The player using the Ruego Al Alba's dropdown attack to get through brown flesh walls in blasphemous 2.

Blasphemous 2: How to Get Through Brown Flesh Walls

Cleave through the rotten flesh with a jagged blade.

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Reyadh is a writer of fantasy, horror, and science fiction who loves to play video games full of monsters and magic. When he's not scribing unique and unrelenting speculative fiction or slaying demons in virtual worlds, he is writing strategy guides to help others reach their gaming goals.

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Marshall is a seasoned writer and gaming enthusiast based in Tokyo. He's a prolific wordsmith with hundreds of articles featured on top-tier sites like Business Insider, How-To Geek, PCWorld, and Zapier. His writing has reached a massive audience with over 70 million readers!

Key Takeaway

You need to use the dropdown attack of the Ruego Al Alba from a sufficient height to break through brown flesh walls in Blasphemous 2. You can find Ruego Al Alba in the Crown of Towers area if you didn’t pick it as your starting weapon.

To get through brown flesh walls in Blasphemous 2, you’ll need the help of one of the starting weapons. However, since you can only get one of them at a time, you may need to explore the Crown of Towers first to get the needed weapon.

Table Of Contents

    What You Need to Get Through Brown Flesh Walls

    You need the Ruego Al Alba sword to break through brown flesh walls in Blasphemous 2. No other weapon lets you break through the brown flesh walls. As such, if you pick Ruego Al Alba as your starting weapon, you’ll be able to pass by these obstacles right away.

    A player wielding the Ruego Al Alba sword in Blasphemous 2.

    You need to equip Ruego Al Alba and perform a dropdown attack from a sufficient height to break brown flesh walls. To do this, you need to get as high into the air as possible and then hold down on the control stick (or d-pad) while pressing the attack button.

    If done correctly, you’ll hit the ground with enough force to send out rending red waves that cut through brown flesh walls. Say goodbye to these nuisances!

    A tutorial message in Blasphemous 2 that tells the player to use down and the square button to perform a dropdown attack while the Ruego Al Alba sword is equipped. This lets players get through brown flesh walls.

    The Uses of Brown Flesh Walls

    Unlike other obstacles that require you to use a specific weapon to get by them—like bells covered in faces and mirror statues—brown flesh walls have no alternative usage. They’re obstacles that impede your progress and nothing more. On top of being walls, these fleshy barricades can also be floors. Thankfully, once destroyed, they don’t come back.

    Where to Find Ruego Al Alba

    If you didn’t pick Ruego Al Alba as your starting weapon, you can find it later on in the Crown of Tower area. From the second Prie Dieu along the bottom of this region, head to the right. A few screens later, you’ll come across a green statue where the Ruego Al Alba is embedded. Interact with the statue to get the sword.

    After pulling this blade from its statue sheath, you’ll get a few short tutorial messages about how to wield it. Once that’s done, you’re free to explore and brandish Ruego Al Alba as you see fit. On the map image below, we’ve outlined the room where you’ll find Ruego Al Alba with a red circle.

    The map location where the player can find the Ruego Al Alba sword marked with a red circle.

    You can switch weapons at any time. To do so, use L1 on a PS5 controller, L on a Nintendo Switch controller, Left Bumper on an Xbox controller, and the Q key if playing on a PC.

    Ruego Al Alba is great for fighting enemies as well as clearing through brown flesh walls. It’s the most balanced out of the three weapons in the game. In regards to attack speed, range, and power, it’s the middle-ground choice. As such, it’s a great tool to have in your arsenal when confronting bosses such as Orospina, Lady Embroiderer and Great Preceptor Radamés.

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