Key Takeaway
Here’s where to find all Empty Receptacles in Blasphemous 2:
- The first is found in the combat challenge room within Profundo Lamento that’s directly below the Prie Dieu in the City of Blessed Name
- The second is found in a secluded tower up and to the right of the first Prie Dieu in the Elevated Temples
- The third is obtained after completing the third combat trial of the dying woman in the Streets of Wakes
- The fourth is found in the combat challenge room down and to the right of the upper Prie Dieu in the Severed Tower
To find all Empty Receptacles in Blasphemous 2, you’ll need to venture far and wide. Thankfully, there are only four of these items. However, you’ll need them all to max out your number of Bile Flasks—six in total, since you start the game with two.
Table Of Contents
Location of Empty Receptacle #1
This one can be found very early in your playthrough. Head down into Profundo Lamento and loop around in a clockwise manner until you’re almost back at the surface. Check out the map image below, where we’ve drawn a red arrow from the Prie Dieu in the City of Blessed Name to the room where Empty Receptacle #1 is waiting.

With that said, grabbing this receptacle isn’t as easy as snatching it off the ground. The chamber within which it’s located is a combat challenge room. After you pick up the reddish challenge orb, you’ll be locked in the room and must face a few waves of early-game foes. Afterward, you’ll get Empty Receptacle #1.

Location of Empty Receptacle #2
Unfortunately, it’ll take you a while before you can get the next Empty Receptacle in Blasphemous 2. For this one, you’ll need to reach the Elevated Temples—which is only possible after you beat the first three major bosses in the game: Great Preceptor Radamés; Orospisna, Lady Embroiderer; and Lesmes & Infanta.
Once you make it to the first Prie Dieu in the Elevated Temples, Empty Receptacle #2 is close by. From the Prie Dieu room, go right into the beginning of a large open area. Then climb the ladder until you get into the peak of a secluded tower. At the top of this tower, you’ll find the receptacle that you need.
For some added help, we’ve outlined the path we took on the map image below with a red arrow.

There are enemies along the way, plus, you’ll have to cross some gaps with the help of a few mirror statues. As such, this route isn’t free from danger—although it thankfully lacks combat challenge rooms.

Location of Empty Receptacle #3
In your quest to obtain all Empty Receptacles in Blasphemous 2, you’ll need to face some serious combat trials for the third one. In the bottom-right corner of the Streets of Wakes, there is a room that leads you to an area where you must complete fierce battles to get rewards.
However, to access each of the five combat trials here, you need to find a dying woman’s five daughters scattered throughout the world. Despite this, you only need to find the first three daughters to access the combat trial that gets you Empty Receptacle #3.
On the map image below, we’ve outlined the room where you can complete these combat trials in the Streets of Wakes with a red circle.

The third trial features even more enemies than the first two. Regardless of the difficulty, it’s worth it for this reward.

Location of Empty Receptacle #4
Like with the first and third ones, getting Empty Receptacle #4 requires you to face a deadly combat challenge. To find this last Empty Receptacle, head down from the upper Prie Dieu in the Severed Tower and then go right once you enter the large square room. The combat challenge chamber you’re looking for is to the upper right.
Take a look at the map image below that we’ve marked with a red arrow to show you the way.

Within the combat challenge room, you’ll face many fire-spewing enemies. As such, be sure to equip Rosary Beads that grant resistance to fire damage—you’ll need it.

After you get an Empty Receptacle, remember to head to the Blood Upgrade room to increase your number of Bile Flasks. Don’t wait to do so, as having more healing items on hand can save you from a game over. If you’re ever in danger, don’t hesitate to chug down some bile!