Key Takeaway
You need to find two Cobijadas Sisters and then head to the Cobijadas room in the City of Blessed Name to pay 1,500 Tears of Atonement for the ability to fast travel from any Prie Dieu back to the City of Blessed Name.
Using Prie Dieu fast travel in Blasphemous 2 is an efficient way to get around. However, you’ll need to do some exploring to obtain the prerequisites for this ability. On top of that, you’ll need to pay an NPC 1,500 Tears of Atonement.
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What You Need to Do to Unlock Prie Dieu Fast Travel
You must find two Cobijadas Sisters and pay their leader 1,500 Tears of Atonement. Afterward, you can fast-travel at every Prie Dieu. However, when initially unlocked, this ability only lets you fast-travel from any Prie Dieu back to the City of Blessed Name—not between Prie Dieus.

Once you unlock this ability, you can see the option to travel back to the City of Blessed Name anytime you rest at any Prie Dieu.

This feature isn’t unlocked at the beginning of the game because it would be too easy to warp back to the hub area. You need to fully explore the world to find its secrets. As such, you’ll only gain access to Prie Dieu fast travel as a reward for your in-depth adventuring.
Where to Find Two Cobijadas Sisters
Keep your ears open as you venture through this morbid landscape, as Cobijadas sisters can be heard before they can be seen. The Sisters are tucked away in hidden rooms, though you’ll hear their loud whispering if you walk by.
Location of the First Cobijadas Sister
After the boss fight against Great Preceptor Radamés, you’ll be able to go to the right of the boss room. Nearby, there’s a hidden room housing a Cobijadas Sister. You need to hit the left wall below some stairs to find this white-garbed lady. Check out the map image below for the room she’s in—it’s outlined in red.

After you hit the left wall below the stairs, speak to the Sister and she’ll warp to the Cobijadas room in the City of Blessed Name.

Location of the Second Cobijadas Sister
You can find another Cobijadas Sister fairly easily in the Grilles and Ruin area. From the Prie Dieu at the bottom of this region, carefully work your way upwards. Keep going until you reach the room marked with a red circle on the map image below.

At the top of a wooden ladder—next to a doorway that leads to the right and into the next screen—there’s a wall on the left you can hit to reveal a hidden room housing a small Sister in dark gray clothes.

Like the other Cobijadas Sisters, this one warps to the Cobijadas room in the City of Blessed Name after you speak to her.
How to Unlock Fast Travel Between Prie Dieus
Once you find eight Cobijadas Sisters, you can return to the Cobijadas room for a related Prie Dieu upgrade. This time, if you pay 6,000 Tears of Atonement, you can unlock the ability to fast travel between Prie Dieus.

This makes moving between areas far more convenient than seeking out the few teleportation rooms scattered around the world.
The Cobijadas Sisters are just one of many secrets you can find throughout the game. After unlocking Prie Dieu fast travel in Blasphemous 2, look for more handy features. The harder you search for loot, the better your playthrough will be. For example, when you do so, you’ll find Ornate Chalices, which let you increase your max health. Leave no stone unturned, adventurer.