the level.

    The Chosen Undead facing the chest that holds the Large Ember in Dark Souls.

    The Large Ember lets your Standard weapons go from +5 to +6, then all the way up to +10. It can also turn +10 Standard weapons into Raw weapons, all the way up to +5 Raw.

    You give this ember to Andre of Astora.

    Very Large Ember

    The Very Large Ember is located in New Londo Ruins. You’ll only be able to access it after you lower the water level. Once you reach the lower levels of New Londo, you’ll eventually find yourself in a room filled with Darkwraith Knights and a Mass of Souls. There’s a room here that has a spiral staircase that leads up—follow it.

    The Chosen Undead running towards a staircase in the New Londo Ruins.

    Once you reach the top, continue forward then make the first right. Keep going down this path and you’ll find another staircase at the end. Once you reach the top, make a left and you’ll find a chest. Open it to receive the Very Large Ember.

    The Chosen Undead facing the chest that holds the Very Large Ember in Dark Souls.

    Give this ember to Andre of Astora. With it, he’ll be able to upgrade your Standard weapons from +10 to +15—the maximum level for Standard weapons.

    Divine Ember

    The Divine Ember is in Darkroot Garden. You’ll find it at the top of the tower at the end of the bridge where you fight the Moonlight Butterfly. You’ll need to defeat the boss before you can ascend this tower. The ember is held by a stone blacksmith.

    The Chosen Undead picking up the Divine Ember in Dark Souls.

    Give this ember to Andre of Astora. With this, you’ll be able to ascend +5 Standard weapons to Divine weapons, all the way up to +5.

    Large Divine Ember

    You’ll find the Large Divine Ember in the Tomb of the Giants. After reaching the first bonfire of this level, head to the ladder and make your way up. Make a right and keep heading forward until you find a hole in the ground. This leads you into a coffin that’s filled with giant skeletons.

    The Chosen Undead standing before a hole in the ground in the Tomb of the Giants.

    At the end of this room, you’ll find a stone blacksmith. Loot it to receive the Large Divine Ember.

    The Chosen Undead standing before a stone blacksmith.

    Give this ember to Andre. With this ember, you’ll upgrade Divine weapons from +5 to +10, the maximum level for this weapon type.

    Dark Ember

    The Dark Ember is in the Painted World of Ariamis. You’ll need to have the Annex Key to access the area, which you’ll find in the underground sewers section of the level, behind an illusory wall.

    The Annex Key opens up the door found on the right of where the Phalanx is in the main courtyard. Open this door, head up, and once you’re back out, keep heading forward and you’ll be in an open yard with a stone blacksmith at the end. Loot it to receive the ember.

    The Chosen Undead standing before a stone blacksmith.

    Give the Dark Ember to Andre. With it, he can modify +5 Divine weapons into Occult weapons, all the way up to +5, the maximum level for this weapon type.

    Large Magic Ember

    The Large Magic Ember is located in The Duke’s Archives. It’s in the area where you first encounter Seath the Scaleless when you’re unable to damage the boss in any way.

    The Chosen Undead facing Seath the Scaleless.

    You can return to this room after you finally defeat Seath. The ember is inside a chest.

    Give this ember to Rickert, the blacksmith in New Londo Ruins. With it, he’ll be able to ascend +5 Magic weapons to +10, the maximum level for Magic weapons.

    Enchanted Ember

    The Enchanted Ember is in Darkroot Garden—which makes this location one of three areas to have two embers in Dark Souls. From Alvina’s tower, get to the other tower and make your way down. When you get to the ground, make a right and keep heading forward until you find a puddled area with big mushroom enemies around. There’s a chest in the middle of the puddle. Open it to retrieve the Enchanted Ember.

    The Chosen Undead running towards giant mushroom enemies.
    Beware the mushroom enemies! They may be cute, but they hit harder than you expect…

    Give this ember to Rickert. With it, you’ll be able to ascend +5 Magic weapons into Enchanted weapons, all the way up to +5, the maximum level for Enchanted weapons.

    Crystal Ember

    The Crystal Ember is in the Duke’s Archives—another location that holds multiple embers in Dark Souls. You’ll find it in a chest behind a bookshelf in the room that leads down to the Crystal Caves. The aforementioned bookshelf is to the left of the staircase that leads to the outer garden.

    The Chosen Undead picking up the Crystal Ember in Dark Souls.

    Give the Crystal Ember to the Giant Blacksmith in Anor Londo. With it, he can ascend +10 Standard weapons to Crystal weapons, all the way up to the maximum level of +5.

    Large Flame Ember

    The Large Flame Ember is in the Demon Ruins. After the massive staircase that leads to the fog gate in the Demon Ruins, immediately make a left after you descend the staircase.

    The Chosen Undead in the Demon Ruins.

    Go all the way to the end of this path, past the Taurus Demons and Rockworms, until you find a chest. Open the chest to retrieve the Large Flame Ember.

    The Chosen Undead standing before the chest that holds the Large Flame Ember in Dark Souls.

    Give the Large Flame Ember to Blacksmith Vamos at the Catacombs. With it, he’ll ascend +5 Fire weapons to +10, this weapon type’s maximum level.

    Chaos Flame Ember

    The Chaos Flame Ember is also in the Demon Ruins. After defeating Ceaseless Discharge, go down to the newly accessible area where lava used to be. Past all the Taurus Demons, you’ll find a corpse in the middle of a lava puddle.

    The Chosen Undead standing before a lava pool in the Demon Ruins.

    Get to this corpse and loot it to receive the ember.

    You’ll need to have high Fire resistance to get to this corpse. The Orange Charred Ring, which is dropped by the Centipede Demon, allows you to traverse lava without receiving much damage.

    Give this ember to Blacksmith Vamos. He’ll be able to ascend +5 Fire weapons to Chaos weapons, all the way up to its maximum level of +5.

    The weapon variety in Dark Souls is huge. The ability to ascend weapons and transform them into other weapon types gives you even more options to deal with the enemies in the game. That said, retrieve these embers and you’ll be able to overcome the game’s toughest bosses and levels like Ornstein and Smough or the entirety of the Tomb of the Giants.

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