In Elden Ring, a Remembrance is something demigod or legend bosses drop after you beat them. You can turn these Remembrances into an exorbitant amount of Runes or exchange them for a weapon or spell.
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How to Use a Remembrance in Elden Ring
The weapon or spell you get from a Remembrance is familiar to the boss you get it from. You may get the weapon the boss wields or a spell they use against you during their boss battle. You can head to Enia at the Roundtable Hold to exchange a Remembrance for a certain weapon or spell.
Take note that Remembrances hold two items. However, a Remembrance can only be exchanged once. If you want to get the two items the Remembrance offers, you’ll need to find a Walking Mausoleum to duplicate it.
There are 15 Remembrances in Elden Ring, but only seven Walking Mausoleums exist. Be sure to pick which Remembrance you want to duplicate. Otherwise, you can simply jump to New Game Plus and obtain a boss’ Remembrance again to obtain their other item.
Remembrance of the Regal Ancestor

The Remembrance dropped by the Regal Ancestor in Nokron, Eternal City. The following are items you can exchange this Remembrance for.
- Winged Greathorn – The Winged Greathorn is a greataxe fashioned from the horn of the Regal Ancestor. Its Ash of War, the Soul Stifler, summons dark specters around the user which lowers the defense of enemies within the area of effect.
- Ancestral Spirit’s Horn – This item is a talisman that restores 3 FP each time you defeat an enemy. Pure mage builds can benefit from this talisman.
It can also be used to gain 30,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Naturalborn

The Remembrance dropped by Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. This is a boss you can fight by interacting with the coffin at the crest of the scarlet rot waterfall in the Grand Cloister. You can trade this for either an Ash of War or a Flail weapon.
- Waves of Darkness – This Ash of War creates three pulsing AOE waves around the player as they plunge their weapon into the ground, similar to the pulsing AOE attack done by Astel.
- Bastard’s Stars – This Flail’s most impressive function is its Ash of War: Nebula. When performed, it spews specks of dark stars across the player before exploding. This is also similar to the attack done by Astel.
When used instead of trading it with Enia, it grants 40,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Lichdragon

This Remembrance is dropped by Lichdragon Fortissax, an enemy you can fight after entering Godwyn’s dream during Fia’s quest line in Deeproot Depths. You have the option to obtain one of two incantation spells from this Remembrance.
- Fortissax’s Lightning Spear – This incantation creates a lighting AOE attack surrounding the player after the caster takes two lightning spears and thrust them to the ground one after the other.
- Death Lightning – This incantation summons streaks of lightning to strike around the caster which also inflicts death blight. After striking the ground, the lightning leaves death blight smoke for a few seconds.
This Remembrance can be used to gain 30,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Fire Giant

The Remembrance of the Fire Giant can provide you with a very distinct-looking whip weapon or a fire incantation that can burn multiple surrounding enemies at once.
- Giant’s Red Braid – A whip fashioned from a giant’s hair. This is a fairly decent weapon that scales with Strength and Faith. Its Ash of War, the Flame Dance, covers the whip in fire as you swing it around you to damage surrounding enemies.
- Burn, O Flame! – The Burn, O Flame! incantation summons pillars of fire around you as you put both hands on the ground. The AOE is massive, making it perfect for dealing with multiple enemies at once.
If used instead of traded, the Remembrance of the Fire Giant will grant you 30,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Grafted

This is the Remembrance dropped by Godrick the Grafted. These are the items you can obtain from this Remembrance.
- Axe of Godrick – A Greataxe that comes with the I Command Thee, Kneel! Ash of War. The weapon is the same axe Godrick uses and the Ash of War is the attack he does that shatters the ground around him.
- Grafted Dragon – The Grafted Dragon is a Fist weapon — the same fist weapon variation Godrick uses during the second phase of his fight. Its Ash of War, Bear Witness!, spews a volley of flames across the player.
You can also use the Remembrance to obtain 20,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen

The Remembrance you get after defeating Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon. With this Remembrance, you can either obtain her sorcery scepter or a sorcery spell. Of course, you can obtain both if you duplicate this Remembrance.
- Rennala’s Full Moon – This sorcery spell is the same one Rennala uses when she encases herself into a small moon before hurling it towards the player. The spell requires a high 70 Intelligence, which means it can only be used if you dedicate your points to Intelligence, creating a sorcery mage build. Dedicating that many points to Intelligence for this spell can be worthwhile given how much damage this can do.
- Carian Regal Scepter – The scepter of the Queen of the Full Moon. It has a 60-Intelligence requirement. Like the spell mentioned previously, this is only useful for Intelligence builds. However, it isn’t the most powerful scepter in the game, which means you’re better off obtaining the spell over this scepter.
The Remembrance of the Full Moon Queen can also be used to gain 20,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Blasphemous

This is the Remembrance dropped by Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy. It can offer a sorcery spell or a greatsword.
- Rykard’s Rancor – This sorcery spell summons fiery skulls that follow enemies and continuously explode after a short delay. This is similar to the skulls Rykard summons during the second phase of his fight.
- Blasphemous Blade – The weapon Rykard uses during the second phase of the boss fight. It restores 4% of your HP + 40 whenever you defeat an enemy. Its Ash of War, the Taker’s Flames, also heals 10% of your HP + 150 when landing a hit.
When used, the Remembrance grants 50,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Starscourge

This is the Remembrance of Starscourge Radahn. Those who are planning to cosplay as this great demigod can do so much more accurately by obtaining the two weapons this Remembrance can provide.
- Starscourge Greatsword – This is the greatsword Radahn wields during the boss fight with him. Its most unique feature is that two-handing the weapon will instead have you dual-wield the two greatswords, giving you two swords for one weapon.
- Lion Greatbow – The same greatbow Radahn wields. Its Ash of War, the Radahn’s Rain, is the same aerial AOE attack Radahn uses during the run-up phase of the fight.
Alternatively, the Remembrance can be used to gain 40,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Omen King

You obtain the Remembrance of the Omen King after defeating Morgott in Leyndell. Morgott’s Remembrance is the only one in the game that can offer a tool instead of a weapon, spell, or talisman.
- Morgott’s Cursed Sword – This is the curved greatsword wielded by Morgott during the fight. Its Ash of War is similar to the forward-dash attack Morgott does where he follows it up with a slash that leaves a trail of exploding flames. The weapon also deals blood loss, making it perfect for those who prefer weapons that bleed enemies.
- Regal Omen Bairn – This tool, when used, summons wraiths that chase enemies. This item consumes 50 FP whenever used.
The Remembrance can provide 30,000 Runes when used instead of traded.
Remembrance of the Blood Lord

The Remembrance dropped by Mohg, Lord of Blood in Mohgwyn Palace. Here are the items you can get from this Remembrance.
- Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear – This is the same spear Mohg uses during the fight. Its Ash of War is the Bloodboon Ritual. It is similar to the “Nihil!” attack Mogh does during the boss fight. However, instead of healing you, explosions of blood happen whenever the spear pierces the Formless Mother. It will also coat the weapon with Bloodflame for a few seconds afterward.
- Bloodboon – The Bloodboon incantation is the same spell Mohg uses when he trusts the Formless Mother above and spews bloodflame across.
This Remembrance can instead be used to obtain 30,000 Runes
Remembrance of the Rot Goddess

The Remembrance of the Rot Goddess is dropped by Malenia, Blade of Miquella in Miquella’s Haligtree. The following are the items that you can obtain for trading this Remembrance.
- Hand of Malenia – This is the katana Malenia uses. Its most notable feature is its Ash of War, the Waterfowl Dance. This is the same infamous move Malenia does during the fight where she hovers in the air for a few seconds before slashing down at you for what seems like forever.
- Scarlet Aeonia – This is a scarlet rot incantation. It’s the same attack she does at the beginning of the second phase.
The Remembrance of the Rot Goddess can give 50,000 Runes when used.
Remembrance of the Black Blade

This is the Remembrance you obtain after defeating Maliketh the Black Blade. With this Remembrance, you can either obtain Maliketh’s weapon or his most prominent skill.
- Maliketh’s Black Blade – The very same awesome-looking black blade Maliketh uses. This colossal sword weapon scales with Strength and Faith and comes with the Destined Death Ash of War. This is the same attack Maliketh uses when he thrusts his sword to the ground and summons streaks of black and red blades around him. When hitting an enemy, their total HP will be momentarily reduced.
- Black Blade – This is a powerful incantation that’s the same as Maliketh’s attacks when he twirls around in the air and hurls shockwaves at you. The difference with this incantation is that you can only do two succeeding attacks.
You can use this Remembrance instead to obtain 30,000 Runes.
Remembrance of Hourah Loux

This is the Remembrance you get after defeating Godfrey, First Elden Lord or Hoarah Loux, Warrior in his second phase. The following are the items you can get from this Remembrance.
- Axe of Godfrey – This is the same colossal weapon Godfrey uses. Aside from being capable of dealing an immense amount of damage, its Ash of War, the Regal Roar, is also very powerful. This Ash of War is the same move Godfrey does when he winds up before powerfully stomping his right leg, sending a shockwave around him. This Ash of War can then be chained into a strong-attack combo.
- Hourah Loux’s Earthshaker – This is Ash of War has you slam the ground two times in a row, shaking the ground around you while dealing huge damage.
The Remembrance of Hoarah Loux can also be used to obtain 30,000 Runes.
Remembrance of the Dragonlord

The Remembrance of the Dragonlord is dropped by Dragonlord Placidusax, a boss you can fight in a hidden area in Crumbling Farum Azula. The Remembrance can grant you either a heavy thrusting sword or a powerful incantation.
- Dragon King’s Cragblade – The Dragon King’s Cragblade is an impressive heavy thrusting sword that scales with Dexterity. The most impressive aspect of the weapon is the Ash of War that comes with it. The Thundercloud Form transforms the caster into a small thundercloud while dashing through the air before plunging towards an enemy. This attack is similar to when Dragonlord Placidusax turns into a thundercloud as he flies overhead around you.
- Placidusax’s Ruin – This is a dragon incantation that momentarily transforms your head into that of the Dragonlord’s as you spew golden fire to your enemies.
You can gain 30,000 Runes by using this Remembrance.
Elden Remembrance

This is the Remembrance you get for defeating the final boss in the game, the Elden Beast. This Remembrance can grant you one of two fairly decent Faith-based weapons.
- Marika’s Hammer – The same hammer Radagon uses. Not only can this weapon be decent in PvP and PvE combat, but it’s also very interesting to use the very same hammer that shattered the Elden Ring in the game. Its Ash of War is the same attack Radagon does when he hovers in the air for a few seconds before dashing towards you while slashing his hammer.
- Sacred Relic Sword – A smaller version of the same sword the Elden Beast uses against you. Its Ash of War sends golden waves that burst from the ground that travels forward. This is great for dealing with waves of enemies at once.
When used instead of traded, this Remembrance grants 50,000 Runes.