Key Takeaway
In Chapter 2 of FFVII Rebirth, visit Bill’s Chocobo Ranch and track down Piko. Once the bird is found, chat with Billy and participate in an easy race to unlock fast travel.
Visiting settlements, activating Remnawave Towers, and repairing Chocobo Stops will unlock fast travel points. To repair a Chocobo Stop, follow baby Chocobos found in the wild and lift fallen signposts by approaching them and pressing the Triangle button.
Fast travel across regions can be done at certain parts of the story by speaking with specific NPCs. Upon reaching Chapter 12, players can freely fast travel anywhere by speaking with Cid.
The map in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is vast, so running across it to complete quests isn’t good time management—use fast travel instead! Thankfully, the game implements this transportation system which only requires minimal effort from you to establish. Oh, and it involves adorable baby Chocobos.
Table Of Contents
The Basics of Fast Travel in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
As with many open-world games, you’ll need to unlock waypoints before being able to fast travel to particular areas. After all, you can’t hope to spontaneously appear in a place you’ve never visited before. Exploration is key.
In Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, you can both fast-travel within a particular region and to another region entirely. However, the ability to zip around the map at will isn’t immediately available upon starting the game. First, you’ll need to get out of Midgar and begin your journey across Gaia.
How to Unlock Fast Travel
You’ll need to progress through the game’s main story quests to unlock the ability to travel fast in the first place.
During Chapter 2, visit Bill’s Chocobo Ranch to unlock fast travel. Here, you’ll be asked to track down a stubborn Chocobo named Piko. After capturing Piko, speak to Billy to take part in a quick race around the ranch on Chocoback. After crossing the finish line, fast travel will officially be unlocked!
Once you have a specific settlement, Chocobo Stop, or Remnawave Tower unlocked, bring up the map with the Touchpad and select the area’s icon with the X button. If you’re able to fast travel to that location, you can select either Walk or Chocobo.

Choosing Walk will cause you to spawn on foot while selecting Chocobo will ensure you’re already riding your trusty bird once you arrive.

Fast Travel Within a Region
As you venture across the map, you’ll occasionally spot an adorable baby Chocobo. Follow these cute creatures to find a broken-down Chocobo Stop.
On the ground beside each structure, you’ll find a signpost lying on the ground. Approach it and press the Triangle button to prop up the signpost and repair the Chocobo Stop. Repairing Chocobo Stops unlocks them as fast travel points.

Additionally, repairing a Chocobo Stop rewards you with a Golden Plume. These can be spent on Chocobo Cosmetics later in the game.

Fast Traveling to Another Region
Fast traveling across regions is a bit more in-depth and requires more story progression to unlock. Depending on where you are in the story, regional fast travel may be locked for a while. However, starting from Chapter 12, you can fast travel to any region for free with the help of Cid’s airship.

You can’t fast travel to other regions by bringing up the map. Instead, you must speak to specific NPCs found in designated spots around the world. Refer to the table below.
Location | How to Fast Travel |
Grasslands | Speak to the Ranch Hand at Bill's Chocobo Ranch |
Junon | Speak to the Ranch Hand at Gabe's Ranch |
Under Junon | Speak to the Ferry Attendant at the Ferryboat Dock |
Costa Del Sol | Speak to the Ferry Attendant at the Ferryboat Dock |
Corel | Call Cid using the phone at the Corel Airstrip |
Gongaga | Call Cid using the phone at the Gongaga Airstrip |
Cosmo Canyon | Call Cid using the phone at the Cosmo Canyon Airstrip |
Nibel | Call Cid using the phone at the Nibel Airstrip |
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is packed with side-quests and mini-games spread across its enormous map, making fast travel a necessity rather than a bonus. Follow the baby Chocobos when you can, and pro-tip—you can pet them once your work on the Chocobo Stop is done. There’s a lot more to FFVII characters than meets the eye. Who knew Cloud was such a softie?