The Chosen Undead pointing at the sun in Dark Souls.

Dark Souls: How to Find, Join, and Rank up in All Covenants

Choose your faction!

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Rhett Roxl is a professional writer who has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He merged both passions together to become a writer in the game industry in 2020.

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

Key Takeaway

The nine covenants in Dark Souls are:

  • Warrior of Sunlight
  • Princess Guard
  • Way of White
  • Darkwraith
  • Forest Hunter
  • Path of the Dragon
  • Blade of the Dark Moon
  • Gravelord Servant
  • Chaos Servant

Covenants in Dark Souls are groups you can join that affect your multiplayer (and sometimes singleplayer) experience. Your covenant dictates which players you invade or cooperate with. However, covenants also affect your offline experience as they provide you with items such as weapons and spells.

Table Of Contents

    Warrior of Sunlight

    The Chosen Undead joining the Warrior of Sunlight covenant by speaking to Solaire of Astora on a sunlit battlement.

    The Warrior of Sunlight covenant follows Gwyn and his unnamed firstborn son. Its most notable member is Solaire of Astora.

    How to Join the Covenant

    Before joining the covenant, you must first have a Faith stat of 25. Once that requirement is met, head to the balcony to the right of the Sunlight Altar bonfire in Undead Burg. Kneel in front of the statue to join the covenant.

    How to Increase Rank

    You are automatically rewarded whenever you join covenants in Dark Souls. Rank up within the covenant and you’ll receive even more rewards. In the case of the Warrior of Sunlight covenant, you must offer Sunlight Medals to the altar where you joined the Warrior of Sunlight covenant to rank up.

    Here are the rewards you’ll receive for joining and ranking up with the Warriors of Sunlight covenant:

    RankMedals OfferedReward
    00Lightnight Spear miracle
    110Great Lightning Spear miracle

    You earn Sunlight Medals by co-oping with another Warrior of Sunlight and defeating a boss. You can also farm them by killing Chaos Bugs, which are found in the Demon Ruins or Lost Izalith. These enemies have a 3% chance of dropping them.

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    As a Warrior of Sunlight, you get matched up more often with other Warriors of Sunlight players online, as is the nature of covenants in Dark Souls. You will also appear as a golden phantom when you get summoned to other worlds as a cooperator and have a golden summon sign.

    Covenant Betrayal

    There’s no particular act that’s considered a betrayal for Warrior of Sunlight other than leaving it and joining another covenant. When you do this, you lose access to the Sunlight Spear miracle.

    You need to be Rank 1 in Warrior of Sunlight and must offer the Soul of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder to the Sunlight Altar to get the Sunlight Spear miracle.

    Princess Guard

    The Chosen Undead speaking with Gwynevere before joining one of the covenants in Dark Souls called Princess Guard.

    The Princess Guard is a covenant that serves Gwynevere, the daughter of Gwyn and the Princess of Sunlight.

    How to Join the Covenant

    You can join the Princess Guard covenant by speaking to Gwyenevere in the Chamber of the Princess in Anor Londo. You can get here after you defeat Ornstein and Smough and use the elevator in this chamber to get to the upper floor. You’ll find Gwynevere’s bed chamber here.

    How to Increase Rank

    The Princess Guard covenant has no ranks. However, you automatically receive the Ring of the Sun Princess when you join.

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    When you are a member of the Princess Guard covenant, you’re able to use the Soothing Sunlight and Bountiful Sunlight miracles, both found in The Duke’s Archives. These two are the only miracles in the game that allow you to heal other players in co-op. That said, Princess Guard players can act as their party’s healers.

    Covenant Betrayal

    You betray the Princess Guard covenant when you attack and kill Gwynevere. Not only does this kick you out of the covenant, but it will also make rejoining it impossible with the absence of Gwyenevere.

    On top of that, Gwynevere’s disappearance also affects the overall atmosphere of Anor Londo, turning the sky dark. You’ll also start to be invaded by Darkmoon Blade players.

    Way of White

    The Chosen Undead speaking with Petrus in Dark Souls.

    The Way of White is one of the first covenants you can join in Dark Souls. In fact, some players who begin the game may not even know that they’ve already joined this covenant. The Way of White is one of the oldest and most powerful groups in Dark Souls. Their goal is to continue the worship of gods and extend the Age of Fire.

    How to Join the Covenant

    Speak to Petrus of Thorolund in Firelink Shrine to join the covenant. Alternatively, you can also speak to Reah after rescuing her in the Tomb of the Giants.

    Players who start the game as the Knight or Cleric classes automatically begin as members of the Way of White covenant. However, if your goal is to earn the trophy or achievement, you must first speak to Petrus to discover the covenant itself to earn the trophy or achievement.

    How to Increase Rank

    The Way of White covenant has no ranking system.

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    The only known benefit to joining the Way of White covenant is that you’re less likely to be invaded by other players online. Other than that, you receive no rewards for joining it nor are you locked out of using any spells or items by choosing other covenants.

    Covenant Betrayal

    There is no way to betray the Way of White covenant.


    The Chosen Undead joining the Darkwraith covenant in Dark Souls by speaking to Darkstalker Kaathe in a pitch black abyss.

    The goal of the Darkwraith covenant members is to invade other players to steal their humanity. It is one of the covenants in Dark Souls that focuses on PvP.

    How to Join the Covenant

    The Darkwraith covenant is one of the trickiest to enter given its secretive nature. To join the Darkwrith covenant, you must avoid speaking to Kingseeker Frampt at Firelink Shrine after obtaining the Lordvessel.

    Instead, make your way to New Londo Ruins and defeat the Four Kings. After which, you will meet Kingseeker Kaathe in The Abyss—speak to him to join the Darkwraith covenant.

    How to Increase Rank

    You increase your rank within the Darkwraith covenant by offering Humanity. Here’s the amount of Humanity you’ll have to offer for each rank and your rewards for doing so:

    RankHumanities OfferedReward
    00Dark Hand
    110Red Eye Orb / Your Dark Hand steals 3 Humanities
    230Darksword and the Darkwraith Armor Set / Dark Hand steals 6 Humanities
    380Dark Hand steals 10 Humanities

    Joining and ranking up in the Darkwraith covenant is a fun alternative way to farm Humanity in Dark Souls.

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    The Dark Hand, your reward for joining the covenant, allows you to steal Humanity from other online players. That makes it easy to rank up in the covenant as long as you keep invading other players.

    To invade other players, you can purchase a Cracked Red Eye Orb from Kaathe. However, this is a consumable item. The Red Eye Orb you receive for ranking up in the covenant allows you to invade others an infinite number of times.

    Covenant Betrayal

    You betray the covenant when you leave it and join another. Upon doing so, you won’t be able to use the Red Eye Orb any longer.

    Forest Hunter

    The Chosen Undead speaking with Alvina in the ruins of Darkroot Garden.

    Forest Hunter is one of the covenants in Dark Souls that is intensely PvP-based. Joining it means you must be ready to invade another player at a moment’s notice.

    How to Join the Covenant

    You must speak to Alvina in her tower at the Darkroot Garden to join the Forest Hunter covenant. If you reach her tower from the Darkroot Basin, you can get to her tower from the back. However, if you choose to enter from the sealed gate that the Crest of Artorias opens, be prepared to fend off her knights.

    How to Increase Rank

    When you become a member of the Forest Hunter covenant, you receive the Cat Ring. Wearing this means Alvina can summon you whenever a new player enters her forest for the first time. You rank up in the covenant by successfully killing other online players while invading them.

    RankEnemies KilledReward
    01 - 3Divine Blessing and the Ring of Fog

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    This is a covenant you’ll enjoy being a member of if you like invading other players. When you wear the Cat Ring, you are essentially putting yourself in a queue to be summoned whenever a player makes it to the Darkroot Garden forest. No matter where you are in the game, even when you are hollowed, you have a chance of being summoned.

    You’ll get a small number of Souls after a successful invasion based on the Soul Level of your prey. Furthermore, you also get the chance to earn upgrade materials when you defeat the enemies you invade while being summoned as a Forest Hunter. These are the items you will have a chance of earning:

    • Titanite Shard (10%)
    • Large Titanite Shard (25%)
    • Green Titanite Shard (25%)
    • Titanite Chunk (10%)
    • Blue Titanite Chunk (10%)
    • White Titanite Chunk (10%)
    • Rubbish (5%)
    • Pendant (5%)

    On top of the more straightforward benefits, joining the Forest Hunter covenant is the only way to get the Dark Wood Grain Ring in Dark Souls, as the NPC that you get it from won’t spawn until you join this covenant.

    Covenant Betrayal

    You betray the covenant when you attack the Forest Hunter NPCs outside Alvina’s tower or Alvina herself after joining the covenant.

    Path of the Dragon

    The Chosen Undead facing the Everlasting Dragon in Ash Lake before joining the Path of the Dragon covenant in Dark Souls.

    The Path of the Dragon serves the dragon race. It is for those who seek to become dragons themselves by collecting Dragon Scales. In-game, joining the covenant allows you to invade other players who have Dragon Scales.

    How to Join the Covenant

    Speak to the Everlasting Dragon found in Ash Lake to join the covenant. You can get to Ash Lake in Dark Souls by starting from Blighttown and making your way to the massive tree at the bottom. Enter the tree to reach the Great Hollow, then descend the organic pathways to eventually make it to Ash Lake.

    How to Increase Rank

    You must offer Dragon Scales to the Everlasting Dragon to rank up within the Path of the Dragon covenant. Here are the number of Dragon Scales you will need to level up and the rewards you’ll receive:

    RankDragon Scales OfferedReward
    00Dragon Eye and Dragon Head Stone
    110The damage of the Dragon Head Stone and the range and buff of the Dragon Torso Stone are increased.
    230The damage of the Dragon Head Stone and the range and buff of the Dragon Torso Stone are increased.
    380The damage of the Dragon Head Stone and the range and buff of the Dragon Torso Stone are increased.

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    This is a great covenant to join if you’re keen on employing a Dragon build or if you’re using weapons and armor that are upgraded with Dragon Scales. When you duel other players using the Dragon Eye and as a member of the Path of the Dragon, you earn a Dragon Scales whenever you come out victorious. This is a solid alternative way to farm Dragon Scales in Dark Souls.

    Covenant Betrayal

    When you leave the Path of the Dragon and join another covenant, you will be unable to use the Dragon Eye.

    Blade of the Dark Moon

    The Chosen Undead joining the Blade of the Dark Moon covenant by kneeling before Dark Sun Gwyndolin's fog gate.

    The Blade of the Dark Moon is another of the covenants in Dark Souls that focuses heavily on PvP. This covenant serves the hidden boss Dark Sun Gwyndolin, the lastborn child of Gwyn.

    How to Join the Covenant

    Equip the Darkmoon Seance Ring, which you find in the Catacombs, and make your way to the Darkmoon Tomb in Anor Londo. To get here, start from the Anor Londo bonfire, exit the bonfire room, and continue forward to the lift. Head down, proceed to the bridge, and approach the lever in the middle tower.

    Crank it forward so that the tower rotates below. Make your way to the bottom of the staircase and proceed forward to reach the tomb. When you reach this room, as long as you have the Darkmoon Seance Ring equipped, the large statue next to the bonfire will disappear. Proceed onward and kneel on the platform before the fog gate when Gwyndolin speaks to join the covenant.

    How to Increase Rank

    Your rank in the covenant increases by offering Souvenirs of Reprisal. You earn these by invading and killing other players who have “sinned.” You can do this by using the Blue Eye Orb or by equipping the Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring, both of which you’ll earn when you join the covenant.

    That said, here are the number of Souvenirs of Reprisals you’ll have to offer to level up and your rewards:

    RankSouvenirs of Reprisal OfferedReward
    00Blue Eye Orb and Darkmoon Blade Covenant Ring
    110Darkmoon Blade and Darkmoon Talisman
    230The damage of the Darkmoon Blade miracle increases
    380The damage of the Darkmoon Blade miracle increases

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    This covenant, like the Forest Hunter covenant, allows you to duel with other players at a moment’s notice for as long as you wear the covenant ring. However, you can also actively find players to duel by using the Blue Eye Orb. This gives you a higher opportunity to find other enemies to play and fight with in PvP.

    When you invade other players as a member of the Blade of the Darkmoon covenant, you appear as a blue phantom and are known as the “Spirit of Vengeance.”

    Covenant Betrayal

    You immediately betray the covenant when you cross the fog gate and enter Gwyndolin’s boss room. Doing so will prohibit you from using the Darkmoon Blade spell.

    Gravelord Servant

    The Chosen Undead joining the Gravelord Servant covenant by kneeling before Gravelord Nito resting in his massive coffin.

    The Gravelord Servant covenant, as the name implies, serves Gravelord Nito, one of the four Great Lords of Lordran.

    How to Join the Covenant

    You must enter Gravelord Nito’s boss room in a unique manner to get the chance to serve him and join the covenant. To do this, first, you must have an Eye of Death in your inventory. Thankfully, you’ll find them easily just as you’re making your way to the path that transports you to Nito’s boss room.

    From the second bonfire in the Catacombs, head down and proceed to the bridge ahead. Cross the fog gate, make your way down, and destroy the skeletons if you have to. Exit this cavern, make a left, and go all the way around until you find another door.

    Head through the door and keep heading forward until you come across a Titanite Demon. Behind the demon are three Eyes of Death. Obtain one if you haven’t yet. Defeat the Titanite Demon if you have to.

    One of the protruding coffins near the Titanite Demon in the Catacombs here is partially opened—interact with it to enter it. After a few seconds, a cutscene will play out and you will be transported to Nito’s boss room. Kneel before his massive coffin to join the covenant.

    How to Increase Rank

    You rank up in the covenant by offering Eyes of Death to Nito. Aside from the ones you find in the Catacombs and the Tomb of the Giants, you can receive more by farming them by killing Basilisks. You also receive them when you defeat invaders when using an Eye of Death.

    RankEyes of Death OfferedReward
    00Gravelord Sword and Gravelord Sword Dance
    110Gravelord Greatsword Dance
    230The damage of the Gravelord Sword Dance and Gravelord Greatsword Dance are increased.
    380The damage of the Gravelord Sword Dance and Gravelord Greatsword Dance are increased.

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    When you use an Eye of Death as a covenant member, a summon sign will appear in the world of three random online players. This also results in Black Phantoms spawning in the world of these players. These players can then invade you when they find the summon sign. Once you defeat them, you earn an Eye of Death. If they happen to defeat you, they rid their world of the Black Phantoms you sent there.

    Covenant Betrayal

    You cannot betray the covenant unless you leave it and join another. Despite you being a Gravelord Servant, you actually do not betray the covenant when you defeat Gravelord Nito. However, this prevents you from ranking up further until New Game Plus.

    Chaos Servant

    The Chosen Undead joining the Chaos Servant covenant.

    The Chaos Servant covenant serves the Daughter of Chaos (Quelaag’s Sister). It is the only covenant in the game that isn’t tied to any multiplayer aspect.

    How to Join the Covenant

    After defeating Chaos Witch Quelaag and ringing the Bell of Awakening, head down and find a wall that’s lined with cobwebs. One of the walls here is an illusory wall. Strike it to dispel the illusion and proceed forward. You’ll then be met by an egg-infected NPC named Eingyi. Answer “Yes” to Eingyi’s questions so that he will move, and then you can approach Quelaag’s Sister to join the Chaos Servant covenant.

    How to Increase Rank

    You increase your rank in the covenant by offering up Humanity to the Daughter of Chaos. Here are the number of Humanities you must offer and the rewards you’ll get:

    RankHumanities OfferedReward
    00Great Chaos Fireball
    230Chaos Storm pyromancy. On top of that, a shortcut to the Lost Izalith in the Demon Ruins will also open.

    Benefits and Multiplayer Effects

    Joining the Chaos Servant covenant has no multiplayer effects. The main incentive to join the covenant is to receive powerful pyromancy spells. That said, if you’re building up a powerful pyromancy character, this is the perfect covenant to join.

    As mentioned in the table above, another benefit to ranking up in the Chaos Servant covenant is gaining access to a convenient shortcut through the Demon Ruins.

    Covenant Betrayal

    You betray the Chaos Servant covenant when you attack or kill the Daughter of Chaos. Doing so will also deactivate the bonfire in her chamber, but it does reward you with a Fire Keeper Soul.

    The covenants in Dark Souls are great opportunities for you to explore the game’s PvP and co-op mechanics. After all, FromSoftware games have multiplayer aspects that are beloved for their fun gameplay elements. Take the time to explore each of them!

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