All the characters in Death Must Die standing around a bonfire.

All Characters in Death Must Die

Unlock them all for a full party!

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

Key Takeaway

There are currently six characters in Death Must Die:

  1. Avoron, the Knight
  2. Merris, the Sorceress
  3. Nixi, the Assassin
  4. Kront, the Barbarian
  5. Skadi, the Warrior
  6. Lorien, the Ranger

In survival games such as Death Must Die, the variety of characters is usually an important selling point for new players. Each comes with different strengths and weaknesses that’ll make them more or less appealing to particular gamers. Choose your favorite and then lay waste to Death’s forces!

Table Of Contents

    All Heroes in Death Must Die (So Far)

    Currently, there are six playable characters—known as Heroes—in Death Must Die. Here are their names, epithets, and when you unlock them:

    1. Avoron, the Knight (the starting Hero who is available upon beginning the game)
    2. Merris, the Sorceress (unlocked after 12 minutes of gameplay)
    3. Nixi, the Assassin (unlocked after 38 minutes of gameplay)
    4. Kront, the Barbarian (unlocked after 1 hour and 16 minutes of gameplay)
    5. Skadi, the Warrior (unlocked after 1 hour and 44 minutes of gameplay)
    6. Lorien, the Ranger (unlocked after 2 hours and 20 minutes of gameplay)
    Keep in mind that Death Must Die is still in early access. As such, more Heroes may be added to the game later.

    Each Hero plays a bit differently, so you’ll need to come up with different strategies to succeed with all of them.

    Avoron, the Knight

    Avoron fighting Skeletons in Death Must Die.

    Avoron is the first character you get in Death Must Die. This stalwart Knight wields a Sword as a weapon and can only equip Heavy armor items.

    Avoron Blessing Slots

    • Attack: 1
    • Dash: 1
    • Strike: 2
    • Cast: 2
    • Power: 4
    • Summon: 1
    • Passive: unlimited

    Tips for Using Avoron

    Since Avoron has so many Power blessing slots, you should focus on acquiring such blessings as soon as possible. Lady Justice is the god with the most Power blessings (she has 4 total), so she would be a great option to help Avoron in most runs. Choose her as one of your four run-gods when playing as Avoron as often as possible.

    With that said, Ninh, Goddess of Earth; Mort, Daughter of Death; and Summer, Goddess of Fire have some decent Powers for Avoron as well. Which you choose depends on the build you’re assembling. On that note, here are some of the best Powers for Avoron:

    • Reprisal (Lady Justice): Whenever an enemy starts attacking you, there is a chance your attacker becomes Smited.
    • Retribution (Lady Justice): Whenever an enemy hits you, it is dealt back a percentage of its own damage in addition to some flat damage. Heal back a percentage of the damage you were dealt.
    • Radiance (Lady Justice): An aura damages enemies around you. The damage an enemy takes increases for every second it stays in the aura.
    • Rock Shield (Ninh, Goddess of Earth): Rocks rotate around you, damaging enemies. If you hit the rocks with your Attack, you shoot them out and they deal additional damage.
    • Fear (Mort, Daughter of Death): An aura damages enemies around you. If they hit you while in the aura, they become Afraid.
    • Flare (Summer, Goddess of Fire): Whenever an enemy starts attacking you, there is a chance you shoot out a firebolt towards them.

    Merris, the Sorceress

    Merris shooting fireballs at enemies.

    Merris is the second of the characters you’ll meet in Death Must Die. The Sorceress uses a Staff as her primary weapon and can only equip Light armor items.

    Merris Blessing Slots

    • Attack: 1
    • Dash: 1
    • Strike: 1
    • Cast: 4
    • Power: 2
    • Summon: 2
    • Passive: unlimited

    Tips for Using Merris

    You’ve got lots of Cast slots with Merris, so gather many of this kind of blessing as soon as you can. Among the various gods, there are plenty of good Casts to be found. However, you want to seek out the Legend-tier Casts from Summer, Goddess of Fire; Lady Justice; and Ninh, Goddess of Earth the most, as they are exceedingly powerful. Here are these three Legend-tier Casts:

    • Inferno (Summer, Goddess of Fire): A wave of fire bursts from you, damaging and scorching everything in its path.
    • Day of Judgment (Lady Justice): All minions of Death are judged unworthy.
    • Quake (Ninh, Goddess of Earth): Cast an earthquake that damages and stuns all enemies.
    Legend-tier blessings can only spawn on top of Master-tier ones. To find Legend-tier blessings more often, equip items to Merris that increase the odds of getting Master and Legend-tier blessings.

    Nixi, the Assassin

    Nixi fighting in the desert.

    The third Hero you’ll meet is Nixi. This deadly Assassin uses a Knife as her main weapon and can only equip Light armor items.

    Nixi Blessing Slots

    • Attack: 1
    • Dash: 1
    • Strike: 5
    • Cast: 1
    • Power: 2
    • Summon: 1
    • Passive: unlimited

    Tips for Using Nixi

    As you can expect, stacking a bunch of Strikes together will massively ramp up Nixi’s DPS (damage per second). There are quite a few great ones; however, those from the gods Krom, God of Conquest; Mort, Daughter of Death; Winter, Goddess of Cold; and Leigong, God of Lightning are often the best for Nixi. Here are our recommendations for Strikes that complement Nixi’s playstyle:

    • Chains of War (Krom, God of Conquest): Your Attack hits have a chance to create a chain that rotates around you for a limited time, damaging, rupturing, and knocking back enemies.
    • Shurikens (Krom, God of Conquest): Your Attack hits shoot out rupturing shurikens.
    • Soulstealers (Mort, Daughter of Death): Your Attack hits have a chance to spawn phantoms. Any enemies they pass through become Cursed and lose a percentage of their current life.
    • Sickles of Mort (Mort, Daughter of Death): Every few Attack hits, shoot out sickles. They deal damage equal to a percentage of your Attack Damage and apply your Attack triggers.
    • Ice Shards (Winter, Goddess of Cold): Your Attack hits have a chance to throw ice shards that deal damage and apply Chilled.
    • Tornadoes (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to create tornadoes that pull in and damage enemies.
    • Chain Lightning (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to cause a chain of lightning.
    • Hurricane (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to create a hurricane that pulls in and damages enemies.
    Hurricane is a Legend-tier blessing. As such, it can spawn on Master-tier ones—but only if you have a chance to find Legend-tier blessings.

    Kront, the Barbarian

    Kront fighting skeletons in Death Must Die.

    Next up of the playable characters in Death Must Die is the formidable Kront—a legend on the battlefield. This fearsome Barbarian uses an Axe to shred his foes asunder and can only equip Heavy armor items.

    Kront Blessing Slots

    • Attack: 1
    • Dash: 1
    • Strike: 4
    • Cast: 1
    • Power: 3
    • Summon: 1
    • Passive: unlimited

    Tips for Using Kront

    Thanks to having quite a lot of Strike and Power slots, Kront is pretty versatile. This makes him easy to use and gives him tons of build potential. To make the best use of Kront, gather lots of Strikes and Powers early on in your run. For Strike, try to get those from Krom, God of Conquest; Mort, Daughter of Death; Leigong, God of Lightning; and Ninh, Goddess of Earth. Here are our recommended Strikes for Kront:

    • Chains of War (Krom, God of Conquest): Your Attack hits have a chance to create a chain that rotates around you for a limited time, damaging, rupturing, and knocking back enemies.
    • Shurikens (Krom, God of Conquest): Your Attack hits shoot out rupturing shurikens.
    • Sickles of Mort (Mort, Daughter of Death): Every few Attack hits, shoot out sickles. They deal damage equal to a percentage of your Attack Damage and apply your Attack triggers.
    • Tornadoes (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to create tornadoes that pull in and damage enemies.
    • Chain Lightning (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to cause a chain of lightning.
    • Hurricane (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to create a hurricane that pulls in and damages enemies
    • Earth Spike (Ninh, Goddess of Earth): Every few Attack hits, create an earth spike that damages and stuns enemies.

    As for ideal Powers Kront can use effectively, look at those provided by Summer, Goddess of Fire; Mort, Daughter of Death; Lady Justice; and Ninh, Goddess of Earth. We suggest using some of the following:

    • Reprisal (Lady Justice): Whenever an enemy starts attacking you, there is a chance your attacker becomes Smited.
    • Retribution (Lady Justice): Whenever an enemy hits you, it is dealt back a percentage of its own damage in addition to some flat damage. Heal back a percentage of the damage you were dealt.
    • Radiance (Lady Justice): An aura damages enemies around you. The damage an enemy takes increases for every second it stays in the aura.
    • Rock Shield (Ninh, Goddess of Earth): Rocks rotate around you, damaging enemies. If you hit the rocks with your Attack, you shoot them out and they deal additional damage.
    • Fear (Mort, Daughter of Death): An aura damages enemies around you. If they hit you while in the aura, they become Afraid.
    • Flare (Summer, Goddess of Fire): Whenever an enemy starts attacking you, there is a chance you shoot out a firebolt towards them.

    Skadi, the Warrior

    Skadi fighting enemies in the desert.

    Once you’ve played for a while, you’ll get the last of the melee characters in Death Must Die: Skadi. The unpredictable Warrior swings a Greatsword in battle and can only equip Medium armor items.

    Skadi Blessing Slots

    • Attack: 1
    • Dash: 1
    • Strike: 2
    • Cast: 2
    • Power: 2
    • Summon: 3
    • Passive: unlimited

    Tips for Using Skadi

    As a result of having at least two slots for most types of blessings, Skadi is arguably the most versatile character in the game. What’s more, her three Summon slots let you bring lots of allies into battle! Getting good Summon blessings early on is a great way to improve your chances of success with Skadi. Although any of the available Summons can be great choices (depending on your build), we recommend looking for the Legend-tier ones from Summer, Goddess of Fire, and Winter, Goddess of Cold, the most. Here they are:

    • Fire Dragon (Summer, Goddess of Fire): The red dragon fights alongside you, Burning enemies with its breath.
    • Frost Dragon (Winter, Goddess of Cold): The blue dragon fights alongside you, Chilling enemies with its breath.

    Furthermore, the Summoner Cast from Time goes nicely with a Summon-themed build:

    • The Summoner (Time): On cooldown, the damage of your summons increases permanently.

    Lorien, the Ranger

    Lorien shooting arrows at enemies.

    Last but not least is the second (and final) of the ranged characters in Death Must Die—Lorien. The Ranger uses a Bow to shoot down every foe and can only equip Light armor items.

    Lorien Blessing Slots

    • Attack: 1
    • Dash: 1
    • Strike: 3
    • Cast: 3
    • Power: 2
    • Summon: 1
    • Passive: unlimited

    Tips for Using Lorien

    Balancing your focus between Strikes and Casts is a good idea when using Lorien. Since his arrows naturally pierce through enemies, stacking Strikes and Casts that take advantage of this is ideal for any Lorien build. Specifically, Strikes from Krom, God of Conquest; Mort, Daughter of Death; Winter, Goddess of Cold; Leigong, God of Lightning; and Time are viable. Here are the best for Lorien out of the aforementioned:

    • Shurikens (Krom, God of Conquest): Your Attack hits shoot out rupturing shurikens.
    • Soulstealers (Mort, Daughter of Death): Your Attack hits have a chance to spawn phantoms. Any enemies they pass through become Cursed and lose a percentage of their current life.
    • Ice Shards (Winter, Goddess of Cold): Your Attack hits have a chance to throw ice shards that deal damage and apply Chilled.
    • Tornadoes (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to create tornadoes that pull in and damage enemies.
    • Chain Lightning (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to cause a chain of lightning.
    • Hurricane (Leigong, God of Lightning): Your Attack hits have a chance to create a hurricane that pulls in and damages enemies.
    • Energy Missiles (Time): Your Attack hits have a chance to shoot out aiming missiles that damage enemies.

    As for Casts, those from Mort, Daughter of Death, and Leigong, God of Lightning, are the most ideal. Here are the top two picks:

    • Black Serpents (Mort, Daughter of Death): Cast black serpents that damage enemies, resolve Cursed, and reapply it.
    • Lightning Orbs (Leigong, God of Lightning): Cast lightning orbs at random that explode when you attack them or after a limited duration.

    Now that you’ve got more insight on how to use the different characters in Death Must Die, you’re sure to give the Grim Reaper a run for his money! To further stack the odds in your favor, try increasing your Luck stat for better chance-based odds. Even the most renowned battlefield veterans need a bit of luck once in a while.

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