Key Takeaway
There are eight Quick Verse Prayers in Blasphemous 2. Here’s how to get all of them:
- You can buy Galera of the Living Briar from Medardo and Escolástico for 3,000 Tears of Atonement
- You’ll find Bleeding Miracle in a chest in the bottom-right section of the Grilles and Ruin area
- To get Martinete of Forge and Thunder, you’ll need to explore the bottom-right area of the Mother of Mothers
- You can buy Bleeding Crown from the Forlorn Patio shop for 6,000 Tears of Atonement
- Liviana of the Blighted Blades is found in a chest at the bottom of the Crown of Towers
- To find Serrana of the Kindled Hearth, you need to loot the chest in the leftmost room within the Labyrinth of Tides
- Rosa of the Three Stars is found in a chest towards the bottom-right of the Sacred Entombments
- Zejel of the Cruelest Thorn can only be obtained if you complete Yerma’s questline
All Quick Verse Prayers in Blasphemous 2 can be useful depending on the situation. While you’ll definitely develop some favoritism amongst them, you’ll only truly learn of each’s true potential by obtaining them and unleashing them in battle.
Table Of Contents
Galera of the Living Briar
You can buy Galera of the Living Briar from Medardo and Escolástico for 3,000 Tears of Atonement. This merchant duo is found in the right half of the City of Blessed Name.

Since this Quick Verse Prayer is the first one you can obtain in the game, we recommend grabbing it early and making use of it while you search for the others.
Galera of the Living Briar’s Effects
Galera of the Living Briar shoots a bolt of lightning in front of you in a straight line. It can go through enemies, so if there’s a bunch of foes running up to you in a tight pack, this is a great Quick Verse Prayer to unleash and thin the herd.
Bleeding Miracle
You’ll find Bleeding Miracle in a chest in the bottom-right section of the Grilles and Ruin area. However, there’s a timed gate connected to a saint statue that’s blocking the way to this chest. You need to trigger the saint statue and then race to the chest before the gate closes in order to get this Quick Verse Prayer.
On the map image below, we’ve drawn a red arrow to show you where to find the chest holding Bleeding Miracle. We’ve also marked the saint statue you need to activate with a green dot.

We recommend dashing along the ground to cover more distance quickly. On top of that, preemptively clearing out the enemies between the saint statue and the chest helps you get from point A to point B with fewer issues.

Bleeding Miracle’s Effects
You can think of this Prayer as a boomerang made of blood. When you use it, you shoot a spinning disk of blood that does mystical damage. It’s also worth noting that the disk returns if it doesn’t collide with a wall.
On top of that, it goes through enemies, so you can clear out crowds of weak foes with this one swiftly. Out of all the Quick Verse Prayers in Blasphemous 2, this one arguably has the most potential for damaging enemies.
Martinete of Forge and Thunder
To get Martinete of Forge and Thunder, you’ll need to explore the bottom-right area of the Mother of Mothers. From the Prie Dieu at the top of this zone, go all the way to the right and descend as far as to can. In the lowest room on the right side of this location, you’ll find a wall-jumping puzzle. You need to be able to climb metal walls to access this Quick Verse Prayer.
We’ve shown the way there with a red arrow on the map image below.

To reach the chest containing Martinete of Forge and Thunder, you’ll need to wall jump to the upper right side of this tall chamber.

Martinete of Forge and Thunder’s Effects
Fans of the Castlevania franchise may find this Quick Verse Prayer familiar, as it greatly resembles the Axe sub-weapon that frequently appeared in the older titles of this series.
When you use Martinete of Forge and Thunder, you toss an electrified mace in an arcing pattern. While a bit difficult to aim, this Prayer is handy for taking out foes who are below you. Keep in mind that—like most Quick Verse Prayers—the projectile disappears if it hits a wall.
Bleeding Crown
You can buy Bleeding Crown from the Forlorn Patio shop for 6,000 Tears of Atonement. To reach the Forlorn Patio shop, you need to make your way through the Streets of Wakes.
Start from the Streets of Wakes’ only Prie Dieu, go up three floors, and then travel left until you reach a tall room. To reach the tall room on the far left of the Streets of Wakes, you’ll need the ability that lets you double jump.
Once you reach the tall room on the left, drop down to the bottom and then go left into the next screen. On the map image below, we’ve marked the way here with a red arrow.

After speaking to the depressed and imprisoned shopkeeper, you’ll find the Bleeding Crown Prayer in his inventory.

Bleeding Crown’s Effects
Think of this Quick Verse Prayer as the ground-based version of Bleeding Miracle. When you use Bleeding Crown, you launch a disk of blood along the floor that moves forward a bit before disappearing. Sadly, it does not return, but it does explode after reaching its farthest point of travel. Explosions are always nice.
The disk does mystical damage, and can also be launched from the air. When used from the air, the disk heads downward in a diagonal line before acting like it usually does.
Liviana of the Blighted Blades
Liviana of the Blighted Blades is found in a chest at the bottom of the Crown of Towers. To reach the chest, you need Veredicto and the ability to double jump. The chest is locked away beneath a blue floor that can only be opened by ringing the bell above it. However, the bell is pretty high—thus the need to double jump.
This spot is close to the bottom-right Prie Dieu in the Crown of Towers. From this Prie Dieu, travel up and to the left to reach the chest’s location in less than a minute (if you ignore the enemies along the way). Check out the red arrow on the map image below for the directions.

After picking up this Quick Verse Prayer, you’ll probably recognize it. This same Prayer was used against you in the boss fight of this area: the one against Lesmes & Infanta.

Liviana of the Blight Blades’ Effects
When you use this Prayer, you launch three miasma arrows below yourself and three more above. After being launched, the miasma arrows rush toward nearby enemies—regardless of where they are or what direction you’re facing. The homing on this Prayer is pretty handy if you’re going up against agile adversaries.
While each individual arrow doesn’t do much damage, they take out a decent amount of enemy health when stacked.
Serrana of the Kindled Hearth
To find Serrana of the Kindled Hearth, you need to loot the chest in the leftmost room within the Labyrinth of Tides. With that said, this is another treasure locked behind a timed gate. At the right side of the room to the right of the one holding the chest, there’s a saint statue.
You need to trigger it and then rush leftward while using Sarmiento & Centella to teleport to the left via the mirror statues. On the map image below, we’ve drawn a red arrow showing the path you need to take.

After you dash under the closing wall, you’re free to pick up the first of two fiery Quick Verse Prayers.

Serrana of the Kindled Hearth’s Effects
You can hold down the Prayer button to continuously spray flames in front of you. The longer you hold the Prayer button down, the more Fervour you’ll consume. Although Serrana of the Kindled Hearth can drain your Fervour bar quickly, it can take out foes even faster.
The range is short, but it arguably does the most damage in the least amount of time out of all Quick Verse Prayers. You can’t move while using this Prayer; however, that can be a good thing. If you’re using this Prayer on the ground, you’ll be rooted to the spot—which makes you vulnerable.
Conversely, if you use it in the air, you’ll stay floating for as long as you hold down the Prayer button. This can let you hover above dangerous effects on the floor or maintain high damage output against a foe that’s in the air.
Rosa of the Three Stars
Rosa of the Three Stars is found in a chest towards the bottom-right of the Sacred Entombments. To reach it, you’ll need Ruego Al Alba to destroy a brown flesh wall, Veredicto to ascend some bell-spawned temporary platforms, and the ability to double jump to get some air.
From the bottom-rightmost Prie Dieu in the Sacred Entombments, go left into the next screen, smack the bell with Veredicto, and then climb the temporary platforms until you can leap rightward and into the room above.
In this room, you’ll see a chest beyond a brown flesh wall. Use the nearby ledge to double jump high enough to use Ruego Al Alba’s dropdown attack. This’ll cleave through the brown flesh wall and grant you access to the chest containing Rosa of the Three Stars.
For a bit of help finding this chest, check out the red arrow on the map image below.

Once you pick up this Prayer, feel free to test it out on the annoying flying foes or the pesky exploding mummies that populate this zone.

Rosa of the Three Stars’ Effects
When used, Rosa of the Three Stars shoots three large fireballs in the direction you’re facing. While the triplet projectiles are large, they have a short range. Furthermore, their damage isn’t that great considering the minimal distance they travel.
If you want fire damage via Prayers, you’re better off using Serrana of the Kindled Hearth, as it has about the same range and can deal way more damage. In fact, out of all the Quick Verse Prayers in Blasphemous 2, Rosa of the Three Stars arguably does the least amount of damage.
Zejel of the Cruelest Thorn
Zejel of the Cruelest Thorn can only be obtained if you complete Yerma’s questline. To do so, get the Holy Oil of Everlasting Anointment from the bottom of the Elevated Temples. You need to be able to use yellow sparkles to reach it.
Here’s a map image with a red arrow showing the way from the leftmost Prie Dieu in the Elevated Temples to the spot where you find the Holy Oil.

After you obtain the Holy Oil, give it to Yerma in front of the boss room in the Two Moons area. Here’s a red circle on the map image below where you can do just that.

All you have to do after that is beat Svsona, Fermosa Fembra (the boss of the Two Moons), and Yerma will give you Zejel of the Cruelest Thorn.

Zejel of the Cruelest Thorn’s Effects
Zejel of the Cruelest Thorn creates a ring of miasma projectiles that spin around you when you hold down the Prayer button. Like with Serrana of the Kindled Hearth, if you use this Prayer while in the air, you’ll float for as long as you’re using it.
What’s more, Zejel of the Cruelest Thorn breaks most incoming projectiles and knocks back smaller enemies. This makes it a pretty good defensive Prayer.
The Best Quick Verse Prayers in Blasphemous 2
Out of all the Quick Verse Prayers in Blasphemous 2, we think Bleeding Miracle is the best. It has potentially the highest damage output because it doubles back along its initial path. This means it hits things in front of you twice.
On top of that, there’s a sweet spot that results in crazy amounts of damage. If you hit an enemy with Bleeding Miracle at exactly this Prayer’s maximum range, the damage hitbox triggers multiple times. This can let Bleeding Miracle one-shot weaker enemies and deal tons of damage to bigger and slower foes.
In a close second place, we also really like Serrana of the Kindled Hearth. Due to being able to hold down the Prayer button to unleash tons of flames, you can burn through the health of enemies very quickly. The added bonus of being able to float in the air and do same the leads to some niche but still helpful tactics against particular foes.
Regarding all the Quick Verse Prayers in Blasphemous 2: most are pretty good and worth getting. To make the best use of them, you’ll want to increase your max Fervour as much as possible. Furthermore, to enhance their damage, make sure to stack the Resonance called Cierzo’s Favour. Once you buff your blue bar and Prayer damage, you’ll be able to decimate anything in your path. How’s that for a “miracle build?”