All artifacts from God of War Ragnarok.

God of War Ragnarök: Where to Find All Artifacts

Collect every artifact to earn the Curator trophy.

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Rhett Roxl is a professional writer who has been gaming for as long as he can remember. He merged both passions together to become a writer in the game industry in 2020.

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Artifacts are collectibles you’ll find scattered across the nine realms in God of War Ragnarök. These artifacts provide insightful lore and you can also sell them to the dwarves for extra hacksilver. Here’s where to find them all.

Table Of Contents

    Kvasir’s Poems

    Kvasir’s Poems are a unique set of artifacts. These are scattered across different realms whereas the others are found in one specific realm or region.

    Kvasir’s Poems are references to other PlayStation titles disguised as poetry, making deciphering their meaning a little game of its own.

    The Sunrise of Nothingness

    The Sunrise of Nothingness location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This artifact is in the Aurvangar Wetlands in Svartalfheim. It’s on an island you dock on when entering the realm for the first time. This is the island where you’ll need to pull two chains to open a gate to Nidavellir.

    The book is on a bench next to the second chain you pull.

    Large Society Ground Orb, The Performance

    Large Society Ground Orb, The Performance location in God of War Ragnarok.

    When you first arrive in Nidavellir from the Aurvangar Wetlands, you’ll find a wall of soundstone on the docks to the left. Clear it and you’ll find a Kvasir Poem on a crate ahead.

    We Who Remain, Part the Second

    We Who Remain, Part the Second location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This Kvasir Poem is found on Lyngbakr Island in Svartalfheim. You’ll need to have begun or completed the Weight of Chains favor to explore this island.

    From the northern side of the island, where you remove the shackles of the whale’s second fin, make a right and climb the chain to get to the highest point of the island. Continue forward until you reach the end of this path. Climb up and continue proceeding. At the end of this area, you’ll find the book on the ground next to a dead dwarf.

    Tool and Bang

    Tool and Bang location in God of War Ragnarok.

    Head to the Jarnsmida Pitmines in Svartalfheim by passing through The Applecore, beginning from the Sverd Sands. Once you’ve arrived at the Jarnsmida Pitmines, head to where the Berserker Gravestone is, then take the path on the left.

    Continue onwards until you’re facing a waterway that you can move with your blades. Pull the waterway towards you and a crane carrying a massive block will move. Head to the path on the left to get closer to the block.

    Zip towards the block to get on top of it. Look over to the south. Freeze the waterway by throwing the Leviathan Axe at its tip. The block will then move once more to its former position. Once it settles, zip towards the railway to the south. Keep walking ahead and you’ll find the book at the end of the path, next to a legendary chest.

    Afterlife Abandonment

    Afterlife Abandonment artifact location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This book is in The Strond in Alfheim. Head to the Temple of Light until you reach the area where you encounter a twilight stone for the first time. After crossing the door, head left and jump down. Head left and you’ll find the Kvasir Poem on the ground next to a legendary chest.

    Visions After Rest

    Visions After Rest artifact location in God of War Ragnarok.

    The Visions After Rest poem is found in the Temple of Light in Alfheim. After getting to the area where you zip through two pillars with Tyr’s help to get to another area ahead, continue to the right and up the spiral staircase.

    Once at the top, make a right and zip to the upper ledge. The book is on the ground to the left.

    Spirits Within Walls

    Spirits Within Walls location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This Kvasir Poem is also in the Temple of Light in Alfheim. Progress through the area until you’re in the area where you lower a massive golden turnstile that has a twilight stone on one of its faces. Past this room are two doors. The one on the left has a table with a Kvasir Poem sitting on it.

    Celestial Construct

    Celestial Construct location in God of War Ragnarok.

    You’ll find the Celestial Construct Kvasir Poem in The Barrens in Alfheim. Be sure to complete the Secret of the Sands favor first to clear the storm in the area.

    You’ll find this artifact inside the dragon skeleton located in the northeastern section of The Barrens. Enter from the skull and make your way to the body by zipping to a higher ledge. The artifact is on the ground at the far end of this area, next to a legendary chest.

    Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked on Maps

    Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked on Maps Kvasir Poem location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This next Kvasir Poem can be found in The Southern Wilds in Vanaheim. It’s in the area Freya classified as a former market, where you’ll come across an abundance of exploding poison plants. There’s a breakable ground in this area surrounded by dilapidated buildings. You’ll need to get on top of the building next to it to smash the ground. You’ll find the artifact below.


    Trip Kvasir Poem location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This book is found in The Forbidden Sands in Alfheim. It’s in the building found in the eastern section of the region.

    Eastern Specter

    Eastern Specter location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This Kvasir Poem is in The Sinkholes in Vanaheim. Once you experience the first tremor while exploring The Sinkholes, the Quaking Hollow favor will automatically start. Follow this favor and you will be led to a small arena where you’ll fight a Crag Jaw.

    Defeat this boss, then head to the western wall to find a bramble covering a small gap. Destroy it with the Blades of Chaos to find the gap you can squeeze into. Pass through this gap and continue onwards. After climbing a flight of stairs, you’ll find the artifact on the ground next to a lying body.

    An Organization: In The Future

    An Organization: In The Future Kvasir Poem location in God of War Ragnarok.

    You’ll find this artifact in The Jungle in Vanaheim, a part of The Crater region. Before seeking out the Kvasir Poem, interact with a Celestial Altar and set the time to night.

    You’ll find the book on the ground in the tunnel that leads to The Jungle from The Plains.


    Sanguinity location in God of War Ragnarok.

    You’ll need the Draupnir Spear before you can reach the area where you’ll find this artifact.

    Get to the Sverd Sands in Svartalfheim. You’ll be able to access this area later in the game by taking the cable ferry at the southern section of the Aurvangar Wetlands. Take the elevator in the Sverd Sands to get to The Applecore. Keep pressing on until you spot a wind spout at the end of the path. Throw a spear at it to create a ledge you can use to get to the upper area.

    Continue forward and you’ll find a wall with a golden crack. Throw a spear at it and destroy it. You’ll find the Sanguinity poem on the ground ahead.

    The Dead Do Not Ride

    The Dead Do Not Ride Kvasir Poem location.

    You’ll find this Kvasir Poem in The Oarsmen in Midgard. Once you reach this area, make your way to the wall at the end of the room and climb up. Once you’re back on the surface, continue onwards and interact with the massive chain on the ground. This will create a new path you can take the leads back down.

    Make your way back to the underground section and return to the wall you previously climbed on. This will lead to a separate area where you’ll find the book on the ground.

    Spirit Mementos (Casualties of War)

    Spirit Mementos are artifacts tied to favors known as Casualties of War. Each artifact is split into two parts. Finding the first piece will begin a Casualty of War favor, and finding the second will end it.

    Finding every Casualty of War gives an insight into a conflict that happened in The Crater way back when, which involved Thor and Kratos’ late wife, Faye.

    Casualty of War: The Brooch

    The first half of the brooch is in The Plains. It’s at the center of the region, close to the edge of a cliff or riverbank.

    The first half of the Brooch in God of War Ragnarok.

    The second half of the brooch is in the southeastern section of The Plains, on a cliff overlooking The Sinkholes. There’s an Oath Guard here. You’ll first need to defeat this mini-boss before you can interact with the brooch.

    The second half of the brooch in God of War Ragnarok.

    Casualty of War: The Scroll

    You’ll find the first half of the scroll at the end of a cave located in the northwestern section of The Plains.

    The location of the first half of the scroll in God of War Ragnarok.

    To get to the second half of the scroll, make your way back to the Western Plains Mystic Gateway. Stand to the right of the gateway and look down to see a gold crack behind a pile of rocks. Throw a spear at it, but don’t detonate it yet.

    Turn around and jump back down to the main section of the plains. Head left to see the same pile of rocks and two gold cracks on it. Throw a spear on each crack and detonate all three spears at once. Head inside and you’ll find the scroll ahead.

    The second half of the scroll in God of War Ragnarok.

    Casualty of War: The Stein

    The first half of the stein is in The Jungle, on the dam where you turn a wheel to make the river flow back to The Crater during the Return of the River favor.

    The location of the first half of the Stein in God of War Ragnarok.

    The second half of the stein is in The Plains. You can reach this area by boat. Beware of the dreki in this area.

    The location of the second half of the Stein in God of War Ragnarok.

    Casualty of War: The Hourglass

    To get to the first half of the hourglass, travel to the Sinkholes Entrance Mystic Gateway and zip onto the upper ledge to the right. Continue forward until you’re out in the open. Take the path to the right and interact with the chain to open the path.

    Jump the ledge and continue forward until you’re facing a ruin that has a Seidr totem inside. Hit the totem with the Leviathan Axe to stop the poison. Squeeze inside and you’ll find the artifact on the right.

    The location of the first half of the hourglass in God of War Ragnarok.

    Head to the northern section of The Sinkholes where you pass through a building tunnel and a dragon is at the other end spewing fire at you. Make your way to the end of this path where you’ll throw a spear at a gold crack to block the dragon’s fire. Once done, you’ll be able to interact with the item on the ground, which is the second half of the hourglass.

    The location of the second half of the hourglass.

    Casualty of War: The Toy

    The first half of the toy is the same island where The Jungle Mystic Gateway is. You’ll find the toy and the spirit that begins the quest to the right of the gateway.

    The first half of the toy in God of War Ragnarok.

    The second half of the artifact is on the northeastern island where the two ogres that constantly throw boulders at you are standing. Defeat the ogres and pick up the second half of the toy on the western edge of the island.

    The second half of the toy in God of War Ragnarok.

    Tributes to Freyr

    These artifacts are known as Tributes to Freyr. You’ll find them all around Alfheim.

    Dream Charm

    Dream Charm artifact location in God of War Ragnarok.

    This artifact is located in The Strond. Keep making your way to the Temple of Light. Once you’re in the area outside the temple door where you’ll need to lift a boulder, move forward, and make the first right. You’ll find the Dream Charm artifact on the ground next to a Nornir Chest.


    The location of the Horn artifact in God of War Ragnarok.

    Head to the building in the northern section of The Barrens. You’ll find the Horn in this area, on the ground next to a lore marker.


    The location of the Token artifact in God of War Ragnarok.

    Be sure to complete the Songs of the Sands favor to clear out the storm in the area to make finding this artifact much easier.

    The Token is in the northern section of The Forbidden Sands. Get to the higher platform by zipping to the rock across the platform first, then onto the platform itself after. There’s a narrow gap in the wall in this area. Squeeze through the gap and you’ll find the artifact on the ground ahead next to a rift.


    The location of the Harp artifact in God of War Ragnarok.

    The Harp is in a room you can enter by squeezing through a narrow gap in the southern section of The Barrens.


    The Pipe artifact from God of War Ragnarok.

    The Pipe is found in The Burrows in The Forbidden Sands region. In this area during the Songs of the Sands favor, you’ll free a Hafgufa by clearing the hive matter that’s trapping the creature. Once freed, you’ll exit the area by taking the path on the right. You’ll see this artifact on the ground next to a legendary chest.


    The location of the Bracelet artifact in God of War Ragnarok.

    The Bracelet can be found right at the entrance to the Elven Sanctum in The Forbidden Sands.

    Family Crests

    Family Crests are found in Vanaheim, and reference notable figures that hailed or had momentous events in Vanaheim.

    Hoenir’s Crest

    The location of the Hoenir's Crest artifact.

    The Hoenir’s Crest artifact is in Noatun’s Garden. You’ll find it in the southeastern corner of the area, before a wall you can climb on.

    Odin’s Crest

    The location of the Odin's Crest artifact.

    Travel to the River Delta Mystic Gateway and hop on the boat. Start heading west and keep moving following the river while sticking to the right. You’ll eventually find a waterway under a series of tree roots. Pass through here, make the first left, and dock the boat. You’ll see the artifact on the ground, next to a patch of grass, once you’re on land.

    Skírnir’s Crest

    The location of the Skírnir's Crest artifact.

    This artifact is found near the Freyr’s Camp Mystic Gateway.

    Freya’s Crest

    The location of Freya's Crest.

    Freya’s Crest is located behind the River Delta Mystic Gateway.

    Kvasir’s Crest

    The location of Kvasir's Crest.

    The Kvasir’s Crest is found in The Veiled Passage. After climbing the wall that’s plagued with exploding poison plants, keep following the path until you see the second wooden wall that’s blocking an open cliff. The artifact is behind this wall. There’s a plant that shoots at you above this wooden obstacle, so keep your shield up, or destroy it first by burning the bulb on the path ahead.

    Hylli’s Crest

    The location of Hylli's Crest.

    This crest is found in Vanir Shrine. It’s best to seek out this artifact during the Freya’s Missing Peace favor.

    While passing through this area and completing the favor, you’ll lower a drawbridge by burning a bramble and hitting two chain locks with your axe. Pass through the bridge and continue moving onwards until you pass under two archways. The artifact is on the ground after the second archway.

    Things Left Behind

    These artifacts are found in Svartalfheim and all reference notable dwarves in Norse mythology.

    Hreidmar’s Brassard

    The location of Hreidmar's Brassard shown on the map.

    This artifact is on the island you dock to in the Aurvangar Wetlands to rotate the water wheel that’s blocking the path to Nidavellir. It’s on top of a rock that’s next to a geyser. You can get on top of it by freezing the geyser with the Leviathan Axe.

    Griep’s Firebomb

    Griep's Firebomb location in God of War Ragnarok.

    Crawl through the short passageway next to the shop in Nidavellir. On the other side, make a left and you’ll find a tunnel. Move onwards and get to the lower ground ahead to find the artifact.

    Bari’s Grenade

    The location of Bari's Grenade.

    You can find this in The Forge. After the train ride that leads to this area, continue forward until you see a higher ledge across the exit. Go up, then drop down to the left.  Destroy the wooden obstructions ahead to find the artifact.

    Lofnheid’s Whetstone

    The location of Lofnheid's Whetstone.

    You’ll need the Draupnir Spear to get this artifact.

    You’ll find the Lofnheid’s Whetstone in the Jarnsmida Pitmines. Head to this area by passing through The Applecore from the south. Upon arriving at the pitmines, you’ll arrive at an open area with a Berserker’s Gravestone in the middle. Head to the path left of the gravestone, and jump down to the lower ground to the left before reaching a closed door.

    Move forward and you’ll spot a wind spout below. Throw a spear at it to create a ledge you can hang and swing from. Turn around and jump down on the lower ground to the right. Make a hard right and use the newly attached spear to make your way to the area across.

    Continue forward and go over to the path on the right. You’ll find a hanging rope here you can interact with. Interacting with this rope will have Kratos create a zipline to the area ahead. Once done, make your way to the other side. You’ll find the artifact on the ground to the right, close to the water.

    Althjof’s Statue

    Althjof's Statue location.

    Make your way to The Applecore from the Sverd Sands and keep heading north until you’re back at the main spiral layout of the mine. You’ll come across an area where there’s a pile of rubble blocking a path after a small gap. Make your way to the left and look over at the rubble to find an explosive pot. Throw a weapon at it to clear the rubble.

    Make your way back to where the rubble was and you’ll see a short opening you can crawl through. Head to the upper ledge ahead and take the door to the left. Climb the higher ledge to the left and you’ll find the artifact on the ground.

    Durinn’s Stone Statue

    The location of the Durinn's Stone Statue.

    Get to The Applecore from the Sverd Sands. Keep heading north until you’re in the area where outside the cell you opened during the Quest for Tyr main quest. Head to the north to find a short tunnel you can crawl under.

    Once you’ve surfaced to the other side, continue forward, open the door, then head right. Hug the wall and shimmy your way across. Keep moving forward and you’ll see a soundstone on the ground below. Destroy the soundstone with a Sonic Arrow and you’ll find the artifact.

    Stolen Treasure

    Stolen Treasures are artifacts found in Midgard. These used to be stored in Tyr’s Temple until they got scavenged, and eventually scattered in the Lake of Nine. The Stolen Treasure are relics that reference or belong to other mythologies, such as Egyptian, Mayan, and Greek.


    The location of the Ankh.

    This artifact is in The Oarsmen region. Upon entering the underground cavern in this area, continue forward and climb the wall at the end of the room to make your way back to the surface. Continue onwards until you find a massive chain on the ground. Interact with the chain and you’ll create a new path on the right.

    Go to the new path and head down the stairs. Make a hard right to go under the stairs and you’ll find the artifact on the ground.


    The Kila artifact from God of War Ragnarok.

    You’ll find this on a ruin northeast of Tyr’s Temple. Climb the lone stairs here and you’ll find the artifact on the ground.


    The location of the Janbiya artifact in God of War Ragnarok.

    This artifact is found in a cave under Tyr’s Temple. You’ll find the helmet section of Tyr’s statue northeast of the temple. From the helmet, head south and you’ll see the mouth of the cave covered by icicles. Destroy the ice and head inside to find the artifact.


    The location of the Maya artifact in God of War Ragnarok.

    This artifact is on the ground situated directly under the bridge to Tyr’s Temple.


    The location of the Fert artifact in God of War Ragnarok.

    The Fert is on a floor in the middle of the Helheim Tower, located north of Tyr’s Temple.


    The location of the Lyre artifact.

    The Lyre is in the Derelict Outpost. After zipping to the furthest northwestern end of the outpost, make a hard right and get to the lowest ground. You’ll immediately see the artifact ahead.