Clay is pretty important for making many kinds of decorative blocks in Minecraft, like Bricks. However, you’re unlikely to find Clay by mining in the usual places. You’ll have to get your feet wet if you want to find some.
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Every Place That You Can Find Clay

Clay can technically spawn in any biome with water. Its spawning criteria makes it always generate underneath water source blocks within loaded chunks. However, since certain biomes naturally contain more water, they would be the best places to start looking for Clay.
The best tool to mine Clay with is a Shovel, as it does the job the fastest. When you mine Clay blocks, each will drop 4 Clay Balls. However, since your mining speed is decreased underwater, you’ll want to consider enchanting your gear for maximum efficiency.
Biomes Where You Can Find the Most Clay
As a biome that’s mostly water, Ocean biomes are your best starting place on a Clay hunt. You’ll need to swim to the seafloor to gather some, so make sure to bring something that will prevent you from drowning.
Beach biomes, which usually neighbor Ocean biomes, are another great place to look for Clay. You can often find tons of this grayish-blue block in the shallows.
Additionally, you’ll have decent luck finding Clay in Swamp biomes. These are often filled with rivers and shallow lakes that you can often spot Clay in from the shore. Besides these, you can search any lake bed or riverbed for Clay in moderate amounts.
Where to Find Clay in Caves
There are a few different kinds of Caves in Minecraft, however, only one can generate with Clay in it. The floors and little pools of water in Lush Caves often contain decent quantities of Clay. You can find a Lush Cave by keeping your eyes out for Azalea Trees, as this plant species often grows above them.
Where to Find Clay in Villages
In Desert, Plains, and Savanna biomes, the Mason houses of Villages will likely have some Clay blocks in them. Additionally, Clay can spawn under the cottages of Fishermen houses in Taiga biome Villages.
What You Can Use Clay For

While there doesn’t seem to be many direct recipes that involve Clay, the possibilities are vast if you use it with a Furnace. Besides making Bricks by directly cooking Clay Balls in a Furnace, you can also cook full Clay blocks. You can make Clay blocks by arranging Clay Balls into a square on any kind of crafting grid. 4 Clay Balls will give you 1 Clay block—the inverse to what happens when you mine Clay blocks from the world.
How to Make Colored Terracotta
When you cook Clay blocks in a Furnace, you will get Terracotta, however, the crafting recipes don’t stop there. If you put any kind of dye on the centermost slot of a Crafting Table and then surround it with 8 Terracotta blocks, you can get colored Terracotta. Colored Terracotta will look like slightly desaturated variants of dyed Wool blocks. Though, there is yet another step to take for the most vibrant kind of Clay.
How to Make Glazed Terracotta
If you stick blocks of colored Terracotta into a Furnace again, you’ll get Glazed Terracotta. These bright blocks not only have more intense colors but also possess intricate and unique designs. Furthermore, each color of Glazed Terracotta has a different pattern. As far as decorative blocks go, Glazed Terracotta is arguably one of the most beautiful.