Key Takeaway
While inside the Abandoned Factory in Chapter 3, you’ll find a Ganados who’ll be wearing Leon’s jacket from the base game. Defeat this Ganados, retrieve the jacket, and sell it to the merchant to complete the request.
Have you noticed how Leon suddenly stops wearing his jacket at the beginning of Chapter 2 in the base game? As it happens, the Resident Evil 4 Remake – Separate Ways DLC answers this very question in the form of the Jacket of All Trades Merchant Request!
Table Of Contents
Finding the Jacket Thief
When you make it to Chapter 3, you’ll begin by running away from Mendez: a towering, indestructible servant of Saddler who cosplays as a centipede in his spare time.
Keep progressing through this chapter and escape Mendez’s clutches and you’ll eventually find yourself outside the Abandoned Factory. This is the same place where Leon and Luis were held at the beginning of the base game’s second chapter.
You’ll find the blue note for this request outside the factory, on the wall right beside the entrance. However, you don’t need to pick up the note to complete the request.
Head inside the factory and interact with the outline of a footprint on the ground so Ada will activate her IRIS. Keep following the path from here and you’ll eventually encounter a particularly stylish Ganados. If you enter the factory guns blazing, all the Ganados in this corridor will attack you simultaneously, which introduces our little jacket thief.
This makes it almost impossible to miss this enemy. As long as you follow Ada’s path and progress through this mission accordingly, you’ll find this enemy. Just make sure to pick up the Jacket loot left behind by the enemy after you kill him. Then, sell it to the merchant to complete the request and earn your rewards.

Jacket of All Trades Rewards
You’ll earn 5,000 Pesetas for selling the jacket to the merchant. Then, when the Merchant Request officially clears, you’ll also receive seven Spinels. That’s a great reward for such a simple request and one that answers a minor story-related incident from the main game to boot!
You’ll be earning both Pesetas and Spinels for completing this request. That said, take the time to buy things such as new weapons, First Aid Sprays, Small Keys, and even gemstones for your treasures from the merchant before proceeding. The game only gets more intense from here. Good luck!